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Anyone use Cytopoint for Dog Allergies?

Was wondering if anyone has used this for seasonal allergies for their dog? It is an injection that lasts for over a month. Seems to be fairly safe and effective, though expensive. Not having an luck with antihistamines and my Bichon is getting a lot of hot spots and we are all up all night with scratching. Oak pollen is culprit. Appreciate any experience you may have had with this Med. Thank you , Susi.

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Re: Anyone use Cytopoint for Dog Allergies?

Our Golden had 3 Cytopoint injections a year or two ago.  NEVER AGAIN!  She was one of the lucky ones.  Here's one of the many websites that explains the dangers of Apoquel and Cytopoint:


Please google cytopoint dangers and decide for yourself.  The manufacturer, Zoetis, doesn't care one hoot about your dog... only about making money!

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Re: Anyone use Cytopoint for Dog Allergies?

My dog has had three injections with good results.  



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Re: Anyone use Cytopoint for Dog Allergies?

I never tried Cytopoint injections for my little old shelter-adoptee Cairn Terrier girl, because she responded so well to Apoquel.  Her previous owners had used high-dose prednisone for years, so by the time I got her, at almost 15 years old, she was in terrible shape.  The shelter started her on Apoquel, and it let her skin heal, her muscle tone return to pretty normal for a very elderly dog, and let her be happy and comfortable for the remaining 18 months of her life.  If a dog is truly suffering from allergies and you cannot eliminate their exposure to their allergens, then it is incumbent on us, who love them and want them to be happy, to give them the medical help they need to live a good quality of life.  If you are using over-the-counter anti-histamines like Benedryl, I'd suggest trying Apoquel first, because you can immediately stop an oral medicine if the dog has a bad reaction, while an injection will last far longer, and a bad reaction may need veterinary intervention.  If Apoquel doesn't work, then discuss the pros and cons with your vet, and make an informed decision based on the best possible quality of life for your dog.

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Re: Anyone use Cytopoint for Dog Allergies?

My dog (Maltipoo, 10 1/2 lbs, 8 1/2 yrs.), just had a Cytopoint injection on Tuesday.  This was his 3rd or 4th one.  He gets them about every 6 months.  I know it's time when he starts "working" and licking at his front paws and some head scratching.  It seems to work for him with no side effects.  Previous to this he had been on Cyclosporine for about two years but the vet didn't want to keep him on that.  He's had some very rare and weird skin and immune conditions, so I am happy that this works for him.

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Re: Anyone use Cytopoint for Dog Allergies?

Thank you for your replies. I was afraid to read article, but did.  Not sure if it makes any difference, but my dog will probably only need one dose to get her thru oak pollen season here in Florida. The usual antihistamines don’t work, and Prednisone is great but can cause trouble. Apoquel worked very well , but she didn’t tolerate it. What else can be used ? She  just made another hot spot on hip. I have tried sprays so she won’t nibble. Every time I check out  meds on internet for her or even me, there are scares and warnings. I have an appointment for tomorrow afternoon with vet for shot, so will see if anyone has anything else to say til then. I may cancel and wait til our regular vet returns from vacation.  

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Re: Anyone use Cytopoint for Dog Allergies?

My pup had one shot almost a year ago.  It took effect immediately and he hasn't had a issue since.

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Posts: 292
Registered: ‎04-02-2013

Re: Anyone use Cytopoint for Dog Allergies?

Thank you all for replies. I ended up canceling appointment for shot. Will see how she does this weekend, and her regular Vet will be back Monday, and he knows her history. She is actually scratching less today, after I upped her Zyrtec to half tablet twice a day. I am glad to see most have had good results, so may give it a try if the scratching gets worse as oak pollen is around til end of March.