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@NEvans2 My male Jack Russell will be 16 in May. He used to toss balls around and under everything. Now occasionally he comes in the kitchen when I'm fixing his dinner and a soft ball is tossed. I don't throw them any more because he's sometimes unsteady on hardwood. Just a short roll and he tosses it back. 
 He has a favorite old stuffed cow. It stays in his bed in my bedroom away from the female Jack Russell. If it's time for bed he will get the cow and hold it and stare at me. He's saying "bedtime"! I LOVE THAT DOG!

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@sceniccoast wrote:

@Retired Legal Secretary 


Love another cute story of Sweet Petunia!  Enjoy their young age while you can.  I miss that fun part.  The memories of  my 2 of them at night are very comical.


My 2 girls mostly nap often & meow a LOT!  They both want me to be with them so if I'm with one, the other one starts in.  They don't hang out together anymore.  I wish they did, but Fluffy likes to be boss!  Ginger's not one for hitting back, etc.


I wish Sweet Petunia good luck tomorrow.  I hope all goes well.  Heart




How are both Sweet Frankie & Henry doing?  Hope they're both feeling well & enjoying the lazy winter days of napping.  Heart



@sceniccoast   Frankie and Henry are doing well.  They're becoming better friends than ever before.  It's sweet to watch them.  Smiley Happy

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Little P was not happy being put in a carrier this morning.  DD had to drop her off a vet between 8:30 and 9:00.


Of course, we had to put all food and water away last night.  Nothing after midnight.  DD waited til 11:00 pm to do it.


Let's just say Tess, the 11 yr. old, was not amused getting her breakfast a little late. Once Petunia was in the carrier the food dishes and water bowls went back out.  Tess just sat by the spot where the food and water usually are with a "what the heck, I'm not having surgery, where's the food" look on her face.

Hopefully, Tess will enjoy her few hours of peace and quiet with no Petunia chasing her upstairs and generally being a pesky little housemate.

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@CrazyKittyLvr2   How did Petunia do today with her spay?  Is she home yet?

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Retired Legal Secretary -


ONE OF THE FUNNIER Miss P stories.

Very visual and descriptive.


I love your stories and miss them when for a hot minute you take a breather from posting.


Good luck with her vet visit - kiss her on the ever-so-soft forehead for her Aunt Ko - tell her I said she is the CUTEST ever!

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@NickNack  Thank you so much for asking about the not so tiny terror.  Daughter is on the way home with her.  They said she did well.


They said to keep her as quiet as possible for 10 days to 2 weeks.  Are they kidding?  I knew she shouldn't do stairs, jump etc. for awhile, but that long.  I have never had a spayed/neutered animal have restrictions for that long. This should be interesting. 


We can keep her in a bedroom but she will go crazy not being in the middle of the action.  Well, as much action as this household sees.


 You ladies have a pretty accurate idea of Little P's antics and activity level. . Any ideas?

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@CrazyKittyLvr2   I'm glad she's on her way home.  I wouldn't keep her in a bedroom, because she'll just jump on and off the bed.  I know it will be difficult to keep her quiet.  She'll probably be quiet on her own tonight and maybe tomorrow.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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@NickNack  The Dr. asked DD if P did zoomies going up and down the steps.  DD laughed and replied "that is her only speed."


Petunia's outlook is, why walk when you can run at full speed.


I think she may be okay tonight because of the anesthetic and just not feeling perky.  Maybe even tomorrow.  After that who knows.


Like I said in a prior post, Gizmo was up the stairs before we had time to realize he had taken a step outside the carrier.  We had a dickens of a time trying to contain him for even 3 or 4 days.


He was like "surgery, what surgery. See ya, I want to play."




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@CrazyKittyLvr2   I had a dog one time that had surgery to repair a hernia.  The Vet told me to keep him quiet for a week and not let him jump off anything.  We got home, and he immediately jumped on and off my bed before I knew what happened.  He busted his stitches, and something else happened.  They had to repeat the surgery or do something to repair it.  This was many years ago, and I don't remember the details.  I about died when he did that.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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@NickNack  Oh gosh, daughter will have a conniption if she hurts that incision.  She worries more about that cat than most people do about their children.  Seriously, she is a nervous Nellie.


The instructions say to keep her in a room with no furniture.  Who has a room with no furniture?


So far Petunia has just walked around. No attempts to do steps, jump or even chase Tess.  She has pain meds so maybe they will temper her usual craziness.