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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Thank you for your kind wishes for my sister.  Hopefully, we'll find out more today.


You've been through quite an ordeal with your health so it's understandable the stress & nervousness you experience.  I probably would also; I know I have my moments.  Please keep up the good fight .. I wish you the best going forward SOON .. this will be behind you & you'll feel more positive looking forward to a beautiful, bright sunny day to enjoy.  



My 2 kitty sisters send your kitties many meows & hugs.  They say thank you for thinking of them. 

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@sceniccoast - hoping your sister is feeling better and the doctors have figured out what is causing the fluid retention.


Love, TrafficDiva

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Good morning @TrafficDiva 

Thank you for your kind wishes for my sister.  As of yesterday afternoon, the lower part of her legs (ankle to knee) is thinner but the upper (knee to thigh) area is still full of fluid.  She's feeling much better as she's not medicated as much as she was in rehab.  The hospital feels rehab over medicated her.  Her speech is much clearer.  They're "hoping" to be able to release her tomorrow.  We shall see.  She doesn't want to go home if she's not healed & just end up back in the hospital.


Thanks again & enjoy the rest of your weekend.  

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sunday report:   Greetings to all Schmoosters on this muggy but sunny day.


Many of us seem to be dealing with medical issues of some sort. Prayers for all who need a big boost:  @sceniccoast, her sister and the kitty sisters. @TrafficDiva and her family. @Tissyanne and her continued recovery from surgery.


Update on DH:  a little worse than we thought. His degenerative cervical disc disease means he must have levels C3, C4, C5, C6 and C7 fused but also have the vertebrae hollowed out to give the spinal cord some breathing room. The surgeon will determine whether C1 and C2 need to have this treatment too when he gets in there. There are only 7 levels so DH needs the whole shooting match taken care of--we were hoping that a few could be spared.


He will lose a lot of ability to lift his head up and down but left to right will be fine. They'll go in from the back so that he doesn't end up with a lot of swallowing difficulty. Recovery is long:  8 to 12 weeks. It's going to be pretty painful for about 2 of those. This surgery is extremely delicate; a lot can go wrong. But a lot can go very right for DH,too, and this surgeon is one of the best in the country.


In all of that, he's most worried about the strain on me and our dear Frankie.  There will be bumps along the way, but we can do it. We're "Frankie Strong" as @TrafficDiva says, and as @Shop Till you Drop also says, "our Precious One (Schmoo) is with us." This, and we have no choice. It must be done.


Frankie's a veteran of the tough. Although sometimes you just need to snooze with Daddy and stick your tongue out at the world:


Frankie upside down tongue SD.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Thank you very much for the "big boost" in prayers.  Our family appreciates it.


Thanks also for the update on your DH's health condition.  I'm sending you & your family my best wishes & prayers that all goes well for your DH's surgery.  May his doctor's "super expertise" work miracles for his delicate surgery.  My heart breaks for all you're going through as a family.  I do understand your DH's concern for you & Sweet Frankie as well.  You know we're here if you need us (at least I'll try to be.)


Sweet Frankie:  I see your tiny pink tongue in your photo .. just wondering whom it's meant for?  You're just too adorable at times.  With your Loving Dad's upcoming surgery, I'm sure you'll be a comfort to him if you stay close by.  He'll feel your love as he's healing.  And, for your Loving Mom, reaching out to her with your kitty licks will let her know you care & love her.  


My 2 kitty sisters seem to be going through an unusual quiet day for them both.  I feel like they both sense each other's health concerns.


Heart  Blessings & loads of (((comfort hugs))) being sent to the Sammy, DH & Sweet Frankie Family.  Heart



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

@Sammycat1 ,


Thank you for your well wishes on my recovery from surgery.  


I read your update on the surgery Mr. Sammycat is facing. I believe that the three of you can get through this, and come out stronger than ever once you push through to the other side. I understand it is a long, and tedious process.  


I so wish I could be there to help in any way, but just know you all will be in my thoughts and prayers, and more thoughts, and positive healing vibes. 


It looks like Frankie ladybug will have an important role in the support of her precious family. Love will carry you through.  





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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Me, and my family can do hard things.


Frankie upside down tongue SD.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

I support my family, and I love deeply.


Frankie on bed sized.jpg



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@sceniccoast Continued prayers for your sister

@TrafficDiva My  thoughts are with you and your family. take good care

@Tissyanne Hope you had a nice weeked, we got a huge thunderstorm last night, much needed..

@Sammycat1 thanks for updating us on DH.  What a battle he has coming, but he has a strong cheering section praying him to better days.

And as always, our Precious One is right with each of you, forever and always.

Have a good week friends, warm hugs to each of you..

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Prayers for this upcoming surgery for DH! My goodness the Schmoosters have been dealing with a lot! The ladies and fur babies on this thread are Schmoo Strong and Frankie strong. You will get through this! Like @Tissyanne I wish I was there to help! But we are with you in spirit and we hold you in prayer Sammycat, Mr Sammycat and Miss Frankie!