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Re: Saying Goodbye to Pebbles

@beach-mom   I'm so very sorry for your loss.  Your tribute to Pebbles was beautiful.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Saying Goodbye to Pebbles

@beach-mom  I am so sorry.  What a beautiful tribute to that beautiful girl.  How lucky for you that she became a member of your family.  My condolences.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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Re: Saying Goodbye to Pebbles

My heart felt sympathy!


Your love for Pebbles was evident in every single word you wrote. You saved her and it seems clear she knew that as well. You let her do what she was comfortable with, yet respected her boundaries. I can think of no higher degree of respect. You allowed her to love you in her own way and you loved her totally and completely. Your bond will never be broken and she will live on in your mind and heart. May all your memories be warm ones and one day, may they make you smile instead of grieve.

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Re: Saying Goodbye to Pebbles

Kingstons Mom, I just cried when I read your post. Happy tears though. Just beautiful - thank you.

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Re: Saying Goodbye to Pebbles

So sorry for your loss, @beach-mom .  We know how much this hurts.  You gave her a wonderful life and she will be waiting for you across the rainbow bridge

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Re: Saying Goodbye to Pebbles

@beach-mom      I am so very sorry about your sweet Pebbles. I cried reading your beautiful and touching tribute to her.  Pebbles was a very much loved kitty and so happy and lucky to have you as her mama.  I could see in the tribute you wrote that you and your family of course loved her very much.  It is very difficult and sad when our pets pass on. My sweet Lily went to Rainbow Bridge last year.  She was 17 and a very happy and loved kitty too. I am sure that my Lily and your Pebbles have become friends and are playing and running in the sun at Rainbow Bridge. 


We will all see our pets again someday. And what a reunion that will be! 

I am sending hugs to you my friend.  Pebbles will always be in your heart.

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Re: Saying Goodbye to Pebbles

@beach-mom   I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Pebbles.  Your tribute was so beautiful and I believe our pets wait for us in heaven.  Take care of yourself and know that you loved unconditionally.

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Re: Saying Goodbye to Pebbles



I'm so very sorry for your loss. But Pebbles is at the Bridge, well and young and waiting for you. Until then, memories like the ones  you posted are all you have of her. 

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Re: Saying Goodbye to Pebbles

I am so sorry it was time to send your precious Pebbles to the Rainbow Bridge.  That was a beautiful tribute and I feel like I knew her.


We said good-bye to a similar cat 8 years ago.  We loved her to pieces and she was (and still is) the love of my husband's life.  We miss her every day.


We also adore the cat we have now.  He is so different than our little girl was.  


Our girl slept at the foot of the bed most of tthe night and our boy starts the night curled up in the crook of my arm and ends the night on the other side, pushed into my back.  I can't sleep if we are away from home.  

I'm glad you were able to give Pebbles such a great life, as she did you and I know you will see her again "on the other side."Heart


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Re: Saying Goodbye to Pebbles

   I'm so sorry! 
                         🐱 💔