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100+ Pounds Of Cat Food In My Laundry Room.

 DD said the outside cats we feed needed food so she would pick it up. She stopped on her way home from work yesterday.


She got it out of her car and put it in the laundry room last night.


Imagine my surprise when I went in there this morning and there were 3 big 32 lb. bags of cat food, plus the one still half full.  Over 100 pounds of the stuff. Tess and Petunia eat a different, and yes, more expensive food.


The number of outside cats that show up for a meal varies, sometimes 3/4 sometimes the whole crew of 11/12. They are spoiled little beasties.


Time to set up their winter shelter so they have a warm, dry spot.


It official, we are 2 crazy cat ladies.



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Re: 100+ Pounds Of Cat Food In My Laundry Room.



Beware!  That stuff, if not in a lidded metal container, attracts mice like a magnet, especially this time of year.  Tell DD to go to Walmart and get a metal (not plastic) garbage can.  They'll eat a hole through plastic...ask me how I know.  Or fill the laundry room with feral cat mousers.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: 100+ Pounds Of Cat Food In My Laundry Room.



You are so right! I had an entire large bag of dog food in the back hall for my mom's dog, and mice chewed a hole in the bottom of the bag and started to help themselves. They must have thought that they hit the jackpot, until I put an end to their free lunch, and also put an end to them... 😲🐁🐁

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Re: 100+ Pounds Of Cat Food In My Laundry Room.

Your daughter and mine could become friends.


As all of you have heard over and over (sorry), my youngest daughter has been staying with me to make my life easier.


She went to the bird store and came home with 2 huge bags (must be at least 35 lbs each) of bird seed (shelled) and some Nija seed, new feeders (a new bird book for her) and a few other trinkets from there.


She's been stocking up on toilet paper and paper towels for me and 5 cases of Pepsi (real sugar).  I drink one in the morning instead of coffee but I'm very specific.


Now she knows about my habits and gets it before I even think about it.


I'm so terribly spoiled. hoo...she leaves back to Denver tomorrow early afternoon.


I'm going to miss her terribly.  She is one of the kindest people I've ever known.  There aren't many people who are just kind, you know, but she truly is.


I could hop on a plane and stay with her (she even rented a house with an extra room for me).


Anyway, I know you know you are lucky to have such a wonderful daughter just as I know I'm lucky. Stay safe sweet girl, Annabellethecat.

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Re: 100+ Pounds Of Cat Food In My Laundry Room.

@Annabellethecat66    So, do you have a metal container for all that birdseed? If not, send DD to Walmart tonight as she won't have time tomorrow.  All you need is a mouse problem.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: 100+ Pounds Of Cat Food In My Laundry Room.

Thank you and your daughter for taking care of those cats @CrazyKittyLvr2. I like to have a stockpile, especially with the way things are in the world. I order my pet food from chewy, and early in this pandemic, they were out of our dog food for quite a while.

I sure hope things don't get that crazy this winter.

I put extra food in my husbands shop. I went out there one year, it was so cold out and there was a stray cat in there, it came in thru the doggie door.

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Re: 100+ Pounds Of Cat Food In My Laundry Room.



How kind of your daughter and you to help feed these cats.


I often buy food for a local rescue...AND I've purchased 4 "fat cat" traps for them to do their TNR work.


Most areas have a group that will help with cat overpopulation, so, if the crowd is growing bigger, it might be something you want to think about.


Thanks again from one cat lover to another Cat LOL

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Re: 100+ Pounds Of Cat Food In My Laundry Room.

@Kachina624  It's in very thick sealed plastic bags and the bags are in those ottoman containers with lids on them.


I must have gone bonkers last year because when she went through the QVC boxes I had, etc she found a lot of them.  There's no way anything can get in them.


You've heard the story about how my cat Jack brought me a live mouse as I slept?


I'm very leery of mice.

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Re: 100+ Pounds Of Cat Food In My Laundry Room.

@Annabellethecat66   I agree with what @Kachina624  said about the metal container for the bird seed.  I buy the 20 lb. bags of birdseed from Wild Birds Unlimited and keep the bags in a metal trash can in my garage.  The mice would definitely get into the bags if I didn't do that.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: 100+ Pounds Of Cat Food In My Laundry Room.

@CrazyKittyLvr2 , sounds like my sister. Her house and garage look like a pet store. With help from FURR, she trapped and had neutered (low cost) about a dozen ferals this summer. Think of the number of cats that won't be living on the streets. I'm proud of her and what she does. Kudo's to you and your daughter.