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@monicakm wrote:

Thank you for all of the kind words
ladies. I'm not home yet I'm hoping my doctor will release me tomorrow. I have done everything I was supposed to and am doing great although I wish I was doing as good as I will be in 6 weeks from now.  My husband and I have a plan for my return as far as the dog's excitability goes. He is going to hold them back while I get seated and then hold them while they get all there excitement over with.


To all of the sad individuals that were so incredibly rude, hateful, hurtful, uninformed, and ignorant of my Hospital stay prior to surgery, I have nothing to say to you. It's not worth it. I don't remember who you were since the thread was removed so I assume I will continue to speak to you on various topics. Just know that in my opinion all of you totally crossed the line and I'm not here for that kind of treatment and disrespect. And if any of you want to continue your disrespect and rant, don't bother because I won't bother to reply. 


I have had 10 days to think if I even want to remain on this forum. I'm not sure that I do.  That kind of personal attack is unforgivable.



@monicakm It is SO nice to hear from you! Even my hubby has been checking with me to see if you said anything yet and to find out how you are doing! We both LOVE your plan with your hubby for the excitement both you and your furry sweeties will have! You will have a pillow on your chest in a seated position and then the doggies will respect the pillow as something new. They are so smart! They will know you were some place new by the hospital scent, and I really feel they will understand more than we think.Heart


Let's hope and pray you continue on your journey of good healing and health. Yes... six little weeks you will feel good as new!  You are over and done with the hard part and you will feel better and better with each new day!Heart 


Now onto this most unsettling part of your post:


I could not believe what I was reading in the bolded paragraphs of yours. Needless to say, I am SO saddened and in such disbelief that any person on here (or any place for that matter) would be disrespectful or rude or any of that to a person trying to mentally prepare for surgery! I am disheartened to think anyone would treat you with any amount of rudeness in general and knowing what you would be going through. I didn't read that thread so I don't know what was said, but I'm sorry you had to carry that into such a serious operation. Boy what is wrong with people!!??


Well, you have had time to think whether or not you would like to remain on this forum and for what it's worth, I would like to give you my honest opinion if that's OK... After thinking about what you said, I want you to know there are SO MANY people who worried and prayed and genuinely care about you, your surgery, your recovery, and of course your fun posts! Do you realize what you just did??? I am still amazed. You had an unbelievably serious surgery just about a week ago, and you are now figuring out plans for reuniting with your fur babies!!!! Seriously, with that kind of fortitude, strength and courage... you can ignore negative posters and enjoy those who you enjoy interacting with:  all the posters who helped get you through this journey with their positivity, prayers, words of encouragement, and kindness. I always say... why punish the whole class when just one child was bad! You have a wonderful group of Forum Friends - ignore the rest! 


So... Take good care of yourself! Just think about the miracle that took place: You have a newHeart! THAT my dear is some pretty darn thrilling news!Heart

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Registered: ‎04-15-2014

Re: I miss my dogs so much!

[ Edited ]

@monicakm wrote:

Thank you for all of the kind words
ladies. I'm not home yet I'm hoping my doctor will release me tomorrow. I have done everything I was supposed to and am doing great although I wish I was doing as good as I will be in 6 weeks from now.  My husband and I have a plan for my return as far as the dog's excitability goes. He is going to hold them back while I get seated and then hold them while they get all there excitement over with.


To all of the sad individuals that were so incredibly rude, hateful, hurtful, uninformed, and ignorant of my Hospital stay prior to surgery, I have nothing to say to you. It's not worth it. I don't remember who you were since the thread was removed so I assume I will continue to speak to you on various topics. Just know that in my opinion all of you totally crossed the line and I'm not here for that kind of treatment and disrespect. And if any of you want to continue your disrespect and rant, don't bother because I won't bother to reply. 


I have had 10 days to think if I even want to remain on this forum. I'm not sure that I do.  That kind of personal attack is unforgivable.

@monicakm  Thank you for your health update to all of us, Monicakm! Your husband came up with a great plan for having you enter the home and sit while he holds back Frankie and Howie until their excitement comes down a little in seeing you again.  That's going to be so wonderful for you to come back home soon Smiley Happy. I prayed for you throughout your hospital stay and wrote posts to cheer you on and I'm grateful that you made it through your surgery and are on the mend. 


