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Re: Dog In The Bed With a You?

My CC gets on my bed at bedtime and lays for awhile but then he gets in his own bed.

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Re: Dog In The Bed With a You?

I have three goldens that sleep with me,they keep me warm.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Dog In The Bed With a You?

I have two cats CoCo and Mitty. Mitty likes to get under the sheets with me and curl up. So cute. I've had alot of cats she is the first to do this.

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Re: Dog In The Bed With a You?

Mine get in the bed with me, but they don't sleep with us.

I get migraines a lot and have to just go to bed. My 3 dogs, a lab, jack russsel and Mt. Feist get in the bed with me. I did have a cat, and she would always get right up there with the dogs. It was like this for years, all five of us in the bed whenever I was sick, which is often.

The lab is in the bed right now, he loves our bed, always naps on it during the day.

This is seems kind of crazy to me, but our daughtter moved out a few years ago, and the two bigger dogs have kind of taken oer her bed at night. The little one stays in her litle pet bed.


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Re: Dog In The Bed With a You?

My dog Sneakers is on my bed at night while I am watching TV.  But when it comes time for sleep, she jumps off and goes to her own bed on the floor.  I think I toss and turn too much for her comfort!  Then in the morning, she ususally jumps back on for a while, until I get up.  I have a quilted throw that she lays on, on top of the Queen size quilt on the bed and that gets washed more frequently.  Like it or not, the animals do carry in dirt.  So I don't mind if she is on top of the covers, but I would not want her in my sheets with me.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: Dog In The Bed With a You?

Yes, pets are allowed on my bed. I've had a greyhound who was a bed hog and would usually jump down in a huff if she didn't get her fair share of the bed, a doxie who was a burrower under the covers who I couldn't figure out how she was able to  breathe and a pit/lab mix who was my snuggler.


Of course bed sharing requires diligent hygeine. It used to frustrate me to no end if one of them decided to mark herself with something nasty during the last potty break of the night. A tub would be drawn, a scrubbing ensued, and a short blow out followed by a warm towel solved that problem.

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Re: Dog In The Bed With a You?

No!  Of course not.  We had a dog when our girls were young and since he spent time outside, he was not allowed on beds or in beds or even on my furniture.  He had his own dog bed in the girls' room.  W

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Re: Dog In The Bed With a You?

No!  Of course not.  We had a dog when our girls were young and since he spent time outside, he was not allowed on beds or in beds or even on my furniture.  He had his own dog bed in the girls' room.  Our cats were indoor cats and they were allowed on the top of the bed, not under the covers and only for petting.  We had one cat who liked sleeeping in her cat bed but our most recent cat just would not have any of the cat.  When he was a kitten, he slept in a shoe box.  When he out grew that, he slept on the floor beside my husband at night.  During the day he slept in one particular corner of the dining room.  When we moved, he started sleeping under the dining room table.  

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Re: Dog In The Bed With a You?

That is the best part of my day/night going to bed with my little Maltie. In fact he sits in front of me and stares when HE thinks it is time for bed,Wish I could post a picture of him laying flat on his back w/legs

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Dog In The Bed With a You?

@chrystaltree wrote:

No!  Of course not.  We had a dog when our girls were young and since he spent time outside, he was not allowed on beds or in beds or even on my furniture.  He had his own dog bed in the girls' room.  Our cats were indoor cats and they were allowed on the top of the bed, not under the covers and only for petting.  We had one cat who liked sleeeping in her cat bed but our most recent cat just would not have any of the cat.  When he was a kitten, he slept in a shoe box.  When he out grew that, he slept on the floor beside my husband at night.  During the day he slept in one particular corner of the dining room.  When we moved, he started sleeping under the dining room table.  




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