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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Prayers for beauty junkie and others who are in the path of Hurricane Matthew.  We pray for their safety and well being, hoping they were able to evacuate to a safe location.  If not we pray for their safety wherever they are.

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Praying for safety from the hurricane that is making landfall. Beauty, I am glad you were spared a direct hit from the storm. Shop, it is such a relief that Joey is doing better than what you had feared. I am sorry that your Mom is having difficulty. Sammycat, seeing the picture sure does bring memories back. I am very happy that the kitties are doing better. beastie, please keep us updated on beauty. Thank you.
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sunday report:  With all the craziness in the headlines and challenges everyone is facing, I think it's time for a smile.


So here is Frankie feeling her royal oats by sprawling out on my king-size pillow.  Let's call her "Lady of the Manor."  The judges give her a "10" for the symmetry of her front paws:


Schmoo Frankie lady.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammycat1 wrote:

Sunday report:  With all the craziness in the headlines and challenges everyone is facing, I think it's time for a smile.


So here is Frankie feeling her royal oats by sprawling out on my king-size pillow.  Let's call her "Lady of the Manor."  The judges give her a "10" for the symmetry of her front paws:


Schmoo Frankie lady.jpg



I agree with the judges...the symmetry of Frankie's paws is absolute purr-fection! Cat Very Happy


Wishing everyone a very peaceful and blessed day.


((((((HeartGROUP HUGHeart))))))



All of my children have paws =^..^=

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Hi everyone and again I thank you all for the prayers and well wishes. We truly were very lucky where we live as we are close to the coast,closer then I thought.Not eveyrone was as lucky and I hope all those that lost power and have damage will be ok.Pictures I have seen on FB are pretty horrible.I was really terrified and i have been in FT Ld for over 30 years but this storm could have been another Andrew which wiped out Miami and Homestead in 92.

Sammycat the picture of Frankie on your pilllow is just one of the sweetest things I have seen in a while and she looks liek a pirncess and her paws are utter perfectiona nd thie US judge gives her 10 across the board. I hope Fay Wray will soon be joining her on on your DH's pillow,lol.

Hope everyone is feeling ok and prayers for all of the Schmoo Clan.  I see my DR this tuesday to see what I have to do about my liver and pancreas issues,hope its just medications and diet.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Monday report:  After having 90-degree-plus temps for most of the summer, it finally cooled down here ... and the cats were not too happy about our ill-preparedness for it.


Last night it dipped into the low 40s and we did not have the heat on.  Fay Wray and Frankie let us know about our shortcomings in this department by insisting on bunking with us.  Here, we thought they were just in a snuggly mood, until DH discovered the low temperature reading and put two and two together.


"Time to bring out the blankies" they tried to tell us:


Schmoo brrrr.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Hi Dear Friends, Sammy that picture of Frankie is just wonderful, what a true beauty.  BJ-I am so glad you have made your way through the storm, what a horrible storm that proved to be.  The J's seem to be feeling pretty good.  We changed a medicine for jake and his terrible itchy skin seems to be a little better.  We will check the growth on Joey later this week, it seems to be about the same to me .  Mom made it through both rounds of chemo, praise the Lord!  She is weak and not feeling very good, but she will have a quick blood count check at the hospital this Friday and praying her counts will look a bit better.  I thank each of you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers, we need each and everyone.  Have a Blessed Day Dear Friends..((Hugs))

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammycat, this picture is adorable. How it warms my heart to know that this sweet kitty has been given the love of a wonderful family and home. How proud Mr. Schmoo must be. His spirit lives on. Heart



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Wednesday report:  Greetings, Schmoosters!


I saw one of the saddest sights we could see when I came home today.  I was running a little late because of a commitment on the battlefield, and DH had to stop for gas in the car and a few items.  As a result, we were 10 minutes late.


To make this make sense, if you end up with cats with chronic illnesses and/or those who have come from extreme hoarding situations, you learn quickly that you need to provide as much structure as possible -- or they become afraid.


Anyway, I arrived home first.  Frankie ran up to me, panicked and meowing (she only meows once a day or so).  I told her:  "Come with Mommy to the kitchen right away, and I'll get you a treat, then Daddy will be home any minute and we'll all have supper."  They get soft food twice a day but dry food is always available.


She was so panicked at the fact that I was late that when I turned around to give her the treats, she was standing up on her hind legs with her front legs in a begging position -- and I realized that must have happened to her and Fay Wray, that they often had to beg for their supper in that hoarder's house.  Tears welled up in my eyes as I gave her the treats and I pet her.


And then I reassured her as I have all our pets:  "You'll never be alone again, ever --- and we will love you higher than the sky and higher, always and always:"


Schmoo beyond measure.jpg

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Posts: 21,265
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Your post re. Frankie brought tears to my eyes.  We never know what these rescue/adopted cats had to  endure in their former lives.  Some may never get the food they need if indeed they had to compete with many other cats who too are so hungry.  Ten minutes made a huge difference to Frankie.  Sad, but oh so true.  ((((Hugs)))) to Frankie and Fay Wray.


Update on Faith:  Faith has settled in to a daily routine after two weeks.  SC informed us this morning that as soon as Faith hears her stir in the morning she begins to meow and knows she'll be fed first thing.  So, this morning SC got up,  went to the kitchen, got her food out of the refrigerator, heated it for a few seconds, and sat it down so Faith could eat.  So, when Faith didn't immediately come to the dish SC got worried.  She heard a faint meow and checked the variety of spots Faith favors.  Not finding her she finally thought to check the refrigerator and there she was sitting by the can of food.  Lesson learned, not by Faith but by SC.


Faith is such a pretty little kitten.  She is growing but is still so very small.  We all know she'll grow into a beautiful cat with all the TLC she deserves.  We think  she was only about a month old when found.


"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~