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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Monday report:   Frankie and I did some heavy lifting in the home office today--paying bills.  She, of course, pays nothing--but that's as it should be, no?


@Shop Till you Dropthanks for your update on your beloved Mom and that sparklin' spa boy, Joey.  I bet he's strutting his stuff today!  I know how badly you miss Jake; it's an ache that never ebbs. Next week it will be 5 months since Fay Wray left us, and I still believe I see her peeking around the bend. Yesterday marked one year that I lost my Mom; it still has not hit me that I'll never hear that musical lilt to her voice again.


I thought to perk up spirits you'd all like to see some personality beginning to emerge from one of the Kitty Sitter's new cats, Pooh Bear, and what he thought about office-type work on the West Coast. 


He made a statement like all her prior kitties--he went into the Pirate Ship, and when a kitty of hers went into the Pirate Ship, everyone else knew to steer clear:


Pooh Bear pirate ship SZD.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammycat, that "pirate ship" pose is adorable, I keep expecting to see Pooh Bear's brother pouncing on his toes as they stick out the "porthole"!  So glad Kitty Sitter has these boys to love and restore to health and happiness!  Also glad to see Frankie getting back her moxie, that's fabulous news.


Shop, I am thrilled to hear your Mom is still doing okay, she is in my prayers every single day!

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Thank you sweet Camille,  Your prayers are felt.  Many days are quiet rough for her, but now and then ones comes around that feels like our old normal and boy do we relish in those.

Sammy, what an awesome picture, thank you for sharing.  I know you heart aches with the loss you have felt..hugs dear friend.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Tuesday report:  Hello, Schmoosters!


Today I was cleaning up some folders and I came across this photo of Fay Wray guarding some of the kitties' Christmas presents.  Oh, how our kitties and puppies love to jump in, around, under and up Christmas trees and holiday decor.


At first, this photo snapped my heart in half, then I was able to smile.  With us, she at last got to experience the joy of Christmas for several years. And she'll be with us again in spirit, always and always, ready to unwrap those goodies:


Fay Wray under tree SZD.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1 wrote:

Tuesday report:  Hello, Schmoosters!


Today I was cleaning up some folders and I came across this photo of Fay Wray guarding some of the kitties' Christmas presents.  Oh, how our kitties and puppies love to jump in, around, under and up Christmas trees and holiday decor.


At first, this photo snapped my heart in half, then I was able to smile.  With us, she at last got to experience the joy of Christmas for several years. And she'll be with us again in spirit, always and always, ready to unwrap those goodies:


Fay Wray under tree SZD.jpg precious.  The last picture I ever took of Jasmine was taken 4 days before Christmas last year, sitting on top of a gift I was trying to wrap.  She thought she was helping.  Actually she was trying to get closer to the tape, she was obsessed with scotch tape and we had to hide it from her, she always wanted to eat it.   It is now my cover photo on my phone.  This will be our first Christmas without her.  I miss her so much.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Checking in with my Schmoo family to say I love looking at the precious pictures, and reading all of the beloved stories/thoughts. 


The holidays are so near. I wish everyone here a blessed season. 




You are a darling ladybug. Heart



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Tissyanne  Here is Tripp for you! I'm having problems posting pictures since the Apple update! Turn your head sideways maybe.....Any way hope you are well dear friend! 

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Hello Dearest Frankie,


Sweet baby, I'm thinking of you.  I'm hoping during this gloomy weather, that you're still feeling well & that you're all cuddled up, snuggily (sp?) warm  Cat Happy


Baby Girl, I wish you a happy & pleasant rest of your week.  Remember to give your Mom & Dad lots of love.   

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Thursday report:  Greetings to all as the holiday season is upon us!  Keep those photos and pet stories coming--it lifts all our spirits.  Heart  Today's report will be about color and our pets, which I'm writing about currently in the Schmoo book...after the personal messages below.


@TissyanneFrankie thanks you for the ladybug graphic and sentiments.  It suits her elegant but stinkpot-like nature at once.


@newtoallthisOMG I melted the second I saw those pics of Tessa and Tripp. I can't get enough of those two.


@Shop Till you DropI admire you enormously for the way you live in the moment with your mother.  You have uncommon strength.


@ScenicMaineFrankie sends smooches to you, and tells you that through medication and snoozing in sun patches and on heating pads, she's as comfortable as possible. 


@rustysmomyour posts are wise and I take every word to heart.


@lynne6was7I feel your heartbreak over the loss of your dearest Kitters.  Please feel our love for your peace and comfort in return. (Schmoosters, see her separate post in the pet forum if you haven't).


@grandkidsrgreat @slh and and all those who deliver hearts to this threaad, thank you.  It's good to know you read and are with us.


Now, back to color and our pets. Schmoo had many features that drew our posters over the years.  One was his speckled nosy, a favorite of @Tissyanne.

Another, his pale green eyes and his champagne-colored fur. 


Still another: his pink "jelly bean" toes, which delighted our beloved long-time poster Beauty Junkie.  They had a fleshy hue tinged with just enough pink–the pink of a young girl’s blushing cheeks. When he had a fever, they’d deepen to almost red.


Once he came down with double-sided heart failure, the perfect pink that made those paw pads impossibly cute signaled a level playing field in his health–as level as he could get–and it applied not just to his feet. When it faded to a grayish, white cast in toes, ears and gums, they warned us: his heart was beginning to struggle beyond every medication and every care we could employ. And that’s the thing about medical science. When an organ or system in the body wants to fail, it fails.


When his heart pounded so fast, so hard in his chest that I could see it beating through his fur, the toes and ears and gums blanched to almost no color at all his then his gums and tongue then morphed to a blue--a condition called cyanosis, a severe lack of oxygen in the blood. Meaning he had slid to the edge of death and we had only moments to get him help.


Big and muscular and strong and fast, Schmoo was a bruiser of a cat--but those delicate, pink parts of him spoke loudly about how truly strong and healthy he was at a given moment.  Pale pink in a boy cat--a contrast of color that made all the difference.  Who knew:


Schmoo April 19 2014 Blessing 2.jpg