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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sunday report:   Greetings Schmoosters and thank you for your kind words for Kitty Sitter and Eskimo.


The photo you saw was taken the day Eskimo died. With extra love and attention from the Kitty Sitter, Eskimo is improving. Our experience with cats who come together is that is takes a while, just as with a human, to rebound. It's not just the loss of routine, but the loss of the bonded "sibling."


We had a very nice Thanksgiving, the three of us, with some unusually warm weather and Frankie at her front window.  Her cries to us at night recently suggest her hyperT is ramping up and she likely has high BP. Then, last night, I discovered a fur-covered lump to the side of her nose on her white fur and just above her whiskers. It's perfectly round. This has scared the you-know-what out of us. I have not touched it.


So I've sent a text to her Most Excellent Vet with a photo about these developments. He has very reduced hours in this waning time of his career at this location, so I won't even know if he's available. These matters can't wait, so we have to fly on our own with someone else, which fills us with dread.


Still, I wanted to share with you a Frankie "Christmas Montage," taken the other day. In the first photo, can you see someone hiding under the tree? In the second, closeup, I think if you look closely in the shows, you know who the Houdini is:


Frankie under tree 2022 leg peekaboo SZD.jpg


Frankie under tree 2022 SZD.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0



Hugs and prayers to you all.🎄🐾❤️

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1 Love the pictures.  I am so happy you have your tree up and had a nice Thanksgiving.  I know that lump is scaring you and DH, I pray most excellant vet will see the message and picture quickly.  Continued prayers my friend.


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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


I'm glad you, DH & Sweet Frankie enjoyed your Thanksgiving.  I hope both you & DH are feeling better & DH feels tiny steps of improvement.


Love & hugs go out to Kitty Sitter & her precious Eskimo.  They remain in my prayers.


Your Christmas tree looks lovely.  I do see your Angel Frankie in both photos.  She's your perfect Christmas present & I hope you have many more to share.  My hope is Frankie's Most Excellent Vet will see your email.  My prayers are always with your family.  


Sweet Frankie, you've got us quite concerned.  I'm sending you prayers & (((comfort hugs))) that you feel okay.  Tonight, I wish you calmness, peace & pleasant dreams.  Heart

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Tuesday report:  Hello all Schmoosters!


Yesterday was a bear forgive me for not replying about Frankie's facial lump.


Her most excellent vet texted me within an hour. I couldn't get a great photo of it for him, but he didn't seem concerned yet. He told us to bump her prednisolone and use an Rx ointment on it.  It looks roughly the same, maybe a little flatter but broader. When I went to put the ointment on it, it's diameter seems bigger than I originally thought.  I will let him know all of this. Of course, DH and I are very nervous.


But she has consented to photos, and here she is wriggling in happiness at the touch of her beloved Daddy. We take comfort where we can find it, with whom we can find it and when we can find it:


Frankie and Daddy November 22 comfort SZD.jpg





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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1 & DH,

Sweet Frankie's photo today is definitely a Keeper!  She loves the attention from her adoring Daddy.  Looks like today was a great day for her.  I truly hope her lump is nothing serious.  


Are both you & DH making strides in your recoveries?  


I'm sending you all Blessings & (((comfort hugs.)))  May the sun shine on you for warmth, light & for Frankie to enjoy her critter friends with.  


Sweet Frankie:  I wish you pleasant & calm dreams tonight & feel both your Mom & Dad's love for you.   Heart

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Wednesday report: Hello Schmoosters.

Sorry about no paragraph breaks. The system is messed up and won't permit them.

Frankie's a little low, and taken to hiding under our bed. This is sometimes a fear thing or a greatly ill thing. Yet she is eating fine, all systems go in litter box, etc.

It might be her heart. Her most excellent vet countermanded his uptick in her prednisolone for the face bump to see if she'd calm. By late last night, it did. This morning she was her normal vibrant self. But by 10 a.m., looking sickly and going back under the bed. Her temp is butting up against a fever line but this afternoon, she went to my closet and set up shop on my wedding dress (we call it her bridal hideaway.)

So we're taking her in on Saturday. I can't tell if something metabolic is going on, and it's best her vet look at her.

In the meantime, I thought you'd enjoy this photo essay on the power of a Frankie perturbed by cardinal ornaments on the Christmas tree.

In the first photo, you can see what they look like as I set them up. In the second photo, the result of Frankie going up to one, slapping until it fell askew, then leaving the poor thing laying there.

In the Kingdom of Frankie, they're just flying rodents, after all:

Frankie cardinal upright SZD.jpg

Frankie cardinal askew SZD.jpg

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sweet Frankie:

Wishing you the best of luck for Saturday's Vet visit. I pray you get well soon. My love & prayers are with you always.

PS: looks like you tortured that poor cardinal. Those birds are so pretty, maybe be a bit gentler with them. Cat Wink

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Thursday report: Greetings to all Schmoosters!

I apologize for not having paragraph breaks. QVC IT techs are having

We're coming to you from a beautiful sunny day in Schmooville, but our Frankie is struggling.

After we noticed that she only peed once early yesterday morning and she rooted herself under the bed, we rushed her to the vet--and her Most Excellent Vet happened to be there, despite his reduced hours as he transitions from the practice.

No fever, eating, pooping, but only wants to lay flat and petting or brushing along the flanks is problematic. Blood in the urine. DId a quickie ultrasound as their digital X-ray machine is broken and they can't get a tech there. Found no evidence of cancer or other problems in bladder. He gave her antibiotic shot, her adequan shot for arthritis, instructed we up her pain medicine, etc., and she improved last night and early this morning.

But like clockwork, she went under the bed at 9 am after DH tried to brush her! Argh!

The vet theorizes that she might have cystitis and/or spine problems, and we may have to go to a monoclonal antibody just OK'd for pain management. We take her back Saturday for a re-check. On a positive note, he doesn't think the facial lump is a problem. He didn't want to attempt to aspirate it because it's so close to her eye.

This is making DH tense up (me too) and it's creating more pain in his back. We love her so very, very much.

I wanted to post a lovely pic of her taken before these current troubles, but I keep getting a broken link--so I promise to post it as soon as this technical glitch is resolved!

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sending Frankie get-well wishes...will be looking forward to a photo of her perhaps staring-down the cardinal in the Christmas tree, scaling the tree's trunk, or just relaxing! At least today's sunshine should have brightened her spirits. Hoping for a good report on Saturday!
