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Re: Someone threatened my dog tonight

@Jtdmum wrote:

My pitbull stays on a leash when we walk, go to the beach, or are at the park. 

He is controlled at all times, uniike the other dogs who jump all over us when we're trying to mind our own business. Unfortunately with his breed, and the clear ignorance shown towards them  no matter what happens he's wrong. 


Dogs are unpredictable, period.  If you're not in a posted area for dogs off leash you are (unfortunatley) wrong.


The other side is who carries a bat around looking for trouble? Guy doesn't sound like he's wrapped too tight and sure shouldn't have a child with him.  


BTW.. Only dog that has ever bit me was a Yorkie.  Have been around pitbulls for years, yep..10 lb yorkie and I have the fang marks in my hand to prove it. 

I had two pitbulls and they were great dogs. Like Tia states on Pitbulls and Paro!ees: Pitbulls are the most misunderstood dogs in America.

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Re: Someone threatened my dog tonight

@Love my grandkids wrote:



I dislike any breed of dog being classified as "dangerous" or "bad".


Watch Pit Bulls and Parolees on Animal Planet and see how good pits can be. Not ALL pits are bad. Please adjust your thinking.


And you may think your dogs are nice but other people don't know them.


Try watching Judge Judy and The People's Court and see how often a "good" dog bites a stranger. It happens a LOT.

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Re: Someone threatened my dog tonight

@Citrine1 wrote:

@SeaMaiden wrote:

@Citrine1   I own two Goldens....I do not trust any dog I do not know....and I would understand someone being afraid of my two sweet dogs.  For you to say it is laughable to fear a collie is irresponsible of you.  All dogs can bit....all dogs can scare people.  You should go to a designated dog park where there are off leash areas. Period.  I hope you will from now on  so people do not have to fear your loose dogs and you do not feel threatened by someone like the man and child feeling fear and holding a bat as protection.  It would be the right thing to do. 


 I do not want you to tell me not to post on your thread because I differ from your opinion....I hope we can remain friendly even with giving a differing opinion.  

Of course you have a right to your opinion @SeaMaiden.  The only reason I told the other poster to stop posting is because she is beating a dead horse and she can only see her point of view.  Plus, she annoys me.  


I realize some people are afraid of all dogs, no matter the breed.  It was only MY opinion that it is laughable to fear a collie.  That doesn't mean someone couldn't be afraid.  I was just so very, very surprised at the encounter that I was dumbfounded.  To me, goldens are right there with collies in the temperment department.  I don't think I'd ever be afraid of one of them.  Yes, dogs can be unpredictable.  So can a man with a bat.  

Everyone here has a right to an opinion.  You obviously didn't read my post above about a pack of small dogs killing a woman in my state.  You cannot judge ANY animal by it's breed--they are all unique and don't always respond to situations with human thought and emotion.  


People in public with dogs should take care of them.  There was a tiny little dog running loose in a drug store near us recently.  I almost stepped on it several times coming around the shelves.  Had I stepped on the dog there is a probability it would have bitten me.  My own dog did that once when I was about 10 years old.  You can't say "Oh they aren't a threat" or "Oh I know my dog."  Just keep them by you and keep them and others safe when you are out in public.  Please.   No reason not to. 

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Re: Someone threatened my dog tonight

@Citrine1 wrote:

@ECBG wrote:

@Citrine1I am very sorry that this incident happened to you.


I do not, however appreciate you in the least singling out one breed.  I ans several others on this board have an American Bulldog and they are great lovers and have been called "nanny dogs" in Europe.


There is good and bad in every breed.  Dogs respond to the way they are raised.  You beat, starve, chain, and abuse an animal-or human for that matter, and you get exactly what you raise.

I already apologized two or three times for calling out pit bulls.  It was a quick impulsive thing I said to this man because I would think one would be more afraid of a pit bull than a collie.  I've seen pictures of your dog and have commented on how beautiful he is in the past.  If you can't forgive me, so be it.

@Citrine1Sorry I didn't see your post.  Our puppy has been very ill and is on a lot of meds.  I mopped the entire kitchen on my hands and knees today.

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Re: Someone threatened my dog tonight

@Citrine1 wrote:

@SeaMaiden wrote:

@Citrine1   I own two Goldens....I do not trust any dog I do not know....and I would understand someone being afraid of my two sweet dogs.  For you to say it is laughable to fear a collie is irresponsible of you.  All dogs can bit....all dogs can scare people.  You should go to a designated dog park where there are off leash areas. Period.  I hope you will from now on  so people do not have to fear your loose dogs and you do not feel threatened by someone like the man and child feeling fear and holding a bat as protection.  It would be the right thing to do. 


 I do not want you to tell me not to post on your thread because I differ from your opinion....I hope we can remain friendly even with giving a differing opinion.  

Of course you have a right to your opinion @SeaMaiden.  The only reason I told the other poster to stop posting is because she is beating a dead horse and she can only see her point of view.  Plus, she annoys me.  


I realize some people are afraid of all dogs, no matter the breed.  It was only MY opinion that it is laughable to fear a collie.  That doesn't mean someone couldn't be afraid.  I was just so very, very surprised at the encounter that I was dumbfounded.  To me, goldens are right there with collies in the temperment department.  I don't think I'd ever be afraid of one of them.  Yes, dogs can be unpredictable.  So can a man with a bat.  


@Citrine1 - Well, I guess you can laugh at me because I openly admit that I greatly fear all dogs I do not know, collies included. I have been bitten twice, one which came from a friendly-looking, "Lassie" type dog.  So, yes, I would be afraid of your sweet, adorable collies. Being told how friendly the dog is does not put me at ease or make me any less uncertain around unfamiliar dogs. I don't want dogs coming near me or even looking like they might come towards me, especially if they are off-leash.  Dogs can sense my timidity, which causes many of them to act differently with me than they do with people that are confident around them.  Just giving you my perspective.


Having said that, I can understand where the man with the bat was coming from but I  won't defend his behavior.  As you said somewhere in this thread, he could have waited outside the gate. And, most certainly, he could have conveyed his message in a less threatening manner. Heck, he could have even been polite about it.

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Re: Someone threatened my dog tonight

Forgot to mention I would never ever enter a confined space when someone has their animal inside with them because I have heard of a dog on the short leash in an elevator attacking an elderly woman who entered and just pressed the floor she wished to go to. Now that is really frightening.


Also if anything happens in the elevator like the  elevator's alarm goes off any animal may freak out becuase that is a piercing loud unexpected siren blasting


I was stuck in a hospital elevator for 1/2 hour and got hurt when it unexpectedly came full force down to the lobby from a high floor. 


I also never enter any elevator if a person in a wheelchair is present and there are many tower building elevators that are huge and can accomodate wheelchairs and people standing, butt no thanks!


Lastly elevators have been known to do unpredictable frightening things like dropping down very fast to the lobby floor, and if you are in a high rise elevator  the speed and force when you land could break your bones.


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Registered: ‎02-06-2013

Re: Someone threatened my dog tonight

@Citrine1 Regardless the breed, if a dog is aggressive is because of the owner, not the animal. If you find that man again just call the police and tell the situation. A person who threatened an animal like that should be in jail. He could a potential serial killer and you probably never know if that man has kill an animal before. He had the excuse of "protecting his daughter". He is a schizophrenic scum, today he threatened your collie, tomorrow he could threatened you. Be prepared and get a conciled license permit to own a gun. It's your life. A responsible gun owner, has a gun for his/ her protection, but never wants to use it.


I wish you the best.

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Re: Someone threatened my dog tonight

@dogsx3 : You should call the police and report that guy. The world is full of lunatics. 


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Re: Someone threatened my dog tonight

@september Such a "good dad" threatened to kill animals in front of his daughter. What a great example!  That girl will learn from her father terrible behavior. That man is creating a future serial killer. They kill animals first, then to people.

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Re: Someone threatened my dog tonight

And I was bitten by a German Shepard when I was 11. I don't trust big dogs that much, but I would never harm one with a knife or a baseball bat.