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Re: Invisible dog fence..Talk to me about them (and recommend the best)!!

When we moved into this neighborhood 18 months again we debated physical fence vs IF.  Many people in our neighborhhod have IF but I chose to go with the physical fence.  First, our dogs are small and any animal could go through the fence. Then they would be defenseless. Second, I knew that I would be nervous about breaking through and getting hit.


I think since your dog is small you should go with the real fence.  Just my opinion but happy with our choice!

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Re: Invisible dog fence..Talk to me about them (and recommend the best)!!

[ Edited ]

@Carmie wrote:

We don't have a fence or an invisible fence.  An invisible fence will not keep aggressive dogs out of your yard and if they get in, your dog is trapped and can't get away.


My dogs have never been in our yard without being on a leash and with either me or my DH on the other end of it.  They do not go potty alone... ever.


Our yard is clean from dog poo, because my dogs do not use my yard as a potty.  They are walked twice a day and do their business then. It is picked up ASAP.


My DH already had to kill two aggressive pit bulls who got in our yard and threatened me and our dogs.  Those two dogs jumped the fence at their house and were roaming the neighborhood.  It was a horrific experience.


My sister and my neighbor both had their dogs stolen from their fenced in yard.


I would never leave my dogs in a fenced in yard by themselves.  Anything can happen.

We keep our pup inside, but when he needs to go potty, he is in a fenced yard and as safe there as it is possible for him to be.  Both gates are locked with heavy chain and padlocks. I am sure someone could cut the chain, but it would require really big, heavy duty chain cutters, as the chain links are almost as thick as my little finger. Even then I don't leave him outside for more than a few minutes without checking on him.  and he is never left outside when I am not at home.  Never in questionable weather, and never when workers are here. At night I go out with him. I don't take chances with my best friend.

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Re: Invisible dog fence..Talk to me about them (and recommend the best)!!

1. Your dog may break through one day, and then because of the shock may not want to come back in.

2.  Other dogs/critters can still enter your property.  Don't think your dog is safe just because you have an invisible fence. (A friend has this type of fence and her dog got attacked by another dog that came in.)

3.  People steal dogs all the time out of yards - even behind fenced that are secured. Whatever fence you have you must always watch your pets.

I would also never go to a dog park!  You don't know what dogs have been vaccinated, diseases, aggressive dogs (or people), etc.  I would not risk my dog's health.


Can you put up a small fence, or even a chicken wire/field fencing?  What about a wire dog run?

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Re: Invisible dog fence..Talk to me about them (and recommend the best)!!

[ Edited ]

I can't let this topic pass without a comment.  As a Terrier Mom of 30+ years, I would never, ever use an "invisible fence".  I know of at least two Scotties who were mauled to death on their own front porches because their owners' IF's did not keep out large dogs that came right up to the door to kill the dogs who lived there.  Terriers have immense prey drive, and would blast right through an IF if they were chasing something, and then be unable to return home.  In short, an IF is just as much a death sentence to a Scottie as a swimming pool is, and living somewhere that that was my only option would be a total no-go.  I know there are lots of people who use them with success, but to me, nothing beats a nice, stout chain link fence!  How my house or yard "looks" to some busybody in my neighborhood is totally peripheral to keeping my dogs safe and contained.  Homeowner's Associations are equivalent to living in a commune to me, what's the point of "owning" property if some "board" can tell me what I can or cannot do with it?  There's no possible benefit that outweighs the negatives in that situation.

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Re: Invisible dog fence..Talk to me about them (and recommend the best)!!

The neighbors at the new house we are building have a IF with two Goldens. They told us they have done pretty well with it. But for us when we move over there it is not a option. It isn't worth the risk. Not worried about other dogs because all of them are nice dogs over there. But we are sitting on a 1100 square foot woods. There is no way we would take a chance of Chloe getting lost over there with all the wildlife to chase. We will look at all options of physical fencing but will probably put up a chain link. Just depends on how much some of the nicer fences cost as it's going to be a huge area.

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Re: Invisible dog fence..Talk to me about them (and recommend the best)!!

I vote NO.  There is always a risk of your dog not "respecting" the shock.  Also, it will do nothing to keep out the neighbor dogs.  I would be scared to death especially when you say you live close to the street and the cars fly by.  Why take a chance. 


You could always fence in a small dog run area.  If you want your dog to have exercise, take them for a walk.

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Re: Invisible dog fence..Talk to me about them (and recommend the best)!!

I had one for my previous dog, and don't like them.  The batteries fade and you don't know, or the wire broke,  then your dog is roaming and can be hit-  pain in the neck to fix them too.  My neighbors dogs run thru and roam constantly.  They are fear based containment.  

Now I walk my dog briefly a few times a day. It's better. That's my experience. 

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Re: Invisible dog fence..Talk to me about them (and recommend the best)!!

It's not going to keep the neighbor dogs out of your yard as they won't be wearing the shock collars, so it will put your dog at risk anytime he's out there off leash, especially if no one is out there with him. Personally I won't have a dog without a fully fenced area. Have you considered a large dog run instead?

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Re: Invisible dog fence..Talk to me about them (and recommend the best)!!

I don't think this would keep a human from taking someones furbaby. My back yard is fenced and I always kept my eyes looking out the back window at all times.