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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Puffs Plus anyone?  Heart  I "stole" this from another forum because I thought it was so doggoned cute ... and it reminded me a little of The Schmoo.  Thinking of Schmoo makes me (and you) happy.  Smiley HappySmiley Happy  (((((((Hugs)))))))   

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Friday report:  AnikaBrodie and Tissyanne, your kind writing about Schmoo always brings a smile to my face - thank you!


As we head into the weekend, I'd like to show a symbol of hope and faith -- something we can all use more of -- in tonight's report through a photo of Chubby. 


The Kitty Sitter, understandably nervous about her father's tenuous condition, snapped this one immediately because I think you'll see a striking similarity to another kitty who not so long ago was often favored by powerful radiance from on high ...  a light that always found him and bathed him in its protective glow:


Schmoo Chub sun patch.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Love the picture of the kittens and the tissue box,how sweet.Also the picture of Chubby,its remarkable the similarity to MrSchmoo's pictures with the glow of the sun beaming right on them,very etheral picture.I hope Kitty Sitter's Dad will be ok,sending prayers.

newtoallthis I still hope that someday your stray will be comfortable enough to let you pet him/her and become your pet. I am sorry about your sons cat.My Aunts cat Green Eyes has been missing for weeks now.The not knowing is tough to live with but someday we will be with our pets again,no doubt about it.

Sammycat I hope you ar feeling stronger with each day and will be well enough to celebrate Thanksgiving which isn't far away.


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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]



Schmoo Chub sun patch.jpg


When I looked at this beautiful photo of sweet Chubby, I got the impression that he was being bathed in Schmoo's loving spirit and that Schmoo was letting Chubby know that he'd  always be there for him...especially when his mommy,KS, has to leave him for a while to go and take care of her parents.


So glad that you're continuing to get stronger with each passing day...sending lots more healing prayers your way.


Sending more special prayers to all of the precious furbabies,including those who are missing,and to all of the homeless animals who are still in desperate need of their loving,forever homes.


Wishing Sammycat,DH,KS, and The Pawsome Clan, a very peaceful day. :-)



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Saturday report:  Happy weekend, Friends of Schmoo.  Thanks Beastie for seeing what I saw in that recent picture of Chubby.  The Kitty Sitter is heartbroken to have to leave him in the midst of this family emergency, but he will be cared for on this earth and from up above, I'm sure of it.


And now for a fun story.  You know how when you have surgery, it's the little things that make you feel better?  Like getting your hair washed, dressing in regular clothes again, putting on a little fragrance.  Well for me, because you have to stop shaving you legs 3 days before surgery, it was taking the electric razor to my rain forest growth on my legs two weeks after surgery.  Suddenly, I felt female again!


Then the other day when a friend took me to the hospital for some lab tests, we looked down at my incision in a certain light -- and, to my horror -- spied an arc of leg hair almost an inch long sticking up from it, all along its length.  "Oh my God," I told her, "I've got a knee mohawk!"


Needless to say when I got home I immediately took the facial trimmer to knock it down to size without harming the incision itself. 


Sometimes we have less than perfect grooming and it looks cute, as in the photo below of Schmoo bed head.  Other times, it's just scary:


Schmoo bed head.jpg 

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammycat, your description of your "surgical mohawk" made me giggle, I also know that shock to suddenly see hairs growing where you don't expect them when the light hits them just right!  (that's why my emjoi epilator gets a weekly workout!)


I also really loved the photo of Chubby in that golden light, he is such a beautiful cat, secure once again in the knowledge that he is loved.  I so wish all cats and dogs could feel that way!


I had my yearly check-up Friday, and discovered something that means we have more than our love for pets in common, I should have had knee replacement surgery a year ago, according to the x-rays.   I don't know what all they think they can replace, but I'll tell the orthopedist I have to have a consult with the same thing I told my regular doctor, they can cut on me when I'm spurting arterial blood and not before, LOL!  After all, who's going to walk my dog if I'm out of commision?

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Sammycat,  Your knee mohawk story gave me a good laugh.  Hey, you could start a new trend.  Smiley Happy  LOL 

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

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Sunday report:  CamilleP -- girl, I was like you:  there will be no cutting of me!  But the pain that knee inflicted eventually drowned out the voice in my head that said "no surgery."  It's rough at the start, no fooling -- but I can see now that a better quality of life is in my future.  And if you need someone to come and help take care of your pup, well, tell me where to drive or fly and I'll be there!


Which brings me to tonight's report.  My dear friend, the Kitty Sitter, is losing her father.  He is fighting but the COPD has ramped up so badly he had to be put on a ventilator.  It's killing me not to be able to travel to western PA to be there for her, as we have been best friends for almost 40 years and that's just what we do. She said tonight, through equal parts tears and courage, that I am there with her, right on the other end of the phone:  friends for life.


It makes me think of each of you, too, my newer friends, and the old Girl Scout song:  "Make new friends, but keep the old..." Here's the first stanza, a tribute to all my good friends, many united by the furry ambassador below, bunking with my best friend:


Make new friends,
but keep the old.
One is silver,
the other is gold.

A circle is round,
it has no end.
That's how long,
I will be your friend.


Schmoo friends for life.jpg



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Oh Sammycat, that's so kind of you, but I am sure I could ask someone who lives a bit closer than you to take care of Johnny for me, I'm in Oregon!  She has one of the last two living Scotties of my breeding, a 12 year old named Mason, as well as Johnny's older brother Mickey and his niece, Zora, so she's well-prepared to handle an extra Scottie.  I'm hoping I don't actually need surgery, as the only pain I've got right now is from stepping on a tree branch that was hiding under some fallen leaves and having it roll under my foot, hyper-extending the knee and straining some soft tissue.  Once that heals I don't expect more knee trouble.  The severe arthritis in the knee is overwhelmed by the extreme arthritis in the foot, which got crushed by a horse when I was eleven; I actually don't feel knee pain most of the time compared to the foot pain!


I will be keeping your friend Kitty Sitter and her whole family in my prayers, her poor Dad!  Such suffering is just heartbreaking, I wish I had a magic wand that could fix his heart and lungs and restore him to health! 

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

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I'm am so sorry to hear this about your friends Father.Praying for her and her Dad.Its so hard to lose a parent no matter what the age.I kow how you feel not being able to be there for your friend due to your health,I can't go see my Mom who isn't doing too well and I hate it but not in good shape right now.

Just love the picture of you and MrSchmoo on the bed,he sure loved his Mom.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!