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Getting Over Rover: Why Our Grief Over a Dog Is So Intense

This article is SO good I wanted to share it.


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Re: Getting Over Rover: Why Our Grief Over a Dog Is So Intense

Thank you for posting this. It is an excellent article.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Getting Over Rover: Why Our Grief Over a Dog Is So Intense

Thank you for sharing that article, it was indeed excellent.  I think we have all, some of us many, many times, "given our heart to a dog to tear".

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Re: Getting Over Rover: Why Our Grief Over a Dog Is So Intense

Excellent article. 

I loved & lost dogs all my life but the 13 y/o lab Iost in November about did me in.

And I think part of it is he didn't know how sick he was and how it was going to end.  He was so loyal and faiithful & trusting to the last breath.


@spent2much wrote:

This article is SO good I wanted to share it.



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Re: Getting Over Rover: Why Our Grief Over a Dog Is So Intense

Thanks for sharing.  The article was well written by a true dog lover who captured real feelings.

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Re: Getting Over Rover: Why Our Grief Over a Dog Is So Intense

I miss my first two dogs still.  After my Lab was put down (alone, by me which I thought was a good idea at the, no) I/hubby decided no more dogs.  Well, that lasted 3 months after I cried every night when I went to bed.  I was shocked at how much I missed my boy.  So I got a rescue named Riley, and he's been my bud for 7 years now!   Gosh we love our dogs and now I know I will never be without one!

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Re: Getting Over Rover: Why Our Grief Over a Dog Is So Intense

When we were loosing our beautiful choc lab , Molasses to prostrate cancer, I went by the vet's every day after school to hold him in the floor for several hours.  He had to have a catheter .  The staff stayed in tears. 

Now, this dog, 12 years old, was a pup when we went through the trauma of loosing our nineteen yr old in a wreck.  This may not be "doable" but it will have to be.  (sigh).