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Henrysmom, I am so so sorry for your loss. Saying good bye to a beloved furbaby is always a gut wrenching experience. It just feels like your heart has been ripped to pieces!
You are so right when you say that they add so much to our lives and teach us so much! They are our angels on earth.
Know that Henry will never be far from your side. He will live in your heart forever!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😢😢
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@Henrysmom wrote:

With tears still falling, I have to THANK YOU all for your poignant responses.   They help

me and will continue to help me as I try to get through this horrible pain.  I talk to him out loud and still think I hear him or catch a brief glimpse of him.  I have asked him to come to me in my dreams, so that I can cherish yet another time of seeing him.   He was the light of my life.  We have all been there with our babies and it NEVER gets easier.  Henry

truly was in a class all by himself for me.  Thanks again, everyone.  

(((Henrysmom))) . . . please know I still talk to my Chloe even though I lost her a year ago in January . . . it brings me peace and I hope talking with Henry does the same for you . . . Heart

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@Henrysmom wrote:

My thoughts will also be with you.  Indeed, it is heartwrenching.  But, I do know that my fabulous boy taught me so much about love......and I am sure it is the same for you.  Better to have had these experiences than not, as life would not be as rich without our precious loves.

Thank YOU Henrysmom. It's not my intent to make your thread about me, but I want you to know I feel your pain. Like I said, I've been a mess and miss him so much. Your post made me stop and think about the love and trust I shared with my fur baby. I have focused so much on his congestive heart failure and the end, I've lost sight of the happy times. Your last sentence caused me to pause and reflect. My husband and kids are begging for another. I said I can't, I don't want to feel this pain again. I need to remind myself the good far outweighs the bad.  Thank you, my friend.  Heart

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 SO SORRY HENRYSMOM!  Will light a candle for your sweet boy, it sucks, I know...

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I am so very saddend to hear of Henry's passing. You were an awesome mom to him and I'm sure he went peacefully, with you by his side. The hour you two spent together is very precious as you told each other goodbye (for now). Rest assured that you gave him the best life possible and were only thinking of him when the decision was made to end his suffering.


You are absolutely right that large dogs do hide their pain. I think they don't want us to know about their pain, that they stay strong for us. When they sense its time to let go they tell us, and we know to keep them here would be absolutely cruel. Your decision was incredibly brave and shows just how very much you cherished your boy.


Til you meet at the Rainbow Bridge,



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Please accept my heart felt sympathy for your loss.  I don't care how many times we've been through the loss of a beloved fur baby, it still takes a piece of our hearts with them.  We just have to be grateful for the time they shared with us.

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Henrysmom wrote:

With tears still falling, I have to THANK YOU all for your poignant responses.   They help

me and will continue to help me as I try to get through this horrible pain.  I talk to him out loud and still think I hear him or catch a brief glimpse of him.  I have asked him to come to me in my dreams, so that I can cherish yet another time of seeing him.   He was the light of my life.  We have all been there with our babies and it NEVER gets easier.  Henry

truly was in a class all by himself for me.  Thanks again, everyone.  


Even though you can't physically hold Henry or see him please find comfort in the fact that his loving spirit is surrounding you 24/7 and it will stay with you until he meets you at the foot of The Rainbow Bridge...and you'll be together again...this time forever.



All of my children have paws =^..^=

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@Henrysmom.....I am crying with you.... no words are enough to express the sorrow  you are feeling.    ((Hugs)) to you. 

Posts: 26
Registered: ‎10-28-2016
So sorry for your loss. 
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@Henrysmom - I'm so sorry for your loss, but just know you gave him the sweetest life and he loved you for that.  It's tough letting them go.  Lost my 16 1/2 year old last year and my girl is 15 1/2 and having many problems.  Bless you for having given him such a wonderful life.  They are in our hearts and our souls forever.  I cried every day for a solid year after losing my Scully.  Every Christmas it is hard putting up the Christmas tree because he would just sit and look at the lights all night long.  I still miss him every day.