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Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today

So sorry for your loss.  So many of us have gone through that, several times.  I will be facing that again soon with my 14 year old lab mix.


Grief is funny and we all deal with it differently.  With dogs, I cry way more before it happens, knowing that it is coming.  I take tons of photos, and save some of their hair.


After, I am sad, but also feel relieved at the same time.


When our most recently deceased dog (Indigo) started to have issues years ago, I thought she would be leaving us soon.  We got a second dog (Sneakers), never having had 2 dogs at the same time before.  Well Indigo recovered, so we had the two of them for a long time, though they were never buddy buddy.  When the Indigo died, we got another second dog, Luna.  They are not buddy buddy either.  Too much of an age different I guess.  Anyway, Sneakers is having issues.


My point of writing all this is just that it is easier, for me anyway, to lose a dog if I still have another at home.


Again, I am sorry for your loss.  Maybe when you are ready, you can get another dog.  I won't read all the responses because it makes me too sad.

Dogs never move beyond our home like kids do.  They are always ours and ours alone to love and treasure, as they do their owners.  Bless  you.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today

I am so sorry. I also have a senior dog and know what's on the horizon, even though I can't stand to think of it. I'm sure you provided lots of love and attention and a good home to your Beagle Sarah and a good owner is already Heaven to a pet. {{Hugs}}


Screenshot 2023-06-30 200258.png

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Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today

@katie1859   I'm so sorry to hear about your little dog.

                     We don't want our pets to suffer, but it is so

                     hard to let them go.


                      That is the most painful and difficult part

                    about having a pet that we love so much.

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Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today

I am so sorry. . .


Saying good bye to pet.jpg

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Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today

I want to thank you ALL very much. You have helped me in a few hours be comforted by your words and stories. The hardest by far was the euthanasia itself.


I DO wanted her to go on her terms. It didn't go that way and I'm heart hurt.

I did as you suggested and I have lots of photos and memories.

She was God given no doubt. She filled voids with her love and sweetness I am overwhelmed by.


The night is here and I put myself to bed. I was blessed by words and hugs and strength, 

Thank you-




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Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today

Letting go is the hardest part of loving a fur baby. I wish you comfort knowing you did what was best for Sarah.

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Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today

I am so very sorry. What a terrible, heartbreaking loss.


Saying goodbye to someone whom you've loved seems impossible. Having her with you for so many years makes the parting even harder. 


May God soothe your aching heart and soul. I'm sure you loved each other very much; thank you for making her feel loved, safe and cherished. I hope the loving memories you shared will give you comfort and solace.

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Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today

@katie1859 ,  my heart breaks for you        these are one of the hardest decisions a person has to make in life

so very sorry  



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Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today



You know you did what was best for her but that doesn't make it any easier. I am so very sorry. I know the pain and sorrow you feel. As pet owners, we have all been there at least once. When the time is right I hope you will find it in your heart to rescue a needy dog and give him or her the love you gave Sarah.

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Re: Putting Down My Beagle Today

@katie1859  So sorry for your loss.Heart I grew up with Beagles. They are such wonderful dogs. You were blessed to have her for seventeen years. She will always be with you in your heart. Take good care.