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Re: My friend is bringing her dog over tomorrow so Story and I can say goodbye

@Nicknack wrote:

That's sad.  I know this is such a sad time for your friend.

@NickNack - We had a nice visit.  Her dog, Lexi, started wagging her tail when she saw Story.  We went on a short walk together - Lexi's breathing is very labored because the tumor is shutting off her breathing.  Lexi instantly started down the path that she and my friend take our dogs walking.  My friend's husband was home digging a grave in the woods behind them, she said they found a lovely spot.  My friend is taking it a moment at a time - evaluating every moment and has 2 doctors on call to come to the house when she's ready.  She actually held it together better than I did saying goodbye to Lexi today.  I took a picture of her, Lexi and Story and sent it to her. She thanked me for my kindness.  Story stood by my friend's side offering her comfort while we were talking.  Dogs just know.

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Re: My friend is bringing her dog over tomorrow so Story and I can say goodbye

Your post reminded me of how our next door neighbor's dog came over to our deck (....he never came up on the deck....) and kept looking in the kitchen slider doors.


He came over to say goodbye to me.  He passed later that week from cancer.  For years I brushed him down when we went up to the mountains for the weekend.  He seemed to enjoy the attention.


Still miss that golden retriever !  His paw prints are in the cement of our front walkway.  I can still remember him helping the landscapers dig the hole for our front red maple!

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Re: My friend is bringing her dog over tomorrow so Story and I can say goodbye

Oh my....I'm in tears.


Years ago, my current neighbor did the same thing, telling me they were taking "Yogi" to the vet "in a few hours" ....I took a picture of them (as a family) before they drove away...then days later, I gave her that photo (framed), and she cherished it.   

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Registered: ‎03-04-2012

Re: My friend is bringing her dog over tomorrow so Story and I can say goodbye

@seaBreeze - She just emailed me telling me she just spoke to a vet that will come to the house.  The vet told her not to wait just because she doesn't want to lose her dog.  My friend said "I can't believe I just tried to look up another holistic remedy hoping I would find something that would miraculously cure her."  I think she knows what needs to be done.  I just feel for her and her husband - this is their child as they don't have any children.