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I had to say goodbye to my 12 year old Jasmine kitty today. She went from 9.5 lbs to barely over 5 lbs since October. At first we just thought it was stress since getting the kitten (Chloe) back in September. Chloe was always bulling her, chasing her, jumping on her and biting her. In the last few weeks she has lost her appetite for the most part. Today the vet found 2 lumps in her abdomen. Between the weight loss and appetite loss it was more than likely cancer so we decided to do what we felt was the best for her and let her go. Saying goodbye is the hardest part of having a pet. She is the 2nd cat we have had to let go in an 8 month period. We had to put our 18 year old Rusty cat down last June. I am going to miss her so much. She was such a sweet loving snuggle bug and it is going to be hard sleeping at night without her snuggles. I love you Miss Jasmine and will miss you so much. RIP my sweet girl, I will always love you. 💔💔😢😿
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@rustysmom , I'm so sorry. Condolence to you and family.

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So very sorry for your loss.  It is so painful to say good-bye to these little furry ones. Glad to know she is no longer suffering.  Be good to yourself and hug up that little one.

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@rustysmom  I’m sorry for your loss but you did the thing by telling Jasmine kitty goodbye. Never easy. I’m dealing with a similar situation too so I feel your pain. Prayers for you and your family.🙏🏻🙏🏻

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My heart is crying for you.  I've been there more times than I care to count. In your heart, you know you did the right thing, painful as it is.  You gave Jasmine the ultimate gift of your love for her.  My prayers are with you. docsgirl

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@rustysmom , I feel you pain and am so sorry for the loss.

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So sorry for your loss. 

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I am so sorry that you had to say good-bye to your sweet girl.  But you gave her the greatest gift by loving her as a member of your family and then having the courage to let her go when it was time.

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As with most posters here, my deepest sympathies. So true one of the hardest things is having to say goodbye to our beloved.  We do it out of love. R.I. P. Jasmine Heart

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Registered: ‎10-03-2014

Oh, do I know what you are going through, the pain you feel! 


Everyone is different, but the best thing I did for myself, was to begin looking for another dog.  Timing wasn't important, a week, a a few weeks...when I felt ready.  A new cat will never replace those lost, but getting a puppy sure helped me get through the grief. 


Take care