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I was thinking about you and your family, both 2 legged and 4 legged. How are you all doing?


I hope Frankie's meds are working. 


DD and I had to hit the store for people  food and the small store where she gets the cat's food. We stocked up. the strays have 60 lbs. of food (there are a crew of them) and Petunia and Tess have 32 lbs.  The store is getting another shipment Wed.  Of course, they got a bag of treats and new toys.  


Give Frankie a hug from Petunia and me.  Handsome Henry too. Stay safe.

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Thanks for checking on us @CrazyKittyLvr2 .  Frankie is still a little wobbly and falls sometimes, but I am keeping her confined to her x-pen during the day except to go out to potty.  At night she sleeps in her bed in my room.  She doesn't wander around.


She goes back to the Vet next Friday, and I have a feeling she'll be having an MRI to properly diagnose her disc issue.  


Henry went to the Vet to get his nails trimmed today.  It was a struggle getting him into his carrier.  Then he meowed loudly all the way to the Vet.  My friend usually comes over to trim both of their nails every four weeks.  I hold them, and she trims the nails.    She isn't leaving her house though right now and won't come.  It's so much easier to do Henry's nails at home than to take him to the Vet.  It makes me appreciate my friend doing them much more.


It sounds like you really stocked up at the Pet Supply Store today. I'm not sure I could fit that much food in my car!


Hugs back to Petunia from Frankie and Henry.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Registered: ‎05-11-2013

@NickNack  You should have seen Petunia the last time she had her nails trimmed. She was nothing but little teeth and claws. 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

@NickNack  You should have seen Petunia the last time she had her nails trimmed. She was nothing but little teeth and claws. 



@CrazyKittyLvr2   Were you and your daughter trimming them or someone else?  Henry wasn't good when my friend and I started doing it, but he's gotten used to it and is better now.  We always did it every four weeks.  He kneads on me, and when I can feel his claws I know it's time.


He's perfect when the Vet Tech does it.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Posts: 5,080
Registered: ‎05-11-2013

@NickNack  The vet tech has always done them.  The 1st time she was so little  she was good.  I can't say she like it, all 1.8lbs. of her hissed a little, but she was good.  Each subsequent time was worse.


They love her at the vet. She gets a lot of kisses and attention which she enjoys, but don't try to do her nails.I thought she was going to shred the tech's hand.