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šŸˆ HELP! Looking for Cat Calculating cartoon someone here posted.

Some months ago, someone (name escapes me icon_exclaim.gif) posted a cartoon of a cat calculating a jump onto a counter.  It was similar to this one......

Screen Shot 2019-03-25 at Mon, Mar 25, 2019-3.25.08 PM.png


The OP (name excapes meicon_exclaim.gif) cartoon was much better as it showed the exact calculation from cat>floor>counter.  The calculations were larger than the one in the above cartoon.  I scoured Google images but could not find the one the OP posted.


If that person is reading this thread, can you please repost the cartoon and/or advise me where you got it from?


Thank you in advance.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Registered: ā€Ž03-10-2010

Re: šŸˆ HELP! Looking for Cat Calculating cartoon someone here posted.

@Mz iMac   I'm sorry I don't have that pic, but yours did give me a laugh (only cat people can appreciate it)!

Laura loves cats!