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After a Loss, When the Time is Right...

[ Edited ]

A friend sent me this and I wanted to share in hopes it will help someone.  The sentiment would apply to any companion animal.


Andrew Vallender's photo.
The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: After a Loss, When the Time is Right...

This is totally beautiful. Thank you so much.

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Re: After a Loss, When the Time is Right...

Thank you for sharing this very true sentiment.  When I lost my beloved dog several years ago, I never thought I could love again.  I was 'petless' for quite a while until I realized, that while I can't save every animal, I could save one.  I went to our local animal welfare league (a no-kill shelter) and looked for an older cat.  I wanted an older one because the kittens go fast and I worry about the older guys.  There he was, in all his pure white fur and gorgeous green eyes, giving me the once-over.  He captured my heart.  Even though he wakes me at 4:00 am for breakfast, he is my heart and soul.  While my dog will forever be in my heart, so is Mr. Naughty Kitty.  Thank you for the reminder for others who, like me, are feeling they cannot love again after losing a pet.   docsgirl

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Re: After a Loss, When the Time is Right...

I totally agree with that.  Heart

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Re: After a Loss, When the Time is Right...

[ Edited ]

When I lost my Soul dog,Barkley (Corgi  I was formally  CorgiMom) I was devastated. He was my "soul". He had helped me through the death of my DH and got me back into the  world again .He was even a big part of the PetLovers corner here on this board.I was so heartbroken that  my kids got me a little Maltese pup. I wanted no part of him,After 1 day, I called my son and told him to come get this dog NOW!!! He told me he was "out of town" right then at a wedding in Washington,DC and come monday he would come get the pup. I said ok. But by Monday I realised it was ok,at least the pup kept me busy.Son said ok ,if you change your mind I will come get him right away. Well day by day the pup did keep me busy.I refused to "love" him but he was cute and a very good pup ....and my days were filled with careing for his needs. Maltese need lots of attention ,grooming ,ect.  As days went on I caught myself calling this pup by special names,i would catch myslf using names i called my Corgi and repremand myself over it. Smiley Sad


When my groomer would come she would say how cute he is and  he is a good dog I would say ,yes he is,BUt I DON'T LOVE him YET!!! She calmly would say I understand. This went on for a year and one day I suddenly did realise I do LOVE HIM ,even though,I have not forgotten my Corgi one bit . Now he is 5 and i would sacrifice my own life for this little Angel that  saved my life and brought happiness and love to my empty heart. ....  I love you Cozi <3

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: After a Loss, When the Time is Right...

@MalteseMomma wrote:

When I lost my Soul dog,Barkley (Corgi  I was formally  CorgiMom) I was devastated. He was my "soul". He had helped me through the death of my DH and got me back into the  world again .He was even a big part of the PetLovers corner here on this board.I was so heartbroken that  my kids got me a little Maltese pup. I wanted no part of him,After 1 day, I called my son and told him to come get this dog NOW!!! He told me he was "out of town" right then at a wedding in Washington,DC and come monday he would come get the pup. I said ok. But by Monday I realised it was ok,at least the pup kept me busy.Son said ok ,if you change your mind I will come get him right away. Well day by day the pup did keep me busy.I refused to "love" him but he was cute and a very good pup ....and my days were filled with careing for his needs. Maltese need lots of attention ,grooming ,ect.  As days went on I caught myself calling this pup by special names,i would catch myslf using names i called my Corgi and repremand myself over it. Smiley Sad


When my groomer would come she would say how cute he is and  he is a good dog I would say ,yes he is,BUt I DON'T LOVE him YET!!! She calmly would say I understand. This went on for a year and one day I suddenly did realise I do LOVE HIM ,even though,I have not forgotten my Corgi one bit . Now he is 5 and i would sacrifice my own life for this little Angel that  saved my life and brought happiness and love to my empty heart. ....  I love you Cozi <3

@MalteseMomma Thank you for sharing your story; it really hit home with me.  In November of 2014, I lost both of my dogs within 6 days of each other.  I was devastated and heartbroken.  It took me 10 months before I would allow another dog into my home. It's been almost a year now since I got him and, honestly, it has taken almost all of that time for me to fully love him.  It was a very long, slow, difficult process but we are finally there.  

I completely understand how you felt and am glad that things eventually worked out for you.  Sometimes people just don't "get it".  They think that when one dog dies, you just go get another.  It just doesn't happen like that.  

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Re: After a Loss, When the Time is Right...

I understand all of your posts, I too lost my Sweetness & stayed dogless for almost 2 years, then a year ago, my DD took me to animal control, she made the choice, a 3 yr old Lab mix, took her home, she was well behaved but I thought distant, I worried about her past, etc, well it took a year & she is now my heart, I think it took her that long to know she was really loved, she doesn't leave my side & is ecstatic when I come home.  Thanx for this thread.

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Re: After a Loss, When the Time is Right...

What a nice story @spix.  I sincerely hope to get another dog soon as I really like having a 2 dog household.  My next dog will be from a shelter.  

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Re: After a Loss, When the Time is Right...

After we lost our 2nd golden, Rocket, I made it a whole 48 hours.  That was the right time for me, and I knew Rocket agreed. 

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Re: After a Loss, When the Time is Right...

@docsgirl wrote:

Thank you for sharing this very true sentiment.  When I lost my beloved dog several years ago, I never thought I could love again.  I was 'petless' for quite a while until I realized, that while I can't save every animal, I could save one.  I went to our local animal welfare league (a no-kill shelter) and looked for an older cat.  I wanted an older one because the kittens go fast and I worry about the older guys.  There he was, in all his pure white fur and gorgeous green eyes, giving me the once-over.  He captured my heart.  Even though he wakes me at 4:00 am for breakfast, he is my heart and soul.  While my dog will forever be in my heart, so is Mr. Naughty Kitty.  Thank you for the reminder for others who, like me, are feeling they cannot love again after losing a pet.   docsgirl

I am the same.  After the loss of my first dog, I only adopt rescues now.  I adopt older dogs because they get so little interest.  The young, cute ones go fast.  I feel the same too, I can't save them all, but I can save as many as I can.