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Re: One of my cats driving me crazy! help!

Our indoor cat used to bother me in many ways.  She got out earlier this month.  By the time we found her, she was near death, and even though the vet tried very hard, she could not be saved after 3 weeks of starving, cold and rain.  We miss her so much and won't see her lying under the Christmas tree this year.  I wish I had her to bother me.  

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Re: One of my cats driving me crazy! help!

@Another new name Sue wrote:

Our indoor cat used to bother me in many ways.  She got out earlier this month.  By the time we found her, she was near death, and even though the vet tried very hard, she could not be saved after 3 weeks of starving, cold and rain.  We miss her so much and won't see her lying under the Christmas tree this year.  I wish I had her to bother me.  



@Another new name Sue   I'm very sorry for your loss.

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Re: One of my cats driving me crazy! help!

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Re: One of my cats driving me crazy! help!

Both of my cats did that, its partly why I hesitate to get another cat.  I had one cat for 17 years, another for 15 years.  Tuffy always did that but not in every room.  It was the bedrooms, she wouldn't "allow" anything on the bureaus and dressers.  She was actually a bit mean about it.  She'd wait until someone was in the room and walk along the top of the dresser and just kick things off, slowly one by one.  The girls would treat like a game, which probably didn't help.  Whisky did it with everything.  The kitchen was safe.  The dining room table was safe but he wouldn't allow anything on my credenza or the living room tables or our dressers.  Just lamps.  He was OK with lamps.  Part of it might be attention but I think it's just a "cat thing" for some cats. 

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Re: One of my cats driving me crazy! help!

@ellaphant wrote:

I have  5 cats and one oth them is driving me crazy, earkier this year she began knocking thinks off tables and out of bookshelves 'just because' and when she wants to play with the laser or when she is hungry, I have had to put away all of my framed pictures as she has knocked them over and broken the glass or the frames. I will play with the laser for over an hour and she continues her bad behavior. She just knocked a huge book off a table and I put her in another room and closed the door. She is a very sweet kitty when she is not doing this...but this has got to stop! Help!


Just a thought, is she eating her food? One of mine will wreck havoc if she doesn't like the food I put out. As soon as she snubs the canned food flavor I put out, I know she will start being annoying. Chewing everything, plicking at the painting above the couch, chewing the corner of the coffee table, and on & on. (I actually have to have all exposed electrical cords covered with a protective covering.)


I give it a little while until I can't take it any longer and then give in and put another flavor out, she eats and then all is good. It is an attention thing with her. She definitely has me trained. LOL.


So, maybe it isn't just playing with your cat, it could be she is trying to tell you something else.

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Re: One of my cats driving me crazy! help!

Get a feather on a stick toy, and play with her until she is panting, and do this several times a day.


Get her leaping and jumping with it.


You have to wear her out, and get her to burn off that excess energy.


She is knocking things off because she is bored.


A laser toy is not enough.

The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.
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Re: One of my cats driving me crazy! help!

@NickNack That toy is a blast for cats BUT some time ago a new version was made with a "plug" in the middle as some cats were getting their heads stuck and one little kitten almost suffocated.

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Re: One of my cats driving me crazy! help!

@Love my grandkids wrote:

@NickNack That toy is a blast for cats BUT some time ago a new version was made with a "plug" in the middle as some cats were getting their heads stuck and one little kitten almost suffocated.



@Love my grandkids   The one that I have does have the plug in the middle.  I read about them getting their head stuck and made sure it had the plug.  I don't think they sell the others anymore.  If the photo that I used didn't have the plug it was probably just an old stock photo.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: One of my cats driving me crazy! help!

@NickNack Oh so glad you have the safe one. I do recall that they quit making the original. It's hilarious, watching a cat play with this toy.