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@hkrgrl wrote:

our vet of over 30 years has always charged $10 for nail trim.  price has not changed that i know of. 

we always trimmed our dogs ourselves and our cat. but sometimes when the cat went in for check ups, he would do them if needed and charged.  

our present dog goes to groomer every 6 weeks and they do his nails along with bath and groom. 


vets  charge for everything and they should.  they are not running a free operation.  they have costs too!  if they did it for you then they have to do for everyone, that's a lot of $$ lost. 


i think when u said simulation, the vet was showing your DH how to do it.   if u don't want to pay, then learn to do it yourself.  its not hard, just don't go above the curve of the nail....



Oh, we will never ask them again.  We will try Petsmart or try on our own.


What I will do is  speak to the owner.  We have known her for 23 years, and she is the vet that bought the practice from the owner.


Now, we have one dog and seven cats.  We have had that many or more since we first went there.  We have spent hundreds on cremations, IV fluids, hospital care, med levels, meds, blood work, ultrasounds, x-rays,  thousands and thousands.  Most people think I am wrong (that's okay), but I wouldn't run a business that way.



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@Carmie wrote:

I wish I could use a battery nail trimmer, but it would be too dangerous.  My dogs have hairy, fluffy feet.  You have to fold and hold the fur out of the way when you trim.

I have two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.









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@mrshckynut wrote:



"simulated nail trimming"?  our vet's techs have always done the trimming   and not a simulation   pay for nothing done? 








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@Venezia wrote:

It doesn't sound as if the vet in the OP charged for a non-existent nail clipping; just that she didn't do it.


We're not getting the whole story, so I don't think the vet can be blamed for anything.


My former vet would always do a complimentary nail clipping, when our cats went in for an exam (until we told him not to even try doing our Tonkinese!).  We used to have four cats and he could do the other three no problem.  Woman Very Happy


He gave up the practice (and moved to Florida!), so we switched clinics.  I think our new one would also do it complimentary during an exam.  Otherwise, if it was just a tech visit, I believe it's $15.


I don't subscribe to the theory that all vets are just out for the money.  At least that hasn't been my experience.  And I always remember that the equipment they need to  purchase and the cost of everything else is a large overhead for them.


I know my cat's normal annual exam is around $85.  I don't call that excessive.  As pets age, however, things are bound to get more expensive.  I do know our current vet saved our Tonkinese's life last year - literally.  And there is no price I'd put on that.


There's no mystery here.  My husband said okay and left.  No nail trim was charged. An old saying comes to mind "what goes around comes around."


FYI, I cannot always answer promptly these days.  I am getting cancer treatment, which is why my husband took the dog in.





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@hyacinth003 - Sending you healing prayers and hopes that you will soon be on the road to recovery.  


Thank you for explaining.  I think some of us thought she didn't do the nail trim, but charged for it.  (Perhaps it was just a miscommunication between the vet and your husband.)  In any event, at a time like this, you don't need any more to worry about.  Take care of yourself. 

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@cheriere wrote:

@hyacinth003    I had the same thing happen with Ruby one of her first few visits.  I agree.  As much money as we spend, you'd think that service could be provided at least for a discount.  I watched as it was done by a 20 year old vet tech.    I'm still afraid to trim her nails on my own.


I hate to say this, but vets and shelters wonder why it's so hard to get animals adopted.  Well, the cost of ownership plays the biggest part.  😔

That was on my news today about shelters being full. Some are strays, surrenders or puppies. The news person was interviewing a person at the pet store saying prices have risen $15 to $20 per item. Veterinary expenses are extremely high..Inflation has hurt many families so they need to be careful with finances. It is sad that so many dogs need homes. I would think the shelters would work with pet stores and vets to help get the animals adopted..I imagine many are euthanized, which is heartbreaking. Pet insurance is not inexpensive but helps with costs.

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@elated     Yes, that was on my local news today too.  They said EVERY single cage was full, dogs, cats, rabbits, etc.  Where I live unfortunately the shelters are not no kill, so I'm sure this is what will become of many.  So sad.

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@hyacinth003 wrote:

@mrshckynut wrote:



"simulated nail trimming"?  our vet's techs have always done the trimming   and not a simulation   pay for nothing done? 










and you didn't ask why this pretending is happening






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Well--I just spent $1500+ to get my cats teeth cleaned --she had 3 teeth extracted--that was after her $300+ senior cat check up and a few labs so she could have her teeth done!!! And they wanted to do a $700 test--an echo,  on her heart, because the vet heard a heart murmur. Are you kidding me? I said no to that---she did just fine with the dental--but I  requested a complementary nail trim which was done. She is going on 14 years old and the vets and the techs absolutely LOVE her--she is so easy to work with and it takes 5 minutes--maybe--to trim her nails---of course when I try--she turns into the tasmanian devil !!!Cat Mad

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@hyacinth003 wrote:

@Venezia wrote:

Your vet "simulated" trimming your dog's nails?  What does that mean?


Was she showing your husband how to do it or did she not do it because he didn't want to pay for it?  There seems to be some missing information.


We just took our senior cat to the vet for her annual exam, senior bloodwork and while there had to have an x-ray for a potential problem.  She also had an injection for her chronic nasal issues.


Cost?  $505.  Having a pet and being a responsible owner these days costs money.  Your $175 sounds reasonable, with or without nail trimming.


(Most places I know now charge to trim nails.  Some offer it as a complimentary service, but my cat wouldn't let anyone but me clip her claws.  Believe me, one vet found out the hard way!)



She held her paw as IF she was going to trim the nails, but just simulated it.  Don't know what she thought about payment!






Sounds to me like a billing error, and your account should be credited for the non-service provided. 


Personally, I wouldn't let them get away with this, but that's me. 


Give them a hard time about this.  "Teaching" someone how to cut nails isn't a posted service they provide, is it?