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Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.

I am new to this forum. Don't know how I clicked on this, but I am sending you prayers for your beloved dog.

I just happen to be going through something simular. My beloved Bichon, is going through a really bad time, and she turns 11 on Sept. 3, 2015.   She was just diagnosed with Cancer and it took them 6 months to finally find out this was cancer. She is very sick, and I am not going to put her through any more pain. A dose of medication nearly killed her, as she had nearly died from that.  This is the roughest thing I have ever been though, so I feel your pain, and I am praying for all of these animals. It is so hard, knowing first off that they will not live but a few years, but to see them in pain, is the hardest. I will let my little dog, live out her life, as free from pain as I can possibly do, but when I see that she is suffering from this cancer, I will take her in, and end her suffering the easiest way ever. 

I am so sorry for what you are going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.

@pupwhipped wrote:

Prayers and good thoughts for both you and Grady. Hang in there. Hopefully today is the day they will find out what the problem is...and FIX IT!


I've walked this path many times. Currently I am running the old folks home for doggies. I have one who is eleven, another is thirteen and has cancer, and my oldest, Yogi, will be seventeen in a couple months. There's always someone peeing or puking on the carpet around here. Ha!


I will be praying for Grady today.





Bless you for the kind work you do.

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Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.

Sending all the positive thoughts and prayers I can muster.  Please keep us posted.

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Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.

How terribly frustrating that must be for Grady you and your entire family. I am praying that the doctors find out what is wrong so they can make Grady feel better. Godspeed and keep us updated when you get the chance.

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Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.

@Grama3 wrote:

I am new to this forum. Don't know how I clicked on this, but I am sending you prayers for your beloved dog.

I just happen to be going through something simular. My beloved Bichon, is going through a really bad time, and she turns 11 on Sept. 3, 2015.   She was just diagnosed with Cancer and it took them 6 months to finally find out this was cancer. She is very sick, and I am not going to put her through any more pain. A dose of medication nearly killed her, as she had nearly died from that.  This is the roughest thing I have ever been though, so I feel your pain, and I am praying for all of these animals. It is so hard, knowing first off that they will not live but a few years, but to see them in pain, is the hardest. I will let my little dog, live out her life, as free from pain as I can possibly do, but when I see that she is suffering from this cancer, I will take her in, and end her suffering the easiest way ever. 

I am so sorry for what you are going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you.



Welcome to the forums. You will find many kind and caring people here. Many feel like true friends, even though we have never met.


I am so sorry for what you and your sweet baby have been going through. Such a long road it has been for you both. I can't imagine the length of time to get answers. I will say a prayer for you both, and am glad you have resolved just what you wish to do to see her through to the end of her life. 


I'm a firm believer that when pets are older, sometimes the right choice is to make them comfortable for what time they have left, without all the heroic measures. It's kind of the same as with people, sometimes there is a point in life where the treatments are worse than the disease or the end. They are such hard decisions to make, and all we can do is try to understand the science of what is happening/will happen, and balance it with their comfort. We make our choices out of love and do the best we can, with what we have to work with. 


I hope you and she have many more sweet moments, and relish in them.

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Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.

Don't you wish our pets could talk to us and tell us where it hurts?  Our vet used to say he dreamed of it, because it would make finding what's wrong that much easier.


Prayers for your dear Grady and his health;  prayers to guide his vets in unearthing the cause of his discomfort; and prayers to you and your family for steady nerves and a positive heart to weather this storm. 


We're with you!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.

I am praying for your sweet little furbaby. The vet will guide you as to what direction to take.  My best buddy is gone 3 years on Sept. 25.  The vet tried everything and he concluded, based on his symptoms, that he had a brain tumor.  He was 15 and would never survive surgery.  The vet told me to enjoy every moment with him and he would let me know when it was time.  One day, he couldn't stand up, couldn't even drink or eat, and wouldn't eat his Dairy Queen ice cream cone he ate every day.  He looked at me with mournful eyes that said, 'Mom, please let me go.'  It was one of the saddest things I had to do but I knew he was finally at peace and no longer struggling.  I know you will make the right decisions for your little one because, as painful as it is, we love them.  May God be with both of you.     docsgirl

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Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.

Thanks so much to everyone for all the love and support. It means more than you know.


We should be going in today to see the Dr. about the next step in his journey.


Contacted the finance company that we are working through, and found we have a pretty big credit line (although these bills are adding up so very fast) and that gives some relief from the stress of worrying about the financial aspect of this right now. That stress can be as overwhelming as the actual illness. So many people have pets they love dearly, but the cost of something like this is prohibitive and can become staggering for many. It only complicates the decisions to be made, and leads to feelings of guilt and inadequacy.


Will post more when we know more.

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Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.

I’m so sorry that you are going through this with Grady, as so many of us have with our beloved pets. It’s absolutely the worst thing about having them in our lives. None of us wants to see those sweet innocent souls suffer, but at the same time we don’t want to see them leave us either.


You know your dog the best. Each dog is different in spirit and will. You also know what your family (and you) can tolerate. So you will know when it becomes intolerable.  Don’t feel badly that finances must play a role in your decision. Unfortunately, it’s a fact of life, as much as we’d wish it otherwise. Grady lives in the now and knows that you have given him the best life you could, that’s what matters. It’s quality, not quantity for him right now.


In the meantime, feel free to share your feelings here. You and Grady will be in my thoughts and prayers.

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Registered: ‎07-09-2011

Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.


Sending special prayers for you and Grady.  


The two of you are on a very difficult path and I wish all the best for you.


Our animals give us such love and devotion, it does seem that their lives are especially sort and fragile.  Still as the leader of the pack I feel that since we love each other so much I am the one who must make the last and hardest decision for them.  If it comes to that with you and Grady please know that it is the best gift you can give him to leave this world hearing his mothers voice and knowing that he was loved to the very end.


Sending Love and Light to both of you.

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras