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@morganjen wrote:

European Starlings are one of only two birds species that are not protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Starlings decimate the native woodpecker population.



We had both Downy and what looked like Pileated Woodpeckers (except it wasn't a large bird) coming to the suet before the Starlings came. 


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Speaking of suet, I had many of the suet holders stolen by squirrels .. some we find, some we don't.  So, while I still have suet, I haven't hung any in some time.  I recently purchased a couple suet holders but still haven't hung them because DH gets upset when our dog will eat the crumbs from them on the ground.  But, I'm determined to hang them again when the weather is colder again because they don't soften as much then.


On the upside, I did refill the bird feeders this morning.  Something broke apart the finch feeder I bought last week .. my guess is a squirrel is at fault.

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Re: Birdfeeder Etiquette

[ Edited ]

I call them ,"GARBAGE BIRDS"


They eat everything and anytihng............and ALL of it!!!


I have been bird feeding for over 40 


i have recently been just feeding peanuts in a peanut feeder .


I began with peanuts, because it was just for my squrriels ,so they would leave the seed alone, and they did,but now  I  find the cutest little birds in the world are comming for these peanuts. 


The squrriels come early morning ,eat and leave for the day.Then all these really cute birdies come for the rest of the day  <3


Since I having leg problems,with walking,ect, I'm giving up all the mess,bother,work of seed (I'll never be able to walk outside in winter)  and I'm  only feeding peanuts from now on  <3  


I get to see all these cute birds and I can refill from my front door  <3  and see from my window and there is no mess to clean up!!!


The mocking bird,I call ,"Molly" likes suet.She brings her babies to dinner for it  <3


edited to

My house has become the gathering place for TURKEY SIZE pigeons,  I have to get rid of them!!!  Literally, hundreds of them,all trying to mate and many  babies from last yr too .... I felt bad  in not wanting them eat,but I am spending over $200 a month to feed pigeons!  Smiley Sad  I googled what good they do,hoping to see ,"nothing"  but to my dismay ,they do lots of good ,saving lives,in the war,early communications,ect  and even in  modern days...,ect, i feel bad . another reason for "just nuts"

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@sceniccoast wrote:


Speaking of suet, I had many of the suet holders stolen by squirrels .. some we find, some we don't.  So, while I still have suet, I haven't hung any in some time.  I recently purchased a couple suet holders but still haven't hung them because DH gets upset when our dog will eat the crumbs from them on the ground.  But, I'm determined to hang them again when the weather is colder again because they don't soften as much then.


On the upside, I did refill the bird feeders this morning.  Something broke apart the finch feeder I bought last week .. my guess is a squirrel is at fault.


My husband bought a bag filled with seeds.  It is designed especially for finches. None of the other birds are interested in it because the weave is small. So finches can eat undisturbed by the other birds.


Yes, we have lost many a bird feeder to the squirrels so we had moved our bird feeders and suet holders up onto an 8 foot pole. But ended up taking down the bird feeder. The birds knocked so much of the seed onto the ground and then the birds ate from the ground. And so cats came around and tested their instincts. And we ended up finding clumps of feathers. So that is why we went to just suet.

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@drizzellla    I got some of those bags for finches and they wouldn't touch them.  I left one up 3-4 weeks and never saw a bird on it.  I finally took it down and emptied the seed into a tube.

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Our wildlife management experts tell us to take down all bird seed and food in the warmer months because it can attract bears (it does) and the birds have plenty of insects to eat. 

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@noodleann wrote:

Our wildlife management experts tell us to take down all bird seed and food in the warmer months because it can attract bears (it does) and the birds have plenty of insects to eat. 



That is why I'm cutting back now and by the time winter comes they will NOT be dependant on me feeding them.........

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Just to float an idea why birds avoided your seed bag...........not sure what your feeder was made of but....the net ones "could" get tangled in bird's feet and trap them.  That's why grape growers - strawberry farmers use net coverings.  Typically birds stay far away from nets.

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@noodleann wrote:

Our wildlife management experts tell us to take down all bird seed and food in the warmer months because it can attract bears (it does) and the birds have plenty of insects to eat. 



The song birds I feed in the colder weather won't even eat my seed once it gets warm.  The seed either rots or the rodents get into it, which encourages snake activity this time of year. 😳


I stick to feeding the hummingbirds until fall.

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@Kachina624 wrote:

@drizzellla    I got some of those bags for finches and they wouldn't touch them.  I left one up 3-4 weeks and never saw a bird on it.  I finally took it down and emptied the seed into a tube.


That is so interesting. In fact my son went to go outside to work on the vegetable garden. And a finch was on the bag. So my son waited until the finch was done eating.