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Re: January 5th is National Bird Day

Enjoy National Bird Day!!  (It's for the birds!)wren.jpg

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Re: January 5th is National Bird Day


Good to know!  I just told my husband.

He faithfully feeds the quail and doves and any songbirds

that drop by.  We have quite an  entertaining view most of

the day.


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Re: January 5th is National Bird Day

[ Edited ]

I treated my wild bird family to an extra helping of bird food. It is cold and snow packed outside so they are really looking for the food. I even got some of my gray jays visiting which is nice because they are so pretty and I love their songs and they actually are not afraid of me. I know food must be scarce out there right now because of their visit- they only come around when food is hard to come by.




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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: January 5th is National Bird Day

@Bird mama wrote:



Oddly enough, I don't really talk about my birds in the Pet Forums, lol.


I have a male sparrow, Poppi, hand raised out of an egg 10 1/2 years old.


I have a pigeon, gender unknown but I think male, Grayson, found my back door after being attacked by something in July 2009.  I would guess he was a couple of months old when it happened.


I have a female sparrow, Presto, hand raised from 4 days old, foundling crawling in the grass of niece's yard (no trees) and almost run over by lawn mower, 2 1/2 years old.


Poppi had a sister named Peewee.  She passed July 5, 2014 and was 9 years, 9 days old.

Bernie, I think it's so interesting that you are able to care for and raise these wild birds!  You must really take good care of them for them to live so long! 


I just love birds, too!  My son put up a bird feeder on my deck.  I have counted 10 species of birds that visit, including 2 charming woodpeckers!  Watching the birds gives me hours of entertainment!

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: January 5th is National Bird Day



I could lose hours watching the outside birds and squirrels.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise