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Am I doing right by my old cat?

Last year, my son came to visit with his two big dogs. They are very friendly and extremely well behaved, but my then 14 year old cat was so freaked out that she stopped eating and nearly died.


She's 15 now and they're coming for Christmas. We have an excellent boarding facility, "pet spa", in town and she'll be staying there for a week while the dogs are at my house.


We two old girls are BFFs and I'm already so sad about having to leave her. I know it's for her own good, but I'm afraid she'll die of a broken heart.


I need someone to tell me I'm doing the right thing.

~ house cat ~
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Re: Am I doing right by my old cat?

@house_cat Why can't the dogs be boarded and the kitty stay home? 

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Re: Am I doing right by my old cat?

If the dogs MUST come, then you are doing the RIGHT THING!!! At least your cat won't be as stressed with the barking and loud noices. 

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Re: Am I doing right by my old cat?

I'm so sorry. That sounds really difficult and I can't tell you what the right things is, but it sounds like you're trying really hard to make the holidays work for both your cat and your son.


Have you talked to a vet about ways to help your cat with the transition? Maybe you could bring something that smells like you to the boarding facility to give your cat some comfort while she's there.

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Re: Am I doing right by my old cat?

An older cat should be fine for a short period of time not having the run of the house.  Can you confine her to your bedroom with strict instructions no one is to enter the bedroom?  

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Re: Am I doing right by my old cat?

Would think keeping them in separate parts of the house would be more comfortable than shipping her off somewhere.

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Re: Am I doing right by my old cat?

your son obviously is doing what's best for him...not what's best for you...sorry...jmo...

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Re: Am I doing right by my old cat?

I would keep the cat at home in a room with a door. Keep food, litter, and water in there also. Make sure you go into room to hold and pet your cat too.

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Re: Am I doing right by my old cat?

I feel sorry for poor old cat being booted out of house and home.  I think I'd tell son to leave dogs at home.  It's just not fair.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Am I doing right by my old cat?

@house_cat   I'm so sorry you have this dilemma.  I know how fragile older cats can be.  I hate to say this, but cats are so territorial that I fear the trauma of going to a strange facility will be too much for her.  Cats are always more comfortable in familiar surroundings.  Is it possible to keep her in another part of the house?  Other than that, I think the dogs should be boarded instead.

Laura loves cats!