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I took our recent addition today for her first round of shots. Of course, of all days it's was pouring.  I was a sight with cat carrier on my walker, purse etc. getting to car and getting everything in.  I was drenched.


She is now over 2 lbs.  gained 1/2 lb in a week. Negative for feline luekemia, can use regular litter and no more restricted activity. That was good since she's been doing zoomies for 2 days.


In 3 weeks gets shot against feline luekemia even though she's going to be an indoor cat.The rest and rabies after that.


The vet tech was holding her and had to leave the room. Said she was taking kitten with her because she's so cute.


They are wonderful there.  It's a new place for us. My friend has a baking business and makes the best cookies. I am having her make some in the shapes of cats and dogs and taking them to the Drs. and staff for Little P's next appt.

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Re: Petunia's vet appt. today!

@CrazyKittyLvr2 You are a dear. You rescued this sweet girl (love her name) AND she will be an inddor kitty.


It's a proven fact that indoor cats live longer and healthier lives. Hope you'll post updates on her. I've loved and had cats my whole life, though none at this time.


Sending pet-pets to Miss Petunia.  Heart

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Re: Petunia's vet appt. today!

@Love my grandkids  Not sure you know she was 1 of a litter of 3 from a stray we feed.  She got an injury on her stomach and we took her emergency vet.  Had to keep her contained. Well, she's here to stay.  I found homes for her siblings.


Were not planning on another cat (have a crabby 11 yr. old female) but we can't give her up. They figure she is 8 weeks old.  I thought she was a little older than that. She's a holy terror, but darn cute.

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Re: Petunia's vet appt. today!

@CrazyKittyLvr2  Now that you remind me I DO remember reading about the kittens. She is a rescue and she will love you forever!


I have a tee shirt with a picture of a cat that reads RESCUED IS MY FAVORITE BREED.


I know what it's like to have a crabby cat!

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Re: Petunia's vet appt. today!

Petunia is lucky to have you (drenched and all today!)  She has managed to wrap you around her lil paw and hold you close to her heart - as  she is to yours.


It's so nice to know there's TREMENDOUSLY HUMANE people out there....I get so mad hearing about the opposite.


If you can - please please please post a pic of her....I too love her already!

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Re: Petunia's vet appt. today!

@CrazyKittyLvr2   I'm so glad you and your daughter have sweet Petunia.  My Vet has never suggested giving my indoor only cats the feline leukemia vaccine.  It's really unnecessary for indoor cats.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Petunia's vet appt. today!

@NickNack  I will double check with her.  We were talking after they took blood for the test. We were waiting for results.  Maybe I misunderstood.


I was just relieved the test was negative.  My very first cat died of feline leukemia.


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Re: Petunia's vet appt. today!

@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

@NickNack  I will double check with her.  We were talking after they took blood for the test. We were waiting for results.  Maybe I misunderstood.


I was just relieved the test was negative.  My very first cat died of feline leukemia.




@CrazyKittyLvr2   I'm so sorry about your first cat dying of feline leukemia.  I know it's a terrible disease.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Registered: ‎05-11-2013

Re: Petunia's vet appt. today!

@NickNack   It's funny I have cats.  I was always a dog person and was never around cats until I met my DH.  His Mom had a cat and it followed me everywhere. I wasn't fond of cats but I would pet it.  If we went into a neighbor's barn every darn barn cat came to me, the dog person.  I think they sensed I was a crazy cat lady at heart.


No one was more surprised than I was when I took in a stray (my 1st cat) many years ago.  They are like potato chips, can't have just one.

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Re: Petunia's vet appt. today!

[ Edited ]

@MoonieBaby wrote:


If you can - please please please post a pic of her....I too love her already!

I think it should be required to post a picture when talkin' about ones pet.  Cat Very Happy


I'm old and forget.  Or I just like seeing pet pictures (I forget that too.  LOL)


Wait! Little P is the cuter than cute tuxedo, right?


ETA:  So happy the "tiny terror" is doing well and thriving!
