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Question on Dog having two ACLs repaired same time.

My 6 year old Bichon just saw surgeon has a torn ACL in each leg. He says they do better when both done at same time.  I am trying to imagine how she will squat to do her business. He says they manage and rely on upper limbs, and incontinence for a couple of days. I was wondering if anyone here had any experience with this? Appreciate any advice as usual. Thank you,Susi.

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Re: Question on Dog having two ACLs repaired same time.

Hi Susic,  Our late Bernese Mt. Dog had 2 torn ACLs within 6 months of each other and she relied on the good leg when she was recuperating and then the other one went.  Trust your vet to know what's best.   Your dog may do more damage to the other leg if both are not done at the same time.  Believe me when I say your dog will get through it.  Just follow your vet's advice as long as you trust him or her.  It will be about 12 weeks before your dog is back to full activity or at least that's  how it was with us.  Dogs are amazingly resilient.  I hope everything works out for you and your bichon. 

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Re: Question on Dog having two ACLs repaired same time.

My Scully had both legs affected, around 6 months apart also - (dr said that might happen as they overuse the good leg while the bad leg is healing) - he had a cast up to his hip and it was very difficult for him to use the bathroom, but he did manage.  It's a tough time while they are going through it as you have to keep them crated, but it is definitely worth it in the end. 

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Re: Question on Dog having two ACLs repaired same time.

[ Edited ]

I had the experience of my dog NOT really  needing this surgery. It is not an easy surgery you know.


My dog recuperated from it, without surgery buy both slow walks and rest.( and my prayers)  Drs are very quick to operate for this on our furbabies .It is a big money maker for vets. Can't anyone see how many operations they do???


If you are caring,patient with your furbaby it will heal itself with less pain and no surgery.


This is just my opinion because It worked for me My prayers for your furbaby <3


I had to come back and add. My dog was sceduled for ACL surgery and also another surgery,which became an emergency and had to be done first. The ACL surgery was posponed untill after he recouperated. It was the middle of a bad winter,so I posponed it untill spring and by springtime he had healed himself with rest and careful ,slow walks with me.We returned to the vet in springtime and we found  he no longer needed the ACL surgery.



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Re: Question on Dog having two ACLs repaired same time.

It has been about a month, and first it was the right rear leg, it got a little better with resting and less walks. But I guess she was favoring it and suddenly after a happy twirling incident, she started holding up her left rear leg and that is now worse than right. She struggles to walk and forgets she can't move quickly and turn quickly. It is so hard to watch her walk on 3 legs, and I decided to go ahead with surgery to fix it so she can enjoy her life again. Was just wondering if anyone had this done with their dogs, and how  they managed the first few days. Luckily I can carry her anywhere, it's the potty issue that I was wondering about. Thank you all again!

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Re: Question on Dog having two ACLs repaired same time.

Maggie, our Bernese, was about 93 lbs. at the time so having a smaller dog should a bit easier.  If the recuperating process is still the same, you'll have to exercise the dog's legs a few times per day as it's laying down and ice (bag of frozen peas) and put a warm washcloth on the leg.  This is important as you don't want the legs to get atrophied while they're not as active.  I look back now and wonder how we got through it - sometimes I think it was worse for my husband and I because we felt so bad for the dog.  The second leg was done on January 3 and taking her outside in the winter (one of the worst winters in CT) was difficult.  You will do just fine!

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Re: Question on Dog having two ACLs repaired same time.

I know, it is probably worse watching them hobble around. Never was expecting to have two done at same time. I saw a few big dogs walking on 3 legs I guess the day after their surgery at Vets office. At least I can carry her!

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Re: Question on Dog having two ACLs repaired same time.

About 1-1/2 years ago, my 130 lb French Mastiff completely tore the ACL in one back leg and partially tore the ACL in the other back leg. The surgeon I went to see said he'd want to do both at one time. I didn't like the guy because of several things he said during the visit, so I told my vet I was going to try acupuncture first and then, if surgery was still necessary, I'd go to the surgeon who was 4 hours away. Neither my regular vet or the vet who did the acupuncture could believe the surgeon wanted to do both legs at once on such a large dog. They thought it would be okay for a smaller dog because it's easier for the owner to assist them getting up, going potty, etc.


Luckily, after many months of acupuncture and Chinese herbs ... my dog is now walking great on both back legs and we haven't had to have the surgery.


Best of luck with your baby.



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Re: Question on Dog having two ACLs repaired same time.


Which "type" of operation did you decide upon (The tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) which includes a metal rod--or the more simplier procedure which resembles a "rubber band"?)    I chose the TTA and it was 100% successful~!   


My cocker (40#s) would not have a bowel movement until her cast was off.  The night I brought her home, she urinated herself due to not being able to bend her back legs.   I even used a "lap band" under her for stability, and it did not work well.  (All the best to you and your precious pup!)

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Re: Question on Dog having two ACLs repaired same time.

@Susic, my little guy had surgery on both patellae at the same time and I believe it helped his recovery. He was much more willing to be compliant with his restrictions because both legs were involved.


Last August he had an ACL repair on his left leg and with his right leg being healthy I had to keep careful watch that he wasn't forgetting himself and over doing with the left while stressing the right.  The extra strain on his right leg put him in danger of damage in that leg that would necessitate a second surgery.


IMO it would be better for your dog to have them both done at the same time rather than having to undergo surgery on one while the other leg worsens due to the extra strain of compensating for the surgical leg then have to undergo a second, possibly more complicated surgery resulting in strain on the leg from the first surgery.


Your dog will figure out a way to compensate for both legs being done without worsening either.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.