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Re: Senior Cat Question and Advise

[ Edited ]

Call your vet and talk to him, don't wait for the (maybe)  appointment.


Like another poster mentioned, give water by a dropper, you want the cat to stay hydrated. Don't stop any medication without speaking to the vet first.

QVC Customer Care
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Re: Senior Cat Question and Advise

@halfpint1  I remember this stage for my muffy and all i could get her to eat was turkey lunchmeat. 



Esteemed Contributor
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Re: Senior Cat Question and Advise

1.  Get her to the vet ASAP.

2.  Feed her anything she'll eat, not just the kidney diet.  The most important thing is that she eat, now what she eats, at this stage.

3.  She's likely dehydrated and needs subq fluids ASAP -- so don't delay in getting her to the vet.

4.  Cats with kidney failure can come back from an episode of inappetance many times.  It's not necessarily the end, even for an older cat.

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Re: Senior Cat Question and Advise

[ Edited ]

Sammycat1 wrote:

1.  Get her to the vet ASAP.

2.  Feed her anything she'll eat, not just the kidney diet.  The most important thing is that she eat, now what she eats, at this stage.

3.  She's likely dehydrated and needs subq fluids ASAP -- so don't delay in getting her to the vet.

4.  Cats with kidney failure can come back from an episode of inappetance many times.  It's not necessarily the end, even for an older cat.


I agree with well as with the others who responded with similar advice.


For the sake of your precious girl I hope that you'll heed their advice and get her to the vet ASAP today! She's depending on you.


Sending Missy tons of healing prayers.



All of my children have paws =^..^=

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Re: Senior Cat Question and Advise

I'm sorry for you and your Missy, and I don't want to be harsh, but it's time to prepare yourself for the inevitable.  You've obviously done a wonderful job as Missy's mom, for her to live this long.  Hold her and love on her while you can.  Again, I'm sorry.   

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Re: Senior Cat Question and Advise

She would probably FEEL BETTER if she got some fluids subq.


It won't fix the kidney failure, but she MAY feel better.  Cats will stop eating when near the end with this.  I have been through this several times.


Your vet will tell you if they think she can feel better temporarily.  Only do it if the vet thinks she will FEEL better, not just to prolong her life.


This is the he** part of having a pet.  I wish you and she the best.


Hyacinth   Heart

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Re: Senior Cat Question and Advise

[ Edited ]

@halfpint1 - I'm so sorry. We've been through this many times too. Like the other posters have said, get her to a veterinarian as soon as possible. If there is an emergency center in your area, I wouldn't wait. Find someone to take you. You don't want her to suffer long. Good luck. I will be thinking of you. 


ETA: DH (a veterinarian) just said don't force her to take any water if she doesn't want any. Your own veterinarian will probably tell you it's time to let her go peacefully. I'm so sorry. 

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Re: Senior Cat Question and Advise

Susan-QVC--Your cat picture looks like my Missy .Is that yours ? I am going to try and open her mouth to take her half a pill since she doesn;t want her wet food to mix it in. She had a very  very small  lunchmeat piece today. She was brought home by my son  those many years ago.from where he worked. A guy down there feeds a lot of cats that people must drop off.

Thank you for your prayers.

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Re: Senior Cat Question and Advise

@halfpint1  Oh sweetie, so sorry to hear about Missy.  As others have said, I too went thru this same situation about a 1 1/2 ago.  My baby was almost 20 and a "stray" too.  Mine went downhill very quickly, basically over a weekend.  Didn't want to eat but tried to get to his water.  I went out in a rainstorm with him and picked up his favorite snack (a plain jr Arby's roast beef - no bread)  but he had no interest - he didn't want to eat.   Would walk a step or two then fall over, didn't have strength to jump in his favorite chair.  Tried but couldn't get up there.  I knew his time was short.  Since it was Sunday, I spent the whole day just loving him and crying and was at the Vet on Monday mid-morning.  My vet was great and gave me options, including hospice care with them. But I knew he wouldn't want that.  And to make the decision even harder for me, I had just lost my 15 yr old puppy 12 days before.  But my Harley Kitty gave me 20 wonderful years of memories, love, joy and laughter (probably sometimes when he didn't want to but I needed him to) and now it was my turn to give back to him -  even though my heart was breaking and I didn't want to.  Let your love for your precious Missy and the advice from your vet help guide you in this difficult time.  Praying for you and Missy.  


@IG  Thanks for the wonderful poem. I took comfort in it and hope that @ halfpint1 and others will too.  It's such a difficult time.  Thanks for sharing with us all. 



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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Senior Cat Question and Advise

I am bringing Missy up to the vets today so we will see what the verdict is. She was meowing last night for some food so I gave her some dry food the other cat eats. I couldn't refuse her. She ate some up. She is sitting next to me now. She likes to push herself into me.