    Please continue to stay on these forums- you bring a lot of joy to people.  I am so sorry that you got some hurtfful remarks during a time when you were gathering your strength to go into surgery- that type of behavior is unkind and unacceptable.  Please know that you are loved, you are worthy of being heard and you are appreciated here.  Post to your heart's desire whenever you want- and let us know your next Makeup Hall of Fame product whenever you like Smiley HappyHeart.

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@monicakm - I'm glad your surgery is over and you're on your way to recovery! Be patient. I know that must be hard, but I also know your DH will take good care of you. I have been praying for you, your loved ones, and your medical staff. I will continue to pray for a quick recovery!   Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎01-14-2017

Re: I miss my dogs so much!

[ Edited ]


Hi @monicakm   I had no idea what's been going on, I have been out of the boards for a while.  Pay no attention to anyone who was mean to you, because it doesn't matter.  You are so obviously loved by so many people here!  Love to read about your beauty finds, or anything else you want to post about.  You are always fun and engaging.  Wishing you a full and speedy recovery!  🩷💝🩷

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I must have missed the rude remarks.  I can't imagine why anyone would pick on someone that is hospitalized?  That is the true definition of a bully.

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I hope to get to every person that commented a cheerful and positive note to me concerning my surgery. It could take a while. I don't know what it is going to like to sit at my computer and I'll have a lot of business and bills to take care of when I get home plus late taxes😳  My father's favorite saying is ringing in my ears tonight hard.  I have a question. Do you think heart failure could affect the memory? Mine has been increasingly shorter and shorter over the last year .  Gosh if my memory returned to normal this whole ordeal would be worth it in spades. 

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@monicakm I'm so glad to hear you are doing well...and praying your recovery continues to be be good. Also hoping you get to go home today! I know of two people who had heart surgery and, while they are doing well, the recovery is definitely a process that takes patience.


I know your DH will take good care of you, please take good care of yourself. Being home with those sweet doggies of yours will definitely help!

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Registered: ‎07-11-2010

@monicakm wrote:

Thank you for all of the kind words
ladies. I'm not home yet I'm hoping my doctor will release me tomorrow. I have done everything I was supposed to and am doing great although I wish I was doing as good as I will be in 6 weeks from now.  My husband and I have a plan for my return as far as the dog's excitability goes. He is going to hold them back while I get seated and then hold them while they get all there excitement over with.


To all of the sad individuals that were so incredibly rude, hateful, hurtful, uninformed, and ignorant of my Hospital stay prior to surgery, I have nothing to say to you. It's not worth it. I don't remember who you were since the thread was removed so I assume I will continue to speak to you on various topics. Just know that in my opinion all of you totally crossed the line and I'm not here for that kind of treatment and disrespect. And if any of you want to continue your disrespect and rant, don't bother because I won't bother to reply. 


I have had 10 days to think if I even want to remain on this forum. I'm not sure that I do.  That kind of personal attack is unforgivable.

@monicakm - So glad to hear you will be home soon with your fur babies and DH.  I'm sure they have all missed you so much.  Getting home will make you feel better so be patient with yourself and don't over do.  The times that I've been in the hospital, I always overdo it once I get home.  


I certainly understand your feeling in the second paragraph of your post.  It was appalling and disgusting how you were treated.  I value you, our friendship, your opinions and contributions on the Beauty forum and other forums you post on and would miss you if you decided not to return.  

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@monicakm  So happy you are on the other side of this.  I am sure you are all  smooched over by your fur babies by now.


Your question about memory......yes, I do think it could improve.  At least it did for my BIL.  We were beginning to think he had the beginnings of Alzheimers.  His memory and attention span were going fast.  


After having a couple stents put it, it was a total turn around.  He was like his old self. 


I hope that works the same for you, but don't remember the bad.  There are so many more nice folks on here that just saw you through this with prayers and kind words.


In the big scheme of things, isn't that what counts?


Pray for the mean girls.  Look what prayer just did for you. Heart

Fear not Brothers and Sisters! I have read THE BOOK..........we win!!!
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First off, I'm so sorry you were bullied.

I had no idea that happened, apparently I missed that thread. I wish I hadn't because I would've had your back! I wish I could say I'm surprised by that but sadly I'm not!

Anyway, shake it off, those people don't matter and don't deserve your worry!

Just continue being your lovely self and most of all get better we need your MU advise and reviews and everything else you bring...which is alot.Heart

"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals" -Immanuel Kant

"Once you have had a wonderful Dog, a life without one, is a life diminished"-Dean Koontz