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Re: I had to put my precious Maltese to sleep--

@daisysmom09 wrote:

I had to put my precious Maltese to sleep on Friday due to the fact that she had lung cancer. I am so brokenhearted. Her name was Meggie and she was 11 1/2. She was diagnosed 2 months ago and has done really well since then but a few days ago she began to cough a lot and then went down hill. I just could not allow her to suffer and have a hard time breathing although she was alert until the very end. It is so hard being shut up where I live and not be able to get out and about. The mornings are the worst when I wake up and realize she is not here. This is not the first dog I have lost and this website was such a blessing to me the last time. There is nothing quite like animal lovers! Please pray for me to get over this awful loss.  Thank you so much.

So very sorry for your loss. The very worse part of having a fur-baby is having to say goodby. You will be in my prayers, try to remember the good times and know she'll be waiting for you when your time comes.

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Re: I had to put my precious Maltese to sleep--

I'm so sorry for the loss of you pet and friend.  She will always hold a special place in your heart. I know how much it hurts.

Posts: 28
Registered: ‎08-30-2010

Re: I had to put my precious Maltese to sleep--

I found this poem that so expresses the grief that we feel when we lose a precious furbaby. It may have been posted before so I am sorry if it has, but wanted to share it as it expresses the terrible loss that I feel for my darling girl:


"Grief, I've learned is really just love. It's all the love you want to give but can't.  All of that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go."


I don't know the author but thought the idea was a blessing. Meggie had gone blind a few years ago and now she is in heaven and can see, and breathe fine, run and play, and be with her sister who has gone on before her (that would be Miss Daisy ) and be with my husband who was there to meet her...and most of all be in Jesus' arms.


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Re: I had to put my precious Maltese to sleep--

@daisysmom09, I was out walking this evening as usual before dark. I miss my dogs so terribly. People say "hi, where are your babies" and I have to choke back tears. They lived long, happy lives with me after being rescued as young dogs. The pain of losing them feels almost overwhelming at times. I remind myself that this grief is the price we must pay for the unconditional love and happiness they shared with us. It's worth it. I'm sending you hugs and prayers.

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Re: I had to put my precious Maltese to sleep--

 Very sorry about the loss of your Meggie. I know it’s so very hard and I’m sorry for your loss😘

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Re: I had to put my precious Maltese to sleep--

Lent 2020 | On Earth as in Heaven


@daisysmom09   God Bless you as you grieve the loss of your precious Meggie. I hope you find comfort knowing that you will see her again....she awaits you just over the Rainbow Bridge.

“A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” Winnie-the-Pooh
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Re: I had to put my precious Maltese to sleep--

@daisysmom09 wrote:

I found this poem that so expresses the grief that we feel when we lose a precious furbaby. It may have been posted before so I am sorry if it has, but wanted to share it as it expresses the terrible loss that I feel for my darling girl:


"Grief, I've learned is really just love. It's all the love you want to give but can't.  All of that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go."


I don't know the author but thought the idea was a blessing. Meggie had gone blind a few years ago and now she is in heaven and can see, and breathe fine, run and play, and be with her sister who has gone on before her (that would be Miss Daisy ) and be with my husband who was there to meet her...and most of all be in Jesus' arms.


Oh, my gosh...wish so much I could hug you right now (and every morning when you miss Meggie most).  I like to think every time I've grieved a pet, I am symbolically hugging, kissing, rubbing their sweet bellies and whispering what a good girl or boy they are.


When you feel sad, remember your QVC friends are surrounding you with love and comfort.

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Re: I had to put my precious Maltese to sleep--

I am sorry for your loss!  It is never easy to lose a furbaby.  They are not just animals.  Allow yourself time to mourn, without feeling guilty.  Hugs to you!

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Re: I had to put my precious Maltese to sleep--

@daisysmom09   I am so sorry for your loss.  I know how hard it is to say goodbye when you're not ready.  I recently just lost my two little dogs.


It hurts.  As time moves on, the hurt is replaced with only good memories.  I too, found the posters on QVC there for me when I needed them. I will a pray you find peace in knowing your did all you could do and did the right thing for your little Meggie.

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Registered: ‎08-01-2019

Re: I had to put my precious Maltese to sleep--

@daisysmom09 I'm so sorry to hear about your dog.  It's such a difficult thing to have to do, whether it's the first dog or the 5th dog.