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Took my 15 yo kitty to vet for shots and check up.  She seems to be losing weight and fur is coming out in clumps.  Vet was sure it was thyroid (medication for that several years ago almost killed her).  Subsequent blood work showed no thyroid issue.  Doc thought it was that again, she has lot 1 pound in a year.  He was sure he knew what it was but her blood work surprisingly came back perfect.  I was told to switch to kitten food for more protein.  She ate well Mon and Tues but has pretty much stopped eating yesterday and today.  Weighed her and since Monday she has gone from 6 to 5.7 pounds.  She does not seem to be in any distress, she has always been a self feeder and does not overeat.  Any suggestions for getting more protein in her, especially when she doens't want to eat.  I now have 5 cans of open food in the fridge! I even tried putting back her usual food.  He did say he would do xrays if she didn't improve.  Guess you kittly lovers will understand she's my baby.

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Re: Aging kitty..

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We had a kitty who we think had a stroke about a month ago. After blood work, fluids and anti nausea shot she seemed to come around but she refused to eat. We even made an appointment to have her put to sleep but she was improving and we wanted to give her a chance. What we did was put some high protein canned cat food, milk and raw egg in a blender and mix until it was fairly thin so it would go in a syringe. We then proceeded to feed her about five syringe full every couple of hours. Don't make to much because you want it to be fresh but make enough for a day or two. After about four days she started to improve greatly and today is normal. 

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Re: Aging kitty..

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Try baby food. But make sure it doesn't have any onion in it. Also, I would take kitty to another vet for a second opinion. 

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A cat who hasn't eaten in two days is in an emergency situation -- you need to get her to a vet ASAP for a thorough look, including a urinalysis and abdominal and chest X-ray.  She could develop something called "fatty liver," which can be fatal if not treated promptly.


Ask your vet and vet techs to show you how to syringe-feed her until they can pin this down. You can also ask for a mild appetite stimulant to help get nutrition into her and meds to treat what may be nausea from her condition.


Offering this as a kitty lover and guardian for 40+ years -- and praying for your baby to get better. Heart



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Re: Aging kitty..

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Aw-I know every cat is different so its good to keep in touch with the vet or maybe even another vet?

My cat is over 17 and a very healthy indoor cat. I was told by a knowledgeable cat lady at Petco that older cats can't digest or need as much protein!And a vet's assistant told me that older cats should not eat dry food because their kidney's can't digest it as well but I know some do and are fine so each cat is different I guess.

I know this contradicts what your vet told you but I found less protein and no dry food helped my cat from throwing up and bleeding when using her toiletteSmiley Happy This was about 4 years ago.

It is very hard to find senior cat food with 7 or less protein.

For her less protein helped keep her from throwing up and I give her digestive tabs crumpled in her Hill's Science diet urinary/hairball adult cat 7 and over wet pate cat food and only Good Lovin Treats, no dry food which is hard for them to digest.I sprinkle some of the chunky tuna with gravy version of adult science diet/Hills (same brand) over the pate.

I also occasionally give her canned tuna -okay everytime I eat it she gets some.Woman LOL I rinse it off in water to get extra salt off of it.

Then if I ever buy a roasted chicken I break some up and give her white meat.

I have never met a cat who did not love tuna, also chicken.-The real stuff.

We used to give her bits of cheese which she loves but I don't give her human food anymore except the tuna and chicken.

She is very slight and she loses fur too esp. around her tail but like yours she is not in any distress and very content to take lots of naps with me!

I think they are probably like us as they get older-can't eat as much and lose fur/us-hair but eat what they want.

She has only been to the vet I think 3 times in her life and once was because she was throwing up and bleeding-that was her kidneys not able to digest the dry food or large amounts of protein I think because when stopped she was fine. You would never know she is 17. She still runs around when she feels like itSmiley Happy

Sometimes the people at the pet stores, if you find the right one, are very knowledgeable about what pets need at different times.

I hope you find something she likes and will eat and doesn't keep losing. I know you are worried.


"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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I wouldn't over indulge your cat because it is considered a treat, but I've never seen a cat or dog turn down Halo Treats:

I can't paste much about it because they all advertise places you can buy it and it will get zapped!


They are high in protein.  It's not a direct answer but it will increase your cat's appetite as far as eating.  There are several varieties.  I give it as a treat.   You might even try breaking it up and putting a little on top of the cat's food.

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My cat will not eat human food, that includes tuna!  It is only recently, within the last few months she will even eat a cat treat.  She keeps everything she eats down and all bathroom habits through yesterday have been normal.  I will give vet a call if nothing changes.  I am blessed to have a vet I can call.

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I am so sorry that your cat is sick.  I agree with Sammycat1 that a cat that does't eat for two days is an emergency situation.  She needs to go to the Vet tomorrow if she doesn't eat today.  I hope she will start eating and improve.  I hope your Vet can get to the bottom of what is wrong with her.  I would get her in for the x-rays this afternoon or tomorrow at the latest.


I don't understand why your Vet would vaccinate a 15 year old cat if she's an indoor only cat, especially one that's ailing.  Our pets are overvaccinated.  I titer my dog.  Immunity lasts for years.  They really don't need them every three years like they're doing now.  They absolutely don't need them every year.  An indoor cat isn't around other cats and couldn't come down with any of the illnesses that they vaccinate them for.  I do understand rabies as it's the law.  Even that can be titered and explained with a letter from the Vet if the kitty is sick.  I apologize if I sound harsh on this. It just makes me mad that some Vets do this.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

we did not vaccinate until we find out what is going on.

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Registered: ‎06-07-2010
Hi,  Elderly kitty owner myself. I've had times they wouldn't eat. Different for each cat. Sometimes baby food works. Once fresh salmon. Once roasted chicken. Feed by hand. Vet can give appetite stimulant, hated those. Right now all my cats are gobbling up IAMS wet see if you can find it. Very high quality no fake chunks. Don't give up.