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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Saturday report:   Because it was the first time we've seen sun in 10 days, DH and I took a little ride today to the QVC outlet (hey, jewelry was on deep discount!).


I found a little treasure, and it took me back to prior trips out that way.  Schmoo, Sophie and Fergus would wait for us to get home, and they'd inspect our treasure trove.  Once they discovered I bought a few sparklies and maybe something for the kitchen, nonchalance set in and they got bored.


Except one time.  I found a heated orthopedic massage bed -- too small for Fergus but I thought just right for the kitties.  Of course they already had many pet beds ... but an exotic heated one?  With "magic fingers?"  Naturally, I had to buy it.


Schmoo hated to try new things, so we brought it in, put it on his bed and turned the heat on (we knew the massage feature would freak them out).  He settled in and within minutes, I'd swear he was smiling in his sleep.  To see his arthritis pain melt away was worth more than a million baubles:


Schmoo heated bed.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Schmoo New Years 2015 deep dish.jpg

Sunday Morning Greetings


Wishing Sammycat,DH,KS, and The Pawsome Clan, a very pleasant,peaceful and blessed day. Cat Happy


My heart and my prayers go out to all the people and animals of Missouri who have been dealing with those horrific and destructive floods. I watched a news report and was brought to tears by what I saw.


Sending more special prayers to all of the members of The Clan who are still in need.


Sending more special prayers to all of the precious furbabies and homeless animals who are still in need.





All of my children have paws  =^..^=



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sunday report:  It could not have been by accident that I opened my new "page-a-day" calendar for 2016 and found that the featured cat looked so much like Chubby and my first boy cat, Sammy the Cat (full name).


I rescued Sammy in my back yard from a pack of dogs chasing him and cornering him on my patio on an uncharacteristically warm winter day in 1993.  I thought he was a grown cat, but the vet told me he was only 6 months old and would go grow into a bruiser -- which he did.  I was reluctant to adopt him because I already had 2 older female cats, but his will to survive stole my heart.


Today I mention him because the weather is turning cold and dangerous for cats and dogs with no home, and I yearn to save the all.  Sammy was lucky:  within six weeks of my adopting him, Pittsburgh saw a blizzard of epic proportions, completed with -20+ temps and 2 feet of snow.  He would have died.


Instead he lived in luxury, spoiled as all little fuzzers should be, in the care and comfort of our home, as in the photo below. He's been gone these 10 years, but I'll never forget him -- nor the plight of homeless, innocent animals. If you see them, help them as best you can.  We're all they have:


Schmoo Sammy on bed.jpg



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Hi Dear Friends, Hope everyone has a Blessed Day.  Trying to get back to my regular schedule today.  Sammy, I love the dream you had of Mr. Schmoo, I belive he watched to share with all of us its time to get on with things, which I will try with Gusto to do.

Have a Great Week Friends (Hugs)

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Monday report:  Shop, good to hear from you -- and we're thinking of and praying for your Mom every day.


Whoever is running the AMC channel knows what they're doing when we all need the motivation:  this first Monday in the first month of 2016, they're doing a Rocky marathon.  As I was writing Schmoo's book today, coincidentally, I actually quoted Rocky when he said, "All I want to do is go the distance."


And that's what my boy did -- it's all we can do, whether we're Beauty Junkie nursing her DH back to health while she works on her own...or Tissyanne keeping that Sugarbear's kidney's humming along...or Newtoallthis opening her heart and her doors to Trey Cat and friends....or Beastielove and all the work she does in her community to save animals.


So here's going to the distance, all of us:


Schmoo attacking.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Good evening everyone, I have enjoyed all the photos lately so much. Loved seeing the one of Sammy, and Mr. Schmoo playing brings a smile to my heart. I can imagine how contented the moments were when he was in total bliss. 


Our snow is piled about 15 feet high where the graters have moved it from the streets. Tonight and tomorrow we are expecting another inch. Well, what is another inch? Bring it on. I have always liked snow. Now, not so much. Snow, snow, go away, come again some other day. 


Good night everyone. Keep warm. 

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sweet angel. Cat Happy



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Thank You Comments Facebook Myspace Orkut Graphics Glitters Styles@Sammycat1

Your post today really touched my heart as I'm sitting here with tears streaming and thinking of health struggles of several relatives and friends.  "All I want to do is go the distance" is so appropriate for what each of them is going through right now.  Just follow Schmoo's sage advice and get that book written and published.  I am so looking forward to it being on the "best sellers" list, with a signed copy front and center on my coffee table.   


I'm thinking too of our precious Brodie who struggled to go the distance, as many of our pets have done or are now doing.  It will soon be two years since we lost our beloved resident therapist.  We have so many wonderful memories of him in his therapy work with all ages in all walks of life, and recently attended a recognition dinner of our former dog training club members where Brodie's name came up over and over again.  Even after nearly three years he is still being recognized for his talent as a certified therapy dog.  Oh, the precious memories.  Heart

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sorry I haven't posted but I have been reading and I so love the pictures.I too feel so badly for all the animals that have to live outdoors and espeically in bad weather,it truly makes me so sad and I pray for them everyday. IHow I wish we could save them all. Sammy the cat was such a beauty and so lucky as was MtrSchmoo. 

Thanks for mentioning me and my husband. Its been a rough couple of days as my husband is a coumadin patient with his artificial heart valve and he has been having bleeding issues. So hoping and praying we won't be going back to the hospital.Right now he is scheduled to see the surgeon Thursday morning and hoping things are ok till then.Could use some prayers.

Shop I hope your Mom is doing ok. I alway pray for her and everyone here.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

BJ- I continue to pray that your husband can turn around as quickly as possible and start feeling better.  We are still in a holding patten waiting for the chemo approval.  In the mean time, Mom is struggling to making it day to day.  She is so anemic, she just doesnt have much energy, but her positive attitude and mine have returned and we are pushing onward as the Great Schmoo has taught us all.  I am still volunteering in the community after the tornado each day and that helps us find strength in our day to day lives as we see the total destruction of others.

Hugs Friends