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Re: Tell Me About Your Dogs' Bark

@athenian wrote:

Supposedly only half of beagles bay, but you can't tell which ones will when they are puppies @mac116.



What does 'bay' mean?  I've never heard that term.  Got my lab mix from a rescue and the transporter mentioned he may be part beagle 'cause of his eyes, stating he'd be a real hunter.  Anyways, I'm trying to figure out what his 'other half' could be.

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Re: Tell Me About Your Dogs' Bark

@eddyandme, oh yeah mine too! LOL She loves the mail girl.

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Re: Tell Me About Your Dogs' Bark

Don't know if this counts, but my precious Jade who is now in heaven had several different barks.  Jade, an English Lab, was very communicative perhaps moreso than any of my many furbabies and the last bird I saved, a Bluejay. 


She had her normal someone's on my property/street bark, a very loud bark that many feared.  Then, one nite she scared off some would-be intruders (very safe area so PD had done a reverse call-out to lock doors, but we weren't on the list!).  Anyways, that was the loudest, meanest, aggressive barking I had ever heard:  she literally looked/acted like an attack dog!  Other than that, she wasn't a barker, unless the animals came within a certain distance of the house, then she'd chase them around, she'd go from room to room until they were within what Jade decided was their alloted distance.


But, the funniest thing was that she could talk!  Mostly she and I communicated by eye contact.  But when she first came to me I was making a coffee and asked her if she wanted a biscuit.  She promptly answered YES! which awakened me rather quickly!  However, there were two funny times.  A friend was over and having chicken noodle soup.  Since he did not like carrots, he offered them to Jade.  Jade promptly responded YES!  Well, the poor guy kinda went into shock and almost fell off the chair.  Another time, I had complained to her about sharing potato chips with her 'cause we had our annual vet appointment coming up and they always hit me up about her being slightly overweight (she weighed in at 91 lbs but was very muscular and as tall as me when she stood up <5'2">).  So, of  course I continued to share the chips with her.  When the doctor said she was overweight to me, Jade said NO.  It was an awkward moment as the doc was quite taken aback, then to break the silence mumbled what a strange coincidence!  Guess you had to be there, but I praised her and bought her a toy as we left Petsmart!  We knew and thought it was cool!

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Re: Tell Me About Your Dogs' Bark

[ Edited ]



Bay is the beagles hunting call.  It is not exactly a howl, which they also do.  If you goggle beagle baying you can hear it.  It's loud so masters can follow the beagle through the woods and fields as the run after prey.  Beagles that hunt do not kill the prey but tree or corner it for the master.


My current beagle will bay sometimes when she runs a squirrel up a tree, but when she caught and killed a rat in our yard, she was quiet.  She's a rescue, and I wonder if she is fairly quiet, for a beagle, because she didn't want to call attention to herself. 


Our previous beagle was very vocal, bayed a lot.  She could also exactly imitate the fire engine siren.  We knew about the only half of beagles baying when we got her, but I was in complete denial until we heard her older cousins baying when we went to pick her up.


We knew a couple who had a beagle in the city.  People regularly called the police when he bayed and reported someone being murdered.

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Re: Tell Me About Your Dogs' Bark

@MercysMom wrote:


I am so sorry to hear about your Quincy. June was a bad month! Yes, the grief process is not easy, but I can at least talk about him now and look at his pictures without crying. We rescued him when he was about a year old so we did not go through the "puppy pains" with him. When we decided to get another golden puppy I did not want a big male as I didn't want to feel like I was replacing my Max. Mercy fits the bill. She's really helped me move on. I don't have time to do much else but keep up with her!  I hope your new puppy is doing the same for you!! Max was my fourth golden so far in my lifetime. God shoudl have made dogs live at least as long as's too hard to say goodbye.  Best of everything to you!!



It's funny you say you got a girl so as not to replace Max.  I'm still reeling from losing my Jade, a large English yellow lab; eerily, one Sunday evening went on facebk and saw a video requesting someone adopt a little dog.  Well I agreed to foster and the following Sunday early afternoon he was here.  My "little 30lb dog" whom I adopted 39days later is actually about 60lbs.  He's also part black labrador retriever, not sure what the other half is.  Just mentioning 'cause I wasn't getting another - it hurt too much.  Then, maybe if ever I did it would have to be another girl, another yellow lab like my Jade.  My boy is black and white - a real cutiepie!  I think Jade sent him to be 'cause she decided I couldn't function alone.  And, like you I went from one sex to another.

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Re: Tell Me About Your Dogs' Bark

Our beagle mix has very distinctive barks.  I can tell what he wants by listening to the tone and urgency of his barks.  Let me out, I'm scared, I'm hungry, etc.  I also have two greyhounds who don't bark that much, but my 85 pounder sounds like a little yorkie.  It's funny to hear such a high pitched bark come from a big dog,

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Re: Tell Me About Your Dogs' Bark

Chloe has a few different barks. One is her play bark. One is when she sees the neighbor mowing so she goes to the fence wanting to chase the mower. Then suprisingly being a golden she has a very ferocious watch dog bark.