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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Hi everyone. Love the picture and the saying regarding cats. I treat mine like  royalty and I simply cherish my babies.

Shop I hope the news was good today and that your Mom feels better. My hubby hasn't started yet,still need his coumadin to be better.

brb I am hoping that you are oding ok,your;e always in my prayers.

Tissyanne so glad your Sugarbear is doing better.I agree about wishing to turn back time,Cookie will be 12 this year and I can hardly believe it. 

Sammycat  hope you're doing better.I wish I could have my back fixed as its really bad but with my health they said it wouldn't be successful. I have some really bad days and today was one of them but like MrSchmoo always did,I bit the bullet and made myself get off the heating bad and enjoy our refreshing cool weather here in  FL. 

Keeping the entire Schmoo Clan in my prayers and hope Kitty SItter is doing ok. Tell here we all care and if she ever feels like chatting she should stop by here.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

BRBinTX-Lifting you in prayer Dear Friend.  We all hope you are doing well!

Mom's WBC jumped an astounding amount which is why she is feeling so bad right now.  Oncologist made sure to remind us, this is normal when starting a new treatment and that the counts and symptoms should calm down soon enough.  Dont know why, but I have a feeling this treatment is going to be too strong for her body to handle, but we will put it in God's hands and her team of Dr's.  Give it another week and re-check.  

Have a good day Friends..

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Wednesday report:  Beauty Junkie, my back is slowly turning the corner.  The doc said to give it 6 weeks on the PT exercises, and I'm in the middle of week 2 -- so I'm optimistic.  Now:  my ankles are killing me!  I think the shock wave of this surgery will pretty much hit the whole body before it's done -- just as the doctor said it would -- and it will take the full year to do so.


ShopTillYouDrop, I hope and pray that your mother's reaction is as the doctor says, just due to the treatment beginning.  She's a strong lady and I admire her tenacity enormously.


To all my fellow mid-Atlantic Schmoosters:  get your supplies and hunker down for this storm that's coming.  I fear for the outdoor animals enormously, especially when the winds hit with the snow.  We keep a sharp eye out for any in danger.

By the way, the Kitty Sitter today went back to volunteer at the shelter where she first met Chubby.  She said to me, "He'd want me to go back -- because if I had not been there, I never would have had my own home, my own Mommy ... and true happiness for the first time in my life."  I'll report on how it went tomorrow:


Schmoo Chubby kingdom survey.jpg         .


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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Sammy, I never knew the Chubby story and of how KS came to be his mommy.  My heart aches when I think of her loss, but I am so happy that he finally found the loving home that he deserved.  


Beastie, to answer your question from the other day, I do live in NJ , but south jersey, right outside of Philly.  As well as the rest of you from the northeast part of this country, I await our first snowstorm of the season with bated breath.


My best to all members of the Schmoo clan.  Keep warm and stay safe.  May God bless you, and all of his creatures, both great and small.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Friday report:  I popped out today to get some more supplies for this blizzard we're in the path of (we're along the southern border of Pennsylvania and expected to get 18-24 inches of snow starting tomorrow night ... then went to one of our local rescues to see how they were doing after a fire hit their building a few days ago.


Thankfully, the rescue part of the building only lost power and heat, and local good samaritan foster homes took in all of the cats.  Unfortunately a family on the second story of the building lost all 3 of its cats to the blaze; no one was injured.  The rescue was back in the saddle today, the kitties back in their comfort zones -- the rescue staff did a great job of getting them back to some sense of normalcy.


If you don't hear from me after Saturday for a bit, it's just because we lost power -- but it will rebound and we will be back.  Like the kitty below, who lived in Fergus's old winterized dog house (off camera to the right), rigged against the elements for ferals by DH with dry cover, comfortable nesting and warmth from a special outdoor heating pad.


She survived a blizzard in our area with 4+ feet of snow on our deck.  Here she is 2 days later feasting on a heated meal we put out for her -- the little snowball on her plate fell off of Fergus's doghouse/her shelter moments after we put the food out. She never let us touch her but she took advantage of the tools we gave her to survive:  


Schmoo snow kitty.jpg



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Hello Schmoo Clan,


I hope everyone in the path of this storm is stocked and prepared. I am far away here in West Texas, but we are receiving high very cold winds, and the weather man said it is part of the raging storm.


I am concerned about brb from TX, as we have not heard from her in several days. Prayers that she is okay. 


Everyone keep warm. 

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

God Bless Sammycat and her DH, 



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

This brings peace to my soul. He got a home. A wonderful place to be. 



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Hi everyone. I am hoping this storm won't be as bad as they predict and that those who live on the East Coast will all be safe and no one loses power.I feel so badly for the animals who live outside and hope that thye find caring people liek Sammycat and her DH who will try and help as much as possible.The picture of your feral Sammycat was so touching,as much as she feared people she at least took advantage of your kindness. We are having cool weather here in Fla and it may go into the 40's which for Fl is pretty cold and ferals aren't used to it. At lease we can get Goldie to take cover,wish we could help them all.

Shop I am hoping that your Mom will do ok and and just needs time to adjust to this stronger chemo.She sure is a fighter and tough like MrSchmoo and we are all praying for her.

Prayers for all of the Schmoo Clan and brbfromtexas we hope to hear from you soon.Praying you are ok.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Schmoo Chubby kingdom survey.jpg         .


Friday Morning Greetings


I know that so many of you have already been dealing with the terrible weather that's been wrecking havoc across most of the country...and there are those of us who will be dealing with it as of tomorrow.


I pray that all of you, your families, and your beloved furbabies, get through it safe and sound.


Sending out more special prayers to all of those in the Clan and their family members who are still in need.


Sending out more special prayers to all of the precious furbabies who are still in need...and especially to all of the thousands of precious homeless animals who have no warm place to shelter them from the harsh weather.


Wishing Sammycat,DH,KS, and the wonder-fur Clan a peaceful day. Cat Happy



All of my children have paws =^..^=