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Sad News About Frankie

[ Edited ]

As many of you know from my posts lately about Frankie, she has been sick for a few weeks.  Thursday night she had a bad seizure, and I took her to the ER.  They kept her overnight and got her an appointment at the Vet School for Monday morning.  I brought her home for the weekend.


The Vet school did an MRI of her brain that showed a mass.  It was either a tumor or she'd had a stroke that was bleeding.  The type of tumor they thought it was did not respond well to radiation.  They also did a spinal tap, so my only hope was that the spinal tap would show she had an inflammatory disease.  That would have been treatable.  The Vet called me this morning to say that she did not have an inflammatory disease.


We talked for a while, and I told her that I had thought about this a lot.  If it had been an inflammatory disease I would, of course, have treated it.  I felt like I had no choice other than to let her go.  I asked if I could come into the Vet School to be with her while she put her to sleep.  They aren't letting people in because of the virus.  She said the rules were strict and I couldn't come in.  She said there was a quiet place outside with a bench, and she would bring Frankie out and do it there so that I could be with her.


My sister took me.  When she brought Frankie outside she was pretty sedated.  They had kept her on a lot of pain meds because they felt like her head and neck were hurting her badly from the brain disease.  The Vet put Frankie on the bench between my sister and me.  She went peacefully and is out of pain now.


I am so sad and heartbroken.  The house just won't be the same without Frankie.  She was my constant companion.  I would have done anything for her.  It has meant so much to me to be able to come here and "talk" with all of you about this.  I appreciate you all.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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My heart is breaking with you. So sorry for your loss.
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Oh, no!  This is the worst possible outcome.  

I'm crying myself as all I can say is that I'm so very, very sorry.



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@NickNack There is a big lump in my throat as I type this.  I'm so very sorry. 

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I'm so very sorry for your loss. It is never easy.

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@NickNack   OMG, I am so sorry to hear this.  I have tears running down my face.  I had to put my favorite fur baby down in January.  My emotions  are still raw and I still cry everyday.  I miss her.


I know deep in my heart, I did the right thing and I know you did too. I know there is nothing I can say to make you feel better.  It hurts.


I will keep you in my prayers and hope you find some peace.  God bless you for taking such good care of Frankie.


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I am so, so sorry, @NickNack . It is hard for me to take this in, and I cannot imagine how difficult it is for you. My heart is with you. Dear little Frankie. Words fail.

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Can't express how sorry I am for you, NickNack.  Can't imagine letting go of a pet without being able to comfort them all the way through.


However, Frankie has been receiving your love, care and comfort for her whole life, so I'm sure that stuck with her.


Please take care of yourseff and thanks for loving her so much.

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@NickNack   I am so very sorry to hear this.  Take care and take the time to grieve at your own pace.  My wonderful vet gave me the best advice and that was to write an obit listing details of my dog's live - likes dislikes, etc.    He uses a cremation place that provides forms for that and they make them into book marks and a 2 sided obit.  He encouraged me to take the time to fill it out and it was really healing.  It was and still is a great source of comfort to me.  Just know that many of us feel your pain.  

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@NickNack   I am overcome with grief for you.  I know how much you loved Frankie, and as you say, life won't be the same.  So sad but you did the right thing if she was in pain.  Thank goodness you have Henry.  Just wish I could give you a hug.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment