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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Tuesday report:  AnikaBrodie, Tissyanne, Beauty Junkie and ShopTillYouDrop, thanks for your very touching and encouraging responses yesterday ... and I'm glad you enjoy the themes and photos. 


AnikaBrodie, I feel how much you miss your beloved Brodie, a pup so well known -- a life changer! -- and still so saluted today.  Sometimes when I'm writing the Schmoo book, I wonder:  was he really as special as I thought?  And then I come to this thread and my question is answered for me, because we're still here.


Tissyanne, I hope you and yours are not in danger from the severe weather you've been having.  It's scary to read about the conditions in your area.  We pray for your safety!


ShopTillYouDrop and Beauty Junkie -- know our prayers are with you as you face your loved ones' health challenges.  Sometimes it's the not knowing what's to come that is the toughest part.


Winter finally showed up in Schmooville last night, as our temperatures plummeted into the single digits.  Tonight it will be 10 -- heat wave!  The only thing I can advise in this tempestuous weather is what Schmoo would advise.


Get yourself a Duraflame and turn it all the way up:


Schmoo duraflame splendor.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Wednesday report:  Yesterday I walked up and down a fairly steep sidewalk to the visitor center from which I work when I give battlefield tours in better weather -- the last time I'd done that in October, I could barely make it in either direction, a total distance of perhaps a half mile.


So I was surprised that I scaled and came down it with relative ease yesterday.  But as you find out with this sort of recovery, you can feel OK when you're doing something then it hits you later.


"Later" was last night and today.  I'm so sore tired I can't see straight -- it really took the stuffing out of me.  The knee held up, but the hips and back aren't happy with me.


Tomorrow I see the back doctor for an evaluation.  I already have a spine condition that's basically a slipped back bone.  Because I haven't been able to do my exercises for that, I'm totally deconditioned and it feels unstable back there.  I hope nothing else is wrong, because that's been the story of this adventure:  one thing fixed, 5 wrong in its place.


If I only I were as limber as those I knew.  This picture was taken in the last month of his life; so many were focused on his heart problems that they forgot he had spinal arthritis.  I can barely reach my back, but look at him go:


Schmoo spine flexible.jpg



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammycat I hope you feel better and good luck with the Dr tomorrow. I love the picture of MrSchmoo on his flannel blankie with his duraflame. I will forever link the 2 together. Eveyting I see it on QVC I htink of the Schmooster.

Limber is something I once was as I was a cheerleader but now can't bend to tie shoes,lol. 

Tomorrow my hubby sees the surgeon and I am hoping ofr good news.

Shop I am sorry your mom isn't feeling too well and has to wait for ins to give the ok for her treatment,so unfair. With all this going on you are volunteering to help others,you're an angel.Praying your Mom and my hubby and brbfromtexas will all be cancer free soon.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Good evening to all my friends in Schmooville!  As I continue to follow this site, I would like to let you know that you (including your dear family members and fur babies) are in my thoughts and prayers.  


Your stories, photos and graphics (shout out to AnikaBrodie) continue to touch my heart and make me smile.  What a lovely and impressive story about your special boy Brodie; you must forever be so proud of him!


Beauty, I recall having read in a really early post how much you enjoyed Schmoo's paw pads.  When I saw a recent picture of Schmoo taking his patented "deep dish nap" (page 98), I got a good chuckle and thought of you as I spied just a teensy bit of pink jellybeans peeking through.  I must confess, I too have a fondness for same.


Sammycat, I enjoyed seeing the picture of the original Sammy and hearing his story.  Then, I got to thinking about Kitty Sitter and her recent losses.  Have you heard from her, and if so, how is she faring?


Newtoallthis, I wish for continued strength for Mr. Tibbs and only warm thoughts for Trey cat.


Tissyanne, hugs and prayers for your sweet Sugarbear.  Also, I hope your community, as well as brbfromTx and Shop's neighborhoods, are pulling through and coming together in the aftermath of those ferocious storms/tornadoes.


I believe that 2016 will be a happy, healthy and positive year as Schmoo continues to oversee his clan from above.  God bless you all.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Schmoo heated bed.jpg


Thursday Morning Greetings


Sammycat... Hoping that all goes well with your visit to the doctor today.


Sending more special prayers to beauty and her DH, to Shop and her mom, to Tissyanne, and to all of the other much loved members of The Clan who are in need. By the way, bless you Shop for volunteering to help those in your community to recover from the tornadoes.


Sending more special prayers to all of the precious furbabies and homeless animals who are still in need.


Wishing Sammycat,DH,KS, and The Clan, a very peaceful day.



