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Thank you so much @sceniccoast  It's been over a week now and while we’re still sad we know he is in a better place.

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Just me, Annabelle, checking in.  Well, Bill is still doing OK.  I'm very, very (add a few more very) lucky that my dear friend works for the Vet.  She comes every day and hydrates him.  It only takes about 5 minutes.


He seems to be doing OK.  He follows me around like he has always done.  He eats really well and drinks water (something he's never been good at doing).


Today is Sunday.  I find myself thinking, "This is probably going to be the last Sunday I'll have with Bill".


I think my brain is trying very hard to accept that every day, minute, second with him is a gift.  That's always been the way I think of him.  I've always told him that he 'saved' me.


After my husband died suddenly, I still had 3 cats (one was my husband's) so I kept busy.  But one by one I had to put them to sleep.  Fabio was the last one and that was my husband's cat.


Bill is still keeping himself spotless.  He isn't showing any of signs I know all too well (and many of you also know).


My friend cleans out the two cat boxes (to see if he's using them the way he should) and he is using the litter boxes.


But I do know his kidney's are very badly damaged along with his pancreas.


Most of the time you'd never know he was sick.  I think when it's's going to come quickly.


That's what happened with two of my cats.  


The pesky other side of my brain (remember I told you guys how it drives me crazy) is saying, "Who gives you the right to decide life or death".  


I understand that things given to people doesn't work on animals, especially cats.  Bill and I are so close I know his every mood.  


His favorite thing to do is sit on me right under my neck.  It makes it difficult to breathe (I think my fat belly makes it easier for him to rest there).


Well, take care and be safe.  Oh!  I almost forgot.  I've been driving my Virginia Congressman about getting the Covid shot.


I finally got a notice that I'm signed up for the 'wait list' and to call to find out where I am on this list.


You know, I was just thinking how our fur babies reminds us that we are all the same when it comes to loving them.  They don't care who, what any of us are.  They love us just the same.


Take care ladies, be safe.  Fondly, Annabellethecat.

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I’m glad to hear Bill is still following you around @Annabellethecat66 Good sign. 


Yes, you very blessed to have your friend come and hydrate Bill. I’m praying he has a little more time without pain. 


Sending you and Bill hugs and prayers and let us know how it goes with the vaccine.

Posts: 22
Registered: ‎05-08-2013

I am so very sorry for your loss. We had to put our dog to sleep last March and she was our baby. Oreo was definitely a cutie and you have so many good memories of him. I cried for like 5 minutes when I read your post so know that people understand and care. Hang in there and know people care. 






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Thank you @Peepers1 It's been a little over 2 weeks now and we are a lot better. Khloe is still moping and she worries me. She sleeps a lot now. I called the Vet and told me to give her lots of attention and to keep an eye on her. 


She's back to eating but she doesn't go outside and play like she used to with Oreo. My son says we may have to get another pup sooner than we thought. Right now I'm working from home and if she wants up, I carry her on my lap while I work. We shall see, but thank you so much for your kind words. 

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@qvcfreak  Thanks for your kind words.


Well Bill is doing well.  Actually for the next few days he’s at a sleepover.


My friend who hydrates Bill took him to her house yesterday.  Where I live they are 1 acre lots that are off country two lane roads.  They wind and twist.  If you go too far over you end up in a deep ditch.


With the snow coming to Va my friend’s boss suggested she take Bill to her house in case she can’t get to him to hydrate him.  Acrually it was her boss ( the Vet) who suggested it.


I think they wanted to avoid having me go bonkers over the phone that Bill was dying. I always say I don’t have tons of friends but. The ones I have I care for them.  I think of them as flowers you’d water and nourish as you would a flower.  I don’t let too many days go by that I don’t send a card, a little gift, a text or phone call to say “You’re in my thoughts”.


It is selfish because I get so much pleasure from it.


Right before Christmas I sent to lots of people that amaryllis QVC was selling.  I do that every year.  It’s been fun hearing from everyone, sending me pictures of theirs.


Our of the many I sent out only one bloomed but looked a little sick.  She thinks she over watered it.


It’s truely selfish (on my part) and the gift that keeps on giving because I enjoy it so much.  I’d even forgotten how many I had QVC send out.


So on a snowy Sunday, my sadness at missing my Bill is tempered by he wonderful texts from friends weighing in (and showing) me pictures of their amaryllis.


As for Bill, his ‘other mom’ is sending me lots of video of him getting his belly rubbed (what’s that about anyway) and telling me that he’s still beating all odds the machines keep saying he’s dying.


I think maybe someone needs to tell Bill...but no!  Don’t tell him.  I want him to live forever.  He’s amazing.  I know we all think our love will keep them from dying, but our brains say otherwise.


Incidentally he’s rooming with 5 other cats and one Golden Labrador puppy.  Hopefully he’s learning to share.


His sister Katie has been amazing staying out of trouble.  I think she’s afraid she’ll be going to sleep overs.  She does stand in the living room yelling at night.  


What’s that about?

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Thanks for the update @Annabellethecat66. Bill is in great hands with your friend his 2nd momma. Sending you (((HUGS))) and lots of prayers

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@qvcfreak  I was  sad to read about your sweetie, Oreo.  You gave him love and care and he returned that love, I can tell by the happy way he has his toy.  His footprints will always be in your heart for you to cherish.

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Thank you @hayseed00  We miss him and find ourselves talking and remembering him often 


Khloe sleeps under my bed and I use a crate mattress for her. Yesterday I bought her a new one and as I pulled her little mattress out to place the new one, I noticed she has been sleeping with one of Oreo’s toys. Broke my heart but I’m glad she finds comfort with his little toys. 

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@qvcfreakAll my beloved pets that have gone to the Rainbow Bridge have left some sadness in my heart, but I'm glad for all the love and joy they have brought me.  I always tell my husband that I like animals better than most people.  I'm a soft touch for all my fur babies from our horses to our 11yr. old chickens.  Take care friend.