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Re: Animals and the afterlife

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First,let me say I am so very sorry for your loss.



i have a wonderful story to share. I lost my soul-dog Barkley a wonderful Corgi 5 yrs ago.,age 18.. I say," soul-dog"  because after my DH died he brought me back to life and into the world and he taught me to love life again.I am formally CorgiMom,if anyone here remembers me. Smiley Happy


 On the first anniversary of his death,I got up at 6am and went to thedoor to get my newspaper as I always do everyday. I opened my door and there was a Corgi just like Barkley approaching my direction.I had never seen this dog before that day.  Well he came towards me,Came up my front stairs like he lived there forever and proceeded to walk right into my house.I had gotten a new pup by then, a real barker,Maltese .My Maltie never made a sound!  This Corgi walked quietly throughout my home,into every room and thencame back to me.


I was overwhelmed and in shock.He let me hug and kiss him and generally just love him up for a while ....then he just walked back down the stairs  and away to his mom waiting outside.


I had explained to the woman that I had lost my beloved Corgi a year  before and I thanked her for letting him come to me and go inside my home . It was all sooooooooooo natural,like it had been something he had done  forever. 


I never ,ever saw that dog again.It has been 4 yrs since that wonderful day.But every year on FB BARKLEY appears in one way or another.Someone will share a post with a Corgi in it.I will see a video of a Corgi or something corgi, EVERY YEAR!!!


I know Barkley is waiting at RB for all of us to be together again.I am looking forward to that day  <3


P.S.   I had to come back to add ,that Barkley and I always had what I called , "Morning Love"   anyone in the pet chat here on the Q that knew me would remember that. Barkley was independent and only submitted to my loving  him up early in the morning.So as I was thinking about this yesterday,I remembered that and now I know why he came to visit me at 6a.m. in the morning . It was our "morning love "  time    Smiley Happy

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Re: Animals and the afterlife

I've never been religious.  But after my son got his dog--my granddog--I changed my beliefs!  I know this dog is God's own dog that he is sharing with us.  The dog was stitched by the angels and is perfect in every way.  He definitely has a soul, and understands many of the things we say to him!  16x16_heart.png

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Re: Animals and the afterlife

I agree with @violann and others.  I think you have to have an open heart and believe it is possible before it can happen to you.  It doesn’t mean it will, but your chances are better.  It is like having an open mind; more will come to you if you just let it.  If your mind gets too focused on one way of thinking…an absolute… it is hard for other possibilities to come to you.  If you open yourself up to possibilities and have patience it is amazing what a difference that can make.  Each to their own comfort level…everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and I totally respect there are differences. 

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Re: Animals and the afterlife

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          (((@Witchy Woman))),  I'm so sorry to read about your dear little Cooper.    For sure, the pain can be overwhelming, and I know all of us grieve with you.   Every time I've had to say "farewell" to a beloved pet, for a long time after that I'm sure I catch a glimpse of a wee furry figure slipping around the corner, or I hear their little voice, or I feel a gentle nudge against my ankle.   I have tears in my eyes when I read these posts.  


          I do believe in heaven, and I do believe animals and their gentle souls go there to eternal peace and joy.    (I'm not a fan of any of the "intermediaries" who claim to be a conduit, but I understand some people do believe.)   


          Please take a look at this article, a detailed discussion of what the Bible says, and I hope it provides answers and comfort.❤️


Do Animals Have Souls?

Safe link:
(Or search for:
"Do Animals Have Souls? Will We See Our Pets in Heaven?")
Here's an small excerpt, from the end of the article:
          " ... I like the story about the elderly widow whose beloved little dog died after fifteen faithful years. Distraught, she went to her pastor.


          "Parson," she said, tears streaming down her cheeks, "the vicar said animals have no souls. My darling little dog Fluffy has died. Does that mean I won’t see her again in heaven?"


          "Madam," said the old priest, "God, in his great love and wisdom has created heaven to be a place of perfect happiness. I am sure that if you need your little dog to complete your happiness, you will find her there.""





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Re: Animals and the afterlife

I have lost many dogs and cats....some I buried in the yard and some were cremated.  I've had a few strange things happen but one in particular stands out.


One night, I get up in the middle of the night( due to old age and overactive bladder) and while on the toilet, I look down and see a cat - which is not unusual as I have 9 cats and 4 dogs.  I reached down to pet the cat and there was nothing to touch....yet I could still see the cat.  The shadow was kind of shimmering and there were a few other shadows in the bathroom with us.


When I went back to bed, I felt a cat jump up on the bed and cuddle in the crook of my knees.  I went to pet the cat and nothing was there.


I think my departed animals make appearances now and then to remind me that they still love me......or at least that's what I like to think.




~~66 and owned by cats and dogs.~~
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Re: Animals and the afterlife

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@gailcoco   I have had the experience of feeling them jump up on the bed, too…or the feel of footprints walking on top of the covers while I was in bed.  I never saw one on the bed when this happened, but I clearly felt the presence of the footprints through the sheets and felt the jump/landing beside me (different events). 


We also have a motion activated night light down low enough that the cat would set off when his tail passed by the sensor.  I have had that light suddenly turn on when all other animals are in my lap and no one else is around.  It happened at just the same time of night the cat used to come to join us for our nightly lovefest in the den. 


Little love messages from beyond.

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Re: Animals and the afterlife

I have two experiences that have stuck with me. 

1.My old roomate responded to my question of whether we would see our pets again, he said that G*O*D knew you would not be happy without them.

2. Billy Graham, in his weekly newspaper column, said they would be there waiting for us.  I believe what Billy Graham says.

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Re: Animals and the afterlife

My husband and I were discussing this not long after we lost a kitty.  He said something that has comforted me since.  "It won't be heaven if our loved pets are not there."  Meaning, they go to heaven and wait for us to join them. Otherwise, how can it be our heaven?  I love that theory and it has given me peace to think our pets are waiting, just like our loved (human) ones.

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Re: Animals and the afterlife

@MalteseMomma   Thank-you....I loved your share. So touching!

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Re: Animals and the afterlife

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 I agree with those who say there will be animals in Heaven. In Isaiah 65 it says,  "the wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox".  Also a white horse that Jesus is riding is mentioned in the last book of the Bible.


The original paradise (The Garden Of Eden) was made for man and there were many animals.  To me, in many ways, animals love you unconditionaly and will forgive people almost anything and reflect the love of God.


DoG      GoD          (I'm not so sure this is coincidence)