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Re: Garlic for fleas for dogs - has anyone tried this and does it work?

I truly doubt garlic works for fleas, and since its safety is questionable, why try it?  Fleas are a terrible problem for people and pets as well.  They can take up residence in your carpet and jump on your ankles and bite.  Don't get that started.


I assume hoosieroriginal does not want to give her pet the commercially offered products such as Advantage, Frontline, etc. I understand completely.  I did not want to do this either but knew how horrible and miserable fleas can be.  I finally settled on Comfortis.  It only works for fleas, but we don't have a problem with ticks, and heartworm is rare here.  I chose it because of the National Resources Defense Council's rating, linked below.


There is other helpful flea fighting information there.


I also believe that choosing a product which has been around for quite a number of years is a good approach. 


Last year I was able to skip the Comfortis for several months in the winter, but this winter for us has been often in the 70-80+ degree range, so I believe fleas are still a risk and continued the Comfortis, so far. 


Dogs and cats can still live long, happy lives even though they are on flea products.

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Re: Garlic for fleas for dogs - has anyone tried this and does it work?

[ Edited ]


I would suggest a Brewers yeast  and garlic supplement not raw garlic. That way you can give the dog the right dose for their weight. I have my dog on these. Many brands to choose from. My dog eats these everyday for the past 6 years....She has no fleas.  I have a full blood panel done on her once a year and she is perfectly healthy with garlic in her diet. She is not DEAD from eating garlic. I also sprinkle garlic powder on her dinner.

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Re: Garlic for fleas for dogs - has anyone tried this and does it work?

[ Edited ]

For some reason, none of my dogs have ever gotten fleas. I don't know why and my vets are always shocked that we are not on flea meds (and never have been).


But I agree with others about NOT giving garlic. It may be safe in SMALL quantities but not on a daily basis and since there is evidence that even in smaller quantities it may not be safe, I wouldn't want to take the chance. Plus if you pet has other medical issues either known or unknown, what may be a harmless quantity for a healthy dog may be harmful for your dog. Also, like someone else said, dogs don't sweat so how would garlic be a deterrent to fleas?


From the ASPCA:


From the Humane Society:


From the American Veterinary Medical Association:


A study done about garlic potential toxicity:

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,858
Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Re: Garlic for fleas for dogs - has anyone tried this and does it work?

DO NOT give garlic to your dog .... garlic is very TOXIC for dogs .... if you think your dog has fleas or a rash that is causing an itch take him to a groomer for a flea bath & then to a vet for evaluation.

Garlic can kill your dog!!