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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@grandkidsrgreat wrote:

I vote #1. But ... they are all good and I can't wait to get a copy of this marvelous kitty's story. My kitty Scooter is going in for a dental cleaning on Friday. He has some health issues and will be getting blood work before the procedure but I'm very anxious and would appreciate prayers / good thoughts for him. Thank you!



I am lifting your Scooter up in prayer. Please let us know how he does. 


i am so glad to see you here. i hope you are well. 

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Happy Tuesday Friends, hope everyone is doing ok...Sammy check, is everything going A-ok on your end?  

Have a good week friends.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@grandkidsrgreat Hope Scooter is doing well. Take good care.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Tuesday report:   Greetings Schmoosters!


I'm under the weather after my second Covid vaccine, which I got early yesterday morning.  I feel like a really big elephant is sitting on me, plus I have three enlarged lymph nodes on my neck/collarbone on the side of the body where I got the shot. So Frankie is taking care of her mama.


I'll be back here with a report before you know it.  In the meantime, @grandkidsrgreat, prayers for your beloved kitty Scooter. All will be well, I just have a great feeling.  HeartSmiley Happy

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


I'm sorry to learn you're having these side effect from the shot.  I hope you recover soon.  I'm sure you're in good hands with both your DH & Sweet Frankie waiting on you.  Please update us when you feel up to it. 

Maybe a nice hot lemon tea with a tad of honey in it will help.  Good luck & I'll say a prayer for you.  I hope you're able to get some nap time in along with a good nights sleep. 


Sweet Frankie:  looks like you'll be doing double-duty for now .. please assist your loving Dad to help care for you loving Mom.  Be sure to give your Mom loads of licks & talk with her to keep her company.  Sweet & calm dreams tonight Sweet Little Angel Girl.  Heart



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1 Sweet Sammy, I pray you feel better quickly.  I didnt do real well with my first one last week.  Took me  until Sunday to feel myself after getting it on Wednesday.  Im kinda dreading the second one. Get some good love from that sweet baby, that might help a little bit.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Wednesday report:  Greetings from the Schmoo medical ward!


Frankie is taking excellent care of her Mom. Last night, the muscle aches kicked in, with fevers, sweats and lymph nodes making me look like Quasimodo.  @Shop Till you Drop, I only had a slightly sore arm after shot #1, so maybe you're done!


@grandkidsrgreat  We're still sending bucketloads of prayers and positive wishes to Scooter for this Friday.


No new photos to share, so I'll pass along this one from Frankie's "youth" with us. She was 3 then, 8 now--all grown up:


Frankie burgundy carpet fort SZD.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


You've really been going thru h*ll.  I hope you get over these side effects soon.  I "know" you're being pampered with your doting DH & Sweet Frankie.  My prayers will continue for your wellness.


Sweet Frankie, thanks so much for being such a loving girl to your Mom.  I knew you would be.  You have a heart of gold.   I hope you all have a restful, peaceful day.  Get plenty of sleep.  Wishing you sweet dreams tonight Little Angel Girl.  Heart  My 2 girls & I are sending you loads of (((hugs))).


We're expecting temperature drops, rain today & rain/snow tomorrow.  How's the weather in your neck of the woods?

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Thursday report:  Greetings to Schmoosters from a sunny day filled with puffy white cloud perfection!


@grandkidsrgreat  We're thinking of you and Scooter.  Please update us as soon as you're able tomorrow with a report! 


Frankie is a little alarmed at my personal appearance, so today she demands I wash my hair and do a bit of grooming (after all, she does so herself and she's in worse shape then me).


My doctor says the super-enlarged lymph nodes right above my collarbone on the same side where I got the injection are a normal reaction. They look like h*ll but will gradually reduce. I hope so!  This hunchback look is not a good one!


Frankie, however, is all perfection. Please enjoy another throwback photo of her as my camera hands are not steady enough just yet for an artistic composition of her:


Frankie heart blankie SZD.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0