All of my children have paws =^..^=



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Registered: ‎12-07-2012

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Good evening to the Schmoo clan, I have been reading through the posts, and it is always amazing to me how kind and gentle this group is. That is why it is such a soft place to come to, and if need be to fall. I am so glad we all have each other. Sammycat, I hope you are feeling better today. Bless your heart, you have been through the wringer. Shop, I am sad that your Mom is not feeling well. Praying for her insurance to come through so she can start treatments. beauty, I am waiting to hear that things are looking good for your DH. You have been through a triple wringer. brbfromTX, I hope you are doing well, and recovering. newtoallthis, I hope Tibbs is feeling better, and that your outside kitty is well. DKNJ, I so enjoyed reading your sweet and kind thoughts this evening. Please post with us more often. Good night all. 

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Posts: 20,405
Registered: ‎12-07-2012

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@beastielove wrote:

Schmoo heated bed.jpg


Thursday Morning Greetings


Sammycat... Hoping that all goes well with your visit to the doctor today.


Sending more special prayers to beauty and her DH, to Shop and her mom, to Tissyanne, and to all of the other much loved members of The Clan who are in need. By the way, bless you Shop for volunteering to help those in your community to recover from the tornadoes.


Sending more special prayers to all of the precious furbabies and homeless animals who are still in need.


Wishing Sammycat,DH,KS, and The Clan, a very peaceful day.



All of my children have paws =^..^=



beastie, you are such a shining star, and I wanted you to know that. Always caring, faithful, and this world is much brighter for having you in it. Heart Wishing you a very peaceful night and future always. 

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Thursday report:  Friends, I thank you for your kind posts.  DKNJ, I'll update you tomorrow on the Kitty Sitter and how she's doing (your post was wonderful) and Tissyanne and others, I'll give you an update on my back tomorrow.


I ask your prayers on a more urgent situation:  a dear poster on the forum, Goldenlocks, has made the decision to set her dog Jade free tomorrow (see the thread, MY FURRYBABY HAS CANCER).  Jade was stricken last year with an inoperable form of cancer ... and similar to Schmoo, was given very little time.  She has beaten so many odds, but the cancer's become too painful and Goldenlocks is heeding her vet's advice, so tomorrow will be Jade's first day as an angel in Heaven.


These two are joined at the hip as Schmoo and I were, and have fought a mighty battle in the Schmoo warrior tradition.  Goldenlocks has been so brave, but she needs us.  Jade's her baby and it's just the two of them.


So please consider a prayer for them here or better yet, on Goldenlocks' thread. Believe me, I know how much your compassion means to a person who has fought and fought and fought for their pet, because I wouldn't still be here.


Although somehow a furry angel had a little something to do with it all:


Schmoo furry angel.jpg

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

I am so sorry to hear about jade and will post a comment on that thread. Its never easy having ot let your baby go and I cry for all of them.

I do want to tell you all that my husband got good news fom the surgeon today that htings look good and he cna finaly go back on his coumadin and will start chemo in 3-4 weeks. Thansk youa ll so veyr mcuh for your prayers,means the world to me.All of you have been so kind and a source of comfort to me like TIssyanne said,this is like a second home where i fele so comfprtable and can talk about anything. You're all like long lost sister.

DKNJ nice to see you here and glad to see you are fond of those little jelly  bean toes too. How I love them and when I get a glimpse of them I just smile.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,513
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Friday report:  Good evening, friends, and thank you for writing such moving words of encouragement and solace to Goldenlocks.  I read each and every post; friends of Schmoo are the kindest, most compassionate there are, anywhere. I'm so proud to know all of you.


Beauty Junkie, I'm so relieved to hear about your husband's good health news!  Our prayers were heard and I hope he continues to make great progress.


DKNJ, the Kitty Sitter is struggling.  She's still on the east coast helping her mother through mountains of paperwork and packing/donating her father's clothing.  She and her brothers also are trying to coordinate a move for her mother to an assisted living community -- something her mother and father agreed to before he passed away.  All the while, she pines terribly for her Chubby.  "I'm dreading flying home next week, to know that when I open the door, my boy won't be there, won't ever be there again," she keeps saying to me.  So it is rough and I do my best to listen and lift her up.


On my health front:  Prior to the knee replacement, when Schmoo was still alive, I suddenly developed an extremely painful back condition called spondylolisthesis.  It's like a slipped disc, except the disc isn't slipped -- one of the bones in my back's pushed forward out of place.  Long story short, because I now have a good gait, the rest of my body is cranky, including my back. It's felt like my spine is actually two spines, and wobbling out of control. 


Well, it sort of is.  Flexion x-rays showed that when I sit or bend forward, that bone that is already slipping out of place slips even MORE out of place.  So you must work harder and harder to keep your core upright and it causes pain.  The solution:  3 months of PT, and hopefully, that will rein it in.  So another challenge. As the doctor says, we've got to avoid surgery, because the serious complication rate is high. 


So I'll do what my Schmoo did:  buckle down, keep the chin up, do the work and look to the future:


Schmoo eye on future.jpg