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I'm glad you're past the worrisome part of Sweet Ava not having the autoimmune disease.


Good luck on the upcoming tests.  I wish the best of health for your beautiful Ava.


So, both Ava & Sweet Henry are becoming quite the pair now?  being playful?  Thought I read about this in a different post, correct me if I'm mistaken.


We'll need pics of this as proof  Woman LOL

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NickNack, if it turns out not to be hypothyroidism, and you decide to test for Cushing's, I would like to recommend you send the blood samples to the University of Tennessee's vet school lab, where they can test for both Typical and Atypical forms of Cushing's Disease.   I do not believe that any other testing labs can test for Atypical Cushing's, which is why I suggest UT.  I believe they can also test for Alopecia X, which is another possible cause for Ava's hair loss.  Good luck with treating Ava for whatever is causing the hair loss, I am glad it's not auto-immune, as that can be lots harder to deal with than endocrine issues.

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@jannabelle1 wrote:

Thinking of your Ava and her diagnosis. Our Spuds (16 yo feline) started losing weight last year, had what I considered fur loss/thinning fur (plus he was pulling it out), was cranky, and was so hungry all the time. He was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and was put on Methimazole. Within a very short time, things started turning around for him for the positive. He's now been on the medication for about 6 months and is a totally different kitty. His fur is back to what it was and his mood & hunger cravings are back to what was normal for him, and best of all is that his thyroid number is back to where it should be.


Will be thinking of your Ava and hoping that her diagnosis will be the very treatable thyroid issue.



@jannabelle1   That's wonderful that Spuds responded so well to the meds.  I'm glad things turned around for him.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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@sceniccoast wrote:


I'm glad you're past the worrisome part of Sweet Ava not having the autoimmune disease.


Good luck on the upcoming tests.  I wish the best of health for your beautiful Ava.


So, both Ava & Sweet Henry are becoming quite the pair now?  being playful?  Thought I read about this in a different post, correct me if I'm mistaken.


We'll need pics of this as proof  Woman LOL



Thank you @sceniccoast .  I wouldn't say that Ava and Henry are playful, but she is definitely not as afraid of him as she was.  She did play bow to him the other day, but they didn't play.  Henry didn't quite know what to think.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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@CamilleP wrote:

NickNack, if it turns out not to be hypothyroidism, and you decide to test for Cushing's, I would like to recommend you send the blood samples to the University of Tennessee's vet school lab, where they can test for both Typical and Atypical forms of Cushing's Disease.   I do not believe that any other testing labs can test for Atypical Cushing's, which is why I suggest UT.  I believe they can also test for Alopecia X, which is another possible cause for Ava's hair loss.  Good luck with treating Ava for whatever is causing the hair loss, I am glad it's not auto-immune, as that can be lots harder to deal with than endocrine issues.



@CamilleP   UT's lab is what my Vet uses.  They send everything there.  I will mention testing for Typical and Atypical forms of Cushing's if it comes to that though.  My Vet is excellent.  I go to the best (by anyone's standards and reputation) Vet Clinic in town.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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@NickNack @jannabelle1 


the Methimazole was the medication my two cats were on. I could not think of the name of it! I gave the liquid because it was easier for me.  I also had/have hyperthyroidism! My other cat had glaucoma - so did I ! What are the odds of that? 
They both did very well on the med. 

Keeping sweet Ava in my prayers.

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Anxious to hear about Ava's diagnosis and treatment...and sorry to read Ava is losing her beautiful fur.


My 13-yr-old American Cocker has hypothyroidism and taking Levothyroxine.  Before her diagnosis, she lost fur and had crusty patches on body (she had all the signs of Cushing's but test rendered negative).

Now, she has gained weight and is 50 lbs.  (Her litter-mate has maintained a normal 38 lb.)  So unknown what caused weight gain since she's taking thyroid med. daily.


All the best to both of you!

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Thank you @seaBreeze .  I'm sorry your dog has gained so much weight.  Has your Vet considered increasing her levothyroxine dose?  I've never heard of continuing to gain weight after the proper dosage is reached.


I just Googled it and found an article that said that the dose of levothyroxine should be adjusted whenever there's a significant change in body weight.  This was based on a study of human patients, not dogs.  Of course, I have no experience with this and don't know anything about your dog's situation.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Well, this is a start .. baby steps. 

Maybe Big Brother Henry will finally win Sweet Ava over.  



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I was just wondering how Ava is doing? I miss your daily updates. Hope all is well.