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I think the teacher needs to say to the entire class that "we keep our hands to ourselves" even at that age (or the insinuated disabilty by posters here). It is something all children should know.

Then the teacher needs to keep reinforcing it. The teacher knows this and it makes one wonder why it isn't being done.

While I get the sticker/chart situation gets overboard maybe this is what this little girl needs. A visual reinforcement.


The parents are not interested...they expect the school to do their job. SMH

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Is the child developmentally backward?


When you saw the parents with their faces buried in their phones, why didn't you explain to them that she does this to your grandchild ,and it is very upsetting to her?


I think the little girl might have a problem that the parents need to address.  The school needs to take charge of this situation ,and  make sure it stops or the child must go elsewhere

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As a parent, grandparent and retired teacher, if another child was touching my child, I would immediately let the teacher and the parents know.  I would not bring up you've been told the child touches other children


Even if the child had developmental issues, the behavior is inappropriate.


If the issue continued, I would go to a higher authority.

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Re: "Touchy" situation

[ Edited ]

IT is not up to your granddaughter's parents to confront the parents of the little girl doing the touching.  It is up to the school's administrators to deal with the situation.   AT my grandson's pre-school children who behave in a manner that is not socially acceptable are given "time outs".  I would think that being given a time out several times when she exhibits this behavior would help to resolve the issue.

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I think the preschool should refund the parents their money and not allow the little girl to go to school there if they aren't interested in fixing the problem. Sounds like a little girl who doesn't know how to befriend other kids the right way. Maybe she is really ignored at home and just starving for attention.

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@ccassaday wrote:

I think the preschool should refund the parents their money and not allow the little girl to go to school there if they aren't interested in fixing the problem. Sounds like a little girl who doesn't know how to befriend other kids the right way. Maybe she is really ignored at home and just starving for attention.

That's a lawsuit against the school waiting to happen...

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@CelticCrafter wrote:

@ccassaday wrote:

I think the preschool should refund the parents their money and not allow the little girl to go to school there if they aren't interested in fixing the problem. Sounds like a little girl who doesn't know how to befriend other kids the right way. Maybe she is really ignored at home and just starving for attention.

That's a lawsuit against the school waiting to happen...

Why. Preschools are private entities. Your not talking public government schools.

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@ccassaday wrote:

@CelticCrafter wrote:

@ccassaday wrote:

I think the preschool should refund the parents their money and not allow the little girl to go to school there if they aren't interested in fixing the problem. Sounds like a little girl who doesn't know how to befriend other kids the right way. Maybe she is really ignored at home and just starving for attention.

That's a lawsuit against the school waiting to happen...

Why. Preschools are private entities. Your not talking public government schools.

Depends if it is Head Start etc.. Some public school districts do have preschool, and pre-k.

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It sounds to me like the girl is on the Autism spectrum. Often, those kids are very tactile. The teacher may know a lot more than she is legally allowed to tell. Teacher should offer a manipulative, or fidget, to the child. When she touches another child she needs to be redirected to her fidget. I know her touching the other children bothers them, but it doesn't sound as if she is touching them in an "inappropriate " or malicious way. As a parent, I would explain to my child that other children haven't learned how to behave yet, but if the child isn't hurting your child, she could try showing compassion to the girl. Often, it takes time to refer a child for testing and appropriate therapy. If you trust the teacher, I'd let her handle it. I'm sure she's on it. Good luck.

Never underestimate the power of kindness.
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@qualitygal wrote:

I'd have her wear a whistle around her neck and everytime that little girl touches her, she blows it as hard as she can. Have your daughter tell the principal they see no other way. The school should be tending to this. They need to talk to the girl and her parents and say, keep your hands to yourself. Honestly, what happened to making children mind?

This wouldn't last but for one blow.  It would disrupt the entire classroom and the teacher, rightfully so, would take the whistle away.