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Do you ever feel like a slave to your dogs?

I am not referencing this in a negative way. I love my two dogs like children. I just feel like THEY run my life!   I am home  all day now, so I am  constantly letting them in and out...walking them...grooming them...feeding them,  just loving them etc.   I  am just wondering if it is just me being over protective of them, or if it is common for some of you also to have your world revolve around caring for your dog(s). 

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Re: Do you ever feel like a slave to your dogs?

Oh my gosh I would never think that.   If they could take care of themselves then they wouldn't need me!


What they give to me is beyond any words could describe.  When I cry, he's there for me, when I need a hug, I get one when I need a lick, I get one (most of the time) and above all the unconditional love.


If they could open a door, feed themselves, play by themselves, walk themselves etc but they cannot do that.  He's my best friend!


I'm surprised something like this is even a topic of conversation.

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Re: Do you ever feel like a slave to your dogs?



My dogs are pets but don't run the household.

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Re: Do you ever feel like a slave to your dogs?

[ Edited ]

Sometimes I feel like my whole life revolves around them and their needs but usually only when they are ill or injured. I drive both dogs to twice weekly swims and rehab appointments to keep them healthy and because it is easier on their joints as they are older dogs. And right now I have a tripod that is just getting used to being without one leg and soon will have to be taught how to use a prosthetic so yes, I am basically at his beck and call but I embrace it and am glad I can be there to help him through this time. The alternative would be much worse- he wouldn't be around- and something I don't wan to even think about.

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Re: Do you ever feel like a slave to your dogs?

[ Edited ]

And I just love it!!!  There's not much else I would rather be doing.  Life without my dog or any pets for that matter would be just too empty.  I never resent anything I do fo them.  

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Re: Do you ever feel like a slave to your dogs?

@Just Bling wrote:

Oh my gosh I would never think that.   If they could take care of themselves then they wouldn't need me!


What they give to me is beyond any words could describe.  When I cry, he's there for me, when I need a hug, I get one when I need a lick, I get one (most of the time) and above all the unconditional love.


If they could open a door, feed themselves, play by themselves, walk themselves etc but they cannot do that.  He's my best friend!


I'm surprised something like this is even a topic of conversation.

@Just Blingoh so true! I don't think of it that way either. I love them to pieces and only wish I could repay them for all that they've given me, the biggest being unconditional love.

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Re: Do you ever feel like a slave to your dogs?

Well, first of all I never understand why anyone thinks they need more than one dog or any pet. I was able to get all the love I needed from one dog at a time. All you do is double up on the workload of owning them - twice as many times to go in & out, twice as many teeth to brush, nails to cut, meals to clean up after,fur everywhere  etc etc etc.  But it is my experience from people where I now live that many people, once their dog or dogs pass away - this is the main reason they don't get another one. They enjoy the freedom of not having them to care for. This certainly is the reason we have not gotten another one. Our lives are so peaceful now without a dog to have to constantly care for.

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Re: Do you ever feel like a slave to your dogs?

@SeaMaiden  There are times when I'm out for the day and notice it's getting close to dinner time for Sadie and Molly. Would I say, "Oh well, they can wait a few hours". Never. They do have a doggie door because my studio is on the 2nd floor & I wouldn't hear them bark to go out. If things were reversed, I'm sure they'd be there for me to meet my needs without giving it a second thought. 


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Re: Do you ever feel like a slave to your dogs?

YES YES and YES!     Bingo - you hit the feeling on the head.   Love my senior dog but she will be my last - after 27 years of being a door butler - a groomer - a bather - and limited travel's time to hang up the doggy brush after this one.

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Re: Do you ever feel like a slave to your dogs?

@151949 wrote:

Well, first of all I never understand why anyone thinks they need more than one dog or any pet. I was able to get all the love I needed from one dog at a time. All you do is double up on the workload of owning them - twice as many times to go in & out, twice as many teeth to brush, nails to cut, meals to clean up after,fur everywhere  etc etc etc.  But it is my experience from people where I now live that many people, once their dog or dogs pass away - this is the main reason they don't get another one. They enjoy the freedom of not having them to care for. This certainly is the reason we have not gotten another one. Our lives are so peaceful now without a dog to have to constantly care for.

and with that thinking, it is certainly best you don't get another dog.