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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Saturday report:  We hope you and yours enjoyed a wonderful Fourth of July, celebrating all this wonderful country's blessings.


And we hope you got a front-row seat to the fireworks.  Wherever that front-row seat is, it's always a heck of a show:


Schmoo nighttime.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Schmoo nighttime.jpg

Sunday Morning Greetings :-)


Sammycat... This is such an absolutely adorable photo of Schmoo...I don't recall ever seeing it before. I wonder what he was looking at so intently. I know that it wasn't fireworks!


Wishing you,DH,KS, and The Clan a very peaceful and pleasant day.


Sending more special prayers to all of the precious furbabies and homeless animals who are in need.


All of my children have paws =^..^=

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

 I agree with beastie. Mr. Schmoo is just adorable in this photo. I do not recall ever seeing it before either. Sammycat, you are very wise to have captured so much love and cuteness with your camera.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]


Sunday report:  I wanted to share with everyone a little miracle in our front yard garden just the other day.


As most of you know, I'd ordered a bird bath/fountain in the shape of St. Francis for Schmoo.  It arrived the day he died -- but we keep it there, because in a way, I think he's still looking down on it, enjoying it. He knows we bought it out of love.


And I know you've seen the sculpture of a cat with wings my mother gave me, which sits near the base of this fountain. This year, we bought flowers that seem like a cat's tail in the happy "tail up" position in his honor.


This is what happened next.  The other day I struggled with a section in the Schmoo Tales book, and got a little down. Then DH called to me and snapped the photo below.  Out of nowhere, a variegated marigold from years ago -- which had been potted then -- showed itself again, somehow, pushing up through the soil in the rock portion of our garden .... and right next to the Schmoo angel cat sculpture!


So when you think back on those who've gone before, or those who may be ill or old, and feel yourself tending toward fear or sadness, don't.  Because love everlasting always finds a way to push back up and into your life; it is always with you:


Schmoo garden 2015 lives on.jpg

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

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Schmoo garden 2015 lives on.jpg

Monday Morning Greetings


Sammycat... This truly was a beautiful miracle. I believe that it was Schmoo's way of letting you know that he's alright and that he's still with you and DH 24/7.


Wishing Sammycat,DH,KS and The Clan a very pleasant day and that today marks the beginning of a week that brings everyone much happiness,good health and lots of pawsome stuff! :-)


Sending lots of special prayers to our much loved friend beauty. She's been in so much physical pain of late (she has an update on NAES's thread which is on this board) and my heart aches for her. :-(


Sending more prayers to all of the precious furbabies and homeless animals who are still in need.


All of my children have paws =^..^=




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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammy that is a true miracle I'm sure sent by the Miracle Man himself, Precious Schmoo.  I hope everyone had a great Holiday weekend.  BJ, prayers continued being lifted for you.  Have a Bleesed week Dear Friends ((Hugs))

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Monday report:  Today's report is dedicated to our own Beauty Junkie.  She is hurting badly from health issues and needs a break already, so please keep her in your thoughts and send well wishes her way.


In that spirit, I wanted to share wtih you two more images from our front garden.  This year I added two statues:  one of a boy holding a dog and one of a girl holding a cat.  The boy represents DH and the first day the puppy collie you all came to know as Fergus crawled into his lap and into his heart; the girl, of course, me and my kitties over the years.


Except for one thing:  when I saw the photo DH took of the cat and girl, my thoughts went straight to Beauty Junkie  ... and then I thought, someday, someday, she'll hold in her lap a kitty from up north who matched her spirit of survival and friendship across the miles, a kitty named Schmoo. Even though I know it's well into the future, I just know these two will meet, and she'll smile the smile of the girl in the statue and nibble on those Schmoo pink paw pads at last:


Schmoo garden 2015 cat.jpg

Schmoo garden 2015 dog.jpg




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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Sammycat your post regarding me brought me to tears. I can't thank you enough. I hope with all my heart that some day I do get to hold and kiss your Mr Schmoo. He has been such an inspiration to me and meeting him would be an honor.

 The picture of MrSchmoo looking out the window sure put a smile on my face,how sweet.

Something really caught his eye.

Love your garden,its so beautiful and such a wonderful tribute to your furbabies. I may not be posting everyday due to being rather sick right now but I do read all the posts.

Hope Chubby is doing well.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammy, your garden statues are really lovely and so fitting for your family.  Have a wonderful day dear friends.

BJ, I hope you feel the power of our prayers as we lift you up.  You need relief and I pray that you find it very soon. (Hugs Dear Friend)

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Registered: ‎12-07-2012

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

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Your garden is more meaningful than any I have ever seen. A heartfull tribute to the precious pets that were welcomed into a home with much much much love to share. They were wise enough to know that, and a happy, loving, secure home was felt for the first time. I can only imagine the joy they felt, and what a wonder for you and your DH. Isn't this what makes life so meaningful?


Beauty, this dedication to you brings hope for all the days to come. It is my prayer that you feel the circle of love around you. Keep looking up, my friend. 💟