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He's my 14-year-old kitty and he had an awful time at the vet today.


We took him in because a small cyst on his back suddently became inflame and painful--he's even licked off the fur surrounding it. The vet took a sample to be biopsied, and then a shot of benadryl to stop the reaction. Big mistake! (although no one had any way of knowing it at the time)


Poor BooBoo! When we got home I gave him pain medicine so between that and his bad reaction to benadryl, he was in awful shape: howling at the top of his voice, trying to walk but staggering and falling down instead, and eating ravenously as soon as we got home. After an hour or two he wasn't getting any better; he seemed to be getting worse. So of course we called the vet and they said this is an unusual but not unheard-of reaction to the benadryl.


(In fact, he was so unsteady on his feet that we put our granddaughter's baby gate at the top of the stairs; I was afraid he'd fall down and really hurt himself.)


The vet also told us that if he didn't get any better and/or started having trouble breathing--i.e., panting or gasping--take him to an emergency vet right away. And they also told us that the reaction would start wearing off about 8 hours after the shot, so Boo should be ok by morning.


My poor little kitty; he's had health problems all his life and this is almost the worst one yet. I sure hope the biopsy doesn't show cancer but we'll deal with this one step at a time.


Some prayers and positive vibes into the cosmos would be greatly appreciated. And thanks for letting me unload; mu husband's so upset I can't talk to him without upsetting him more.

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I know how hard it is.  Prayers for booboo that his biopsy is benign, he sleeps through the night and is feeling better tomorrow.  🙏🙏🙏

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Your poor BooBoo!

I hate it when they are sick!

I hope he will be ok and feel better soon and that his biopsy will also be benign!🙏🏻

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Thank you!

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Re: My poor BooBoo!

[ Edited ]

I hope and pray your beloved BooBoo will be fine.  Let’s hope that nasty cyst will prove to be benign.  What a terrible time for you and for kitty.  We did have a health scare a while back with our kitty, so I know what you are going through.  

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@FuzzyFace  So hard when our precious pets are sick.  I'm sending healing prayers for BooBoo, not only that he will recoup by morning but that the test results will be favorable.  I hope you get some sleep tonight, and let us know how he is doing in the morning.  Much love.

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To: @FuzzyFace and your DH, I hope that BooBoo feels better soon and that the biopsy is benign.

May you all have a restful weekend.

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It's ok to vent...our little fur babies are our family. It is amazing how much love they give us. I pray BOO BOO does well and you get good news from the vet.

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Poor BoooBoo!  Its' so hard when you only want to help and things like this happen.  I hpoe the benadryl has worn off and everyone can rest now.  praying that BooBoo comes out well and the Biopsy is clear for him. 

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@FuzzyFace  I'm so sorry this happened to BooBoo.  It's awful to watch our pets suffer.  I'm sure he was very confused about what happened to him.  I do hope the cyst is benign and that BooBoo has recovered from his Benadryl shot this morning.  Please let us know.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau