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So I was at the Vet's this morning to pick up some meds for my 13 year old lab mix.  She has issues and is quite "lumpy."  But she is still eating, wagging her tail, and hanging in there.


Anyway, on the counter, there was a small candle with a sign next to it that read, "If this candle is lit, someone is saying goodbye to their beloved pet.  Please be quiet and respectful."


I was in tears before I was out the door.  I cried all the way to work.  I am in tears now.  The candle was not even lit.


I have cried more before and after my dogs have passed than I did for my parents and in-laws.  That may sound terrible, but it is the truth.  I will say that I certainly MISS my parents and in-laws more than my previous dogs.  That will never change.  And getting another dog helps with the loss of one that passed.


I sure hope I see ALL of them again some day.


Forgive me if I don't come back and like your posts.  I have done enough crying for one day.  I know so many of you feel like I do about your own beloved pets.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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How considerate and emphathetic of that vet to have that candle and sign of explanation. 💔

ETERNITY: your choice... smoking or non smoking!
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Yes, I know. 😢 I agree with what you've said.


Losing a beloved pet is just the worst as they are so helpless and then you feel completely helpless at the end as there's so little you can do. And the loss and sadness felt afterwards is overwhelming. You ache and miss them so much. I know at times I didn't know what to do with myself...and questioned my life without them.


And more to your point, I know how sad I've felt when I've been at the vet's office and then realized someone is there losing their best friend. It's very sobering. This may sound really weird but several years ago on a couple of different occasions I've actually extended a hug to a perfect stranger just trying to comfort them and let them know someone shares their pain and truly cares. I hope it helped.  🐾



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Awwwwww!❤ I am REALLY sorry this was triggering for you, and can imagine just how difficult this must have been having lost several BELOVED pets yourself!💝 They are TREASURED members of our families, and the grief is just as DEEP when they cross The Rainbow Bridge!❤❤ I think it is WONDERFUL the store lights a candle in honor, and RESPECT of those that are crossing!💝💝💝


I am sending loving HUGS of support with HOPES you are feeling better soon, as you process this today, and that memories of your fur babies will provide you with emotional comfort!!!🤗🤗💝



~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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While on vacation, a few years ago, one of my dogs got very sick and I had to take her to a Vet practice I was not familiar with as an emergency.


I saw the lighted candle and small sign on the reception desk and they were asking for quiet.


The receptionist told me a family was saying goodbye in one of the rooms nearby.. It does pull on your heartstrings.

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@Puppy Lips wrote:

So I was at the Vet's this morning to pick up some meds for my 13 year old lab mix.  She has issues and is quite "lumpy."  But she is still eating, wagging her tail, and hanging in there.


Anyway, on the counter, there was a small candle with a sign next to it that read, "If this candle is lit, someone is saying goodbye to their beloved pet.  Please be quiet and respectful."


I was in tears before I was out the door.  I cried all the way to work.  I am in tears now.  The candle was not even lit.


I have cried more before and after my dogs have passed than I did for my parents and in-laws.  That may sound terrible, but it is the truth.  I will say that I certainly MISS my parents and in-laws more than my previous dogs.  That will never change.  And getting another dog helps with the loss of one that passed.


I sure hope I see ALL of them again some day.


Forgive me if I don't come back and like your posts.  I have done enough crying for one day.  I know so many of you feel like I do about your own beloved pets.

@Puppy Lips - It does not sound terrible at all. They are our four-legged children. I would bet most of us feel the same way. You are a compassionate person. 




I've mentioned before we got a Siamese older kitten as a wedding present from the head of the boarding facility at DH's hospital. No one wanted him because he was so little compared to others in the litter, who all found homes. So he knew who would give him a good home! 


He was the sweetest boy, but he was definitely devoted to DH. My mom used to say, "I don't know. If he ever has to choose between you and Kitty, I'd be a little worried!" She of course was joking - I think! He lived a long life. 

A lot of veterinary hospitals have the candle now (usually flameless). When I see it I say a prayer for the human loved one(s).

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Puppy Lips When our second dog got sick suddenly at the age of seven I was so upset.  We never found out why but she got kidney failure and I was so attached to her.  We did what we could but it was inevitable when the time came to put her down.  


Our kids who were in college then were with us when it was time and she suddenly passed away in the car on the way over.  I was beside myself and couldn't stop crying.  It took a long time for me to get over her passing.


As awful as it sounds when my mother passed we also knew it was time but she was 94 and had health issues.   I held it together at the funeral unlike when the dog died.

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Posts: 2,612
Registered: ‎06-13-2011

I'm retired from the veterinary field now but the candle...

[ Edited ]

I'm retired from the veterinary field now but the candle would have been a lovely thing to have in our office.  


We always tried to be respectful of our clients as they were saying good-bye to a beloved pet.  However you couldn't always control what went on in the waiting room.


It was always particularly difficult if a client was leaving afterwards and someone was coming in the door with a new puppy or kitty.  


For our long-time clients we would always tell them not to worry about stopping at the front desk to settle their bill we would mail them a statement.  I would always make sure that a respectable amount of time would pass before we billed them.  


When I worked in a 24 hour emergency clinic that was a little more difficult as it was necessary to collect upon them leaving.  I always felt bad for the receptionists who often had to take someone's verbal abuse about them asking for payment in full.  


I absolutely loved all of my years working in veterinary medicine but to be honest I'm very happy to be out of that stressful and often very sad world.  



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@Puppy Lips wrote:

So I was at the Vet's this morning to pick up some meds for my 13 year old lab mix.  She has issues and is quite "lumpy."  But she is still eating, wagging her tail, and hanging in there.


Anyway, on the counter, there was a small candle with a sign next to it that read, "If this candle is lit, someone is saying goodbye to their beloved pet.  Please be quiet and respectful."


I was in tears before I was out the door.  I cried all the way to work.  I am in tears now.  The candle was not even lit.


I have cried more before and after my dogs have passed than I did for my parents and in-laws.  That may sound terrible, but it is the truth.  I will say that I certainly MISS my parents and in-laws more than my previous dogs.  That will never change.  And getting another dog helps with the loss of one that passed.


I sure hope I see ALL of them again some day.


Forgive me if I don't come back and like your posts.  I have done enough crying for one day.  I know so many of you feel like I do about your own beloved pets.

I read your post and had to walk away in tears. We had to say goodbye to our 16 1/2 yr old Jack Russell on April 14th. We have had a lot of Dogs and kitties that were all so wonderful and so loved. But loosing Pip has hit me hard. Might be because he knew our oldest son. Our pets are our family our world.

Praying for your 13 yr old Lab mix and you. Sending big hugs

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Posts: 998
Registered: ‎06-02-2023



 I send a big hug from my terrier loving heart to yours.