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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Oh my goodness Sammycat,Frankie has such sweet jelly beans and this picture came at such a good time. I haven' been feeling too well and waiting for an ultra sound and praying I don't need abdominal surgery.I pray everyday and sometimes more then once for Frankie and Fay Wray and hope so badly they can get healthy enough to enjoy a wonderful life with you and your DH. You guys are so good with those with specail needs so I'm moving in,lol.

Tissyanne you're are such an angel for helping those babies. Its a good feeling knowing you have saved a life,very rewarding and I believe we will see all these pets again in Heaven where they will rememeber what we have done for them.

Shop I was wondering how your Mom is doing with her treatment?

brb how is Tessa doing? I hope all the kitty's are doing well.

beastie Goldie said to thank you for the kiss I gave her from you where she then swatted me,lol.


We do not remember days,we remember moments.
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Schmoo Frankie bed 1.jpg


Schmoo Frankie bed 2.jpg


Monday Morning Greetings


Wishing everyone a very pleasant and peaceful day and that it marks the beginning of an equally pleasant and peaceful week that brings all of you many joy filled occaisions and good health.Cat Happy


Sending more special healing prayers to DH,Beauty Junkie,and to all of the other members of this glorious Clan who are also in need.


Sending more special prayers to all of be precious furbabies who are still in need.


((((((((HeartGROUP HUGHeart))))))))



All of my children have paws =^..^=

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammy, Those sweet Jelly Bean toes were just about too cute.  Hope everyone had a good weekend.

BJ- I am so sorry you are not feeling well.  I pray this week you can find some comfort and relief.  Update on Mom.  She went to have bloodwork to check on how things were going two weeks after chemo and her blood work was not great.  She is in the drain as they call it when your white blood counts drops to rock bottom after chemo, so that is where she is at.  She is feeling a little better, but with that news about her blood, she is not pretty much stuck at home away from germs.  They will chekc it again on Oct. 6th to see if any improvements have happened, if not, chemo will be delayed.

((hugs dear friends))

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Shop - I don't post often but read frequently. Just want you to know that you and your sweet Mom and many others here who struggle are in my thoughts and prayers.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Tuesday report:  Greetings, Schmoosters -- glad you liked the close-up of Frankie's jelly bean toes.


Today's post is for our dear ShopTillYouDrop, whose Mom is struggling with chemo and its effects.


When we adopted Frankie and Fay Wray, we had to refresh our supply of kitty items. We had the usual things, but I retired the cat beds and baby blankets from Schmoo, his nail clippers, his special brush, etc.  So we needed a new cat bed.


It didn't dawn on me until later that just being in a home would be overwhelming for these two, who had lived in squalor at the hoarder's house for years then spent 2 years in a shelter cage together.  Everything was dazzling -- and suspicious -- to them in our house.


So no one went into the cat bed for almost 5 months.  Until this past weekend, when we discovered Fay Wray, our kitty with MRSA, in it, sleeping away. 


Just when things look down or forlorn, an unexpected positive surprise may come your way:


Schmoo Fay Wray bed 1.jpg



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Hi everyone. Shop I am so sorry things are not going great for your Mom but she is a trooper and heck of a fighter like our Schmoo. I hope and pray that she feels better and there is better news on her next appointment. Thanks for even thinking of me and my issues and beastie thanks for your prayers too.

Sammycat this picture and post brought me to happy tears.How wonderful that Fay Wray has finally felt comfortable enought to explore and her face says it all,I'm loved.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Hi Dear Friends, Thanks for the well wishes for Mom. I have a bit of a summer cold, so yesterday when I stopped by her house not only did she mask up, but I did too, just wanted double protection of any wayward germ..haha we looked kinda silly, but we do what we have to do.

Sammy, what a precious picture of the first sleeping kitty in the new bed, warms my heart..

Have a Blessed day dear Friends, Hugs to each of you.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Shop, I am praying that your Mom will receive a better blood report in October. I hope both of you are able to enjoy the fall months just around the corner. Smiley Happy


Sammycat, this picture makes my heart happy. This little one now knows love, and the wonderful softness of her personal bed. Bless her heart. 





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bi helloRe: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Hello ladies, I wanted to update you on Tessa. She is thriving! Last issue is still the ringworm. She goes back in two weeks for another "spa" day aka dip. That will make three! I believe her weight was1.64! LOL  She is a fierce little lady! I don't think I told you but she is a solid gray with golden eyes.


My sad news is that Mrs T and Tyson disappereared. I had just put the live trap out to begin to get them used to it being around. My plan was to trap her, spay her and keep her. Same plan for Tyson. Remember I said he left when she brought the kittens? He never came back. I was never able to touch Mrs T, so someone getting her was out of the question. I could touch Tyson but barely and only if I had food. They were not at the shelter. It has been three weeks. I thought at first that she was in heat again and was out on the town. She would have never left her babies. I've grieved and cried for my porch kitties. I loved them too.


The five kittens hid for almost two days after their momma disappeared. I thought at first she had moved them. One by one they came out to me. There was an orange one with the bluest eyes, a beautiful calico, a tortie that reminds me of Fay Wray, two black and whites. They were very terrified of me at first, but with their Mom gone they began to trust me. They were so sweet. I wish I could have kept them all.

I took them yesterday to my vet's animal clinic. I am sponsoring them so they will place them in caring, loving homes. I sobbed like a baby when I left them.

They work very closely with the Almost Home program and the local animal shelter. They will not be put down.

They are fat and healthy and beautiful. I miss them terribly...I cried every single day over them. I did my very best for them, but I wish it could have been more.  I mourn the loss of Mrs T and Tyson....


Trey  still comes every morning and every evening. The live trap was set and baited with food. He sat at the door and yowled for food. He would not go near it.  I don't know that I will ever be able to move him in, but I will do my best.


Shop, prayers for your Mom, Sammycat, Prayers for Mr. Sammycat and the girls and you, Tissyanne, Beauty, beastie, brb, May God bless each of you with health.


I hope I didn't leave anyone out. If I did forgive me. I read this everyday and pray for you. Love New


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Thursday report:  Good evening, Schmoosters!  @newtoallthis, you have done remarkable work with your kitties, from Tessa to the kittens to all them all:  no one could have done more.  Even though it hurts when they stop coming around, or to let those kittens go and have potential forever homes, your diligence touched each and everyone ... and for the better, forever.


Frankie and Fay Wray continue to struggle.  I had a frank and detailed discussion with their Supervet, but don't have the energy to write it down...I will in the coming days.  It appears we are marching up and over mountains again -- not nearly as tall as the Schmoo's, but substantial nonetheless.


Tomorrow morning DH finally gets his procedure for the multiple injections for his cervical disc degenerative disease, so I'll have my hands full.  I appreciate any prayers you can add for him; he's in terrible pain and beginning to lose function in one arm because of this.


No matter what's in front of us, we have only 3 choices:  stand still, retreat or barrel through.  Sometimes there is wisdom in all 3 at the right time, but I do sense that many of now are in the "barrel through" category.

We have special expertise at that:


Schmoo ornament 1.jpg