Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,834
Registered: ‎12-24-2010


Read your post - wild pets


Perhaps a Cougar was visiting   (laugh I know( but

about 9 yrs ago had one in neighbor's backyard -  heard un=Godlycreaming for 3 nites....then I saw it


Looked like female - longgggg tail and golden in color

Moved on up the road - more screening - NY State Police thought a women was in trouble but found nothing.


I called law enforcement to report sighting.  May is cat mating season- thus the screaming to get attention (male)

The DEC refuse to acknowledge they are  in NYS - but websites will tell you differently.

One was hit on 81 north of Binghamton......close to your home .....south of Bingo


Pets knew something was very different....sleep well 2-nite