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Right now Bill is on the back porch, enjoying the sunshine.  It's not for punishment....although he is a naughty boy!


This morning when I got up to go to the bathroom at 4:00 AM I saw where he'd turned over the @#$ trash can once again!  Not an easy task since it's actually a huge clothes hamper surrounded by cases of Pepsi (that's all to keep him from turning it over) no avail!


I have to be so careful as to what I put in my own trash can.  He goes through the trash.


But....I recently bought a new clothes hamper with a lid on it.


I bought that thing David sold on his show recently where the lid opens on it's own.  Problem was it drove me crazy because it kept opening on it's guess it..Bill knocked it over....My daughter now has that.


I keep telling him he didn't read the cat manual that dsyd "cat's aren't supposed to go through the trash"...that's what dogs do...not cats.


Bill's motto is 'higher is always better'.  He jumps up on everything, I mean everything.  He's only interested in the ceiling fans when they are turning....otherwise, they bore him...


One day I expect to see him riding on the ceiling fan.  Better go, he's been out there for awhile (screened in porch) without supervision (that would be his sister...psycho Katie the cat). 


She is afraid to be around him for very long because he gets into so much trouble.  She give me a look like, "I didn't do it" (as her eyes are zeroed in on Bill the cat).  It's as if she's saying..."He did it...not me Mom".

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Bill is quite a cat!   I love his determination to show you that a cat can knock down a trash can.  If he every rides the celing fan let us know.   He sounds like he is a lot of fun!   I love cats I am proudly owned by 2 of my own.

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OMG @Annabellethecat66 , I often read here but don't comment much. I always enjoy your posts but this one brought me to hysterics. Spikey (my pooch) is looking at me like I've lost my mind. Bill is too funny. Spikey doesn't even go through the garbage. (thank you Lord). Please keep up your cheery posts. Spike's mom

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You made me laugh.....please share a photo of Bill and Katie!

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Please promise that when you do

find Bill riding on the ceiling fan

you'll take a photo and post it here!Cat LOL


Sending Bill and Katie lots of hugs

from me and my four psycho kitties..

Samantha,Olivia,Henry and Jack (all rescues).


        (((((BILL & KATIE)))))



All of my children have paws =^..^=

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Actually I've been heming my pants....I let Bill in from the back porch and he kept grabbing the thread.  I stopped what I was doing....went in the living room...(excuse me..the cat play room) where all HIS toys are and played with him.


Then (always afterwards) he got a he's sprawled out on one of his bean pillows next to me.  Snoring...snoring like a motor boat.


Normally, he sleeps behind me on the back of the couch.  He takes his tail and foot and swishes my head/hair.  Drives me crazy.


Ever notice how animals sleep?  His foot is bent over two times.  You'd think that would hurt...I guess not!


You know in all the years he's been my baby boy he's never scratched me, either by accident or anger!  He's never scratched anyone.


My friend (who's quick enough to trim his nails) says the only reason we know Bill has claws is that we trim them.


He's a pain in the buttocks (long o) but he's wonderful.


My daughter's dog Luna, now that dog lives like a rock star.  Right now she's with my daughter, her boyfriend and their friends from high school skiing in Vale.  Been there since Friday.  They'll be home on Monday. 


The dog has booties that are made especially for walking in snow.  This dog (like many, I'm told) loves snow.

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Bill is quite the character @Annabellethecat66 !

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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@NickNack How's your boy?

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@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

@NickNack How's your boy?



@Annabellethecat66   He's sweet as ever.  He's asleep right now.  I laughed when I read that you never felt Bill's claws.  That's amazing.  I can always tell when it's time to trim Henry's nails.  My friend is coming over to help me tomorrow.  We do it every four weeks.  He never means to scratch me, but I can always feel them when it's time for a nail trim.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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@NickNack He does swat at my hand though.  No claws.  He was sitting on my chest (yes, he does that and I can hardly breathe) and for some reason he doesn't like it when I pet him with my right hand! 


I start laughing so hard because he gets angry and swats me.  I'm laughing saying, "Bill, it's attached, nothing I can do about it".


Different subject but I was thinking as I said that about my talk recently with the compound Dr that mixes up the lotion I use for my back.  It's a special mixture my back pain Dr has the compound center make for me.  


I'm finally getting to the I was talking to him the other day and he said he received a call from another patient he makes compounds for.  He said the guy lost his leg in Afganistan.  He said he'd tried so many lotions and pills and everything but nothing would get rid of the phantom pains he gets.


He said he got choaked up when the guy told him that thanks to my Dr's lotion/prescription he no longer has the phantom pain.  He said he was hoping to be able to talk to me one day and wanted to be sure to tell me that my Dr had OK'd the prescription be used and HIS Dr said, "Why not try it".  


It was a win-win all around.  Wonderful, right?  People never know or don't realize that people who have lost a body part have phantom pain from where their body part was (I only know about legs and arms).  We see these people now more than ever and never think about how their pain continues on.  


It probably wouldn't help everyone but it did help this